This is my plant after spider mites.. should i chop or let her finish?


Well-Known Member
She is about 1.5 months into flowering give or take. She was attacked by Spider mites and fungus gnats which are now under control. Should I try to salvage now or let her continue to grow to see if she pulls through?



Active Member
Id make me some killer thai stick outa that,lol,just get the mites out before you cure it,nice looking top,theres plenty info on get them gone here,


Well-Known Member
hanging them for a few days will get rid of the mites. they prefer live plant tissue and will usually leave. let your pots dry out a few days before harvest to help speed up the tissue "dying" if your in soil.


Well-Known Member
You have plenty of leaves left to keep flowering, but might be a few days slower finishing due to stress and less leaves. If she were mine I would let her finish. Good luck!

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
you can let it go some more but clean out all the dead leaves. and as stated above, your buds may be covered with webs from the mites depending on how bad the infestation was. if you didn't kill the eggs, then they will be back.


Well-Known Member
I have preventative measures set up to kill any new spider mites hatching, so we should be good. Ill keep everyone posted since I am going to still flower her


Well-Known Member
As long as your not webbed up keep going. It wont turn out 100% perfect but it will b e good still


Well-Known Member
As long as you don't mind smoking spider mites keep it going, those fuckers get stuck in trichomes and I don't care what method you use their still going to be stuck to trichomes. IF you let it grow please don't offer it to anyone, my advise would be to make oil of her.


Well-Known Member
what up G Funk . keep it going and get lady bugs . they will eat all the mites and eggs.


Well-Known Member
I ended up chopping today, may be a little early but I am eager to get a new plant in there and go Indica since I dont prefer Sativa and this one was Sativa. Most hairs were turning amber anyways so it wasnt too early. Nice little harvest for the size of the plant.
