this is my situation


Active Member
i have a 90 and 60 watt flourescent light
i have 1 plant thats about 12 or 13 days in a 1 foot by 1, pot with potting soil soil that feeds for 9 months
i keep the lights on 24 hours a day
i was told to switch to 12 hours for flowering, is that true and do u think with this set up it will grow to flowering
wat r the chances of bein a female
sry, no pics, no camera


Well-Known Member
this is the same question i have my plants are really awesome looking, but i leave my flor. on 24 hours also. when should i cut to 18 hours then 12???? and how do you POST ON HERE!?


Active Member
u go to new posts click on wat u want to post under like indoor growing, and click new thread