This is sad...


Well-Known Member
They should let the father out to see his daughter. Lets form a RIU army and break his ass out!!

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
Very Sad.. But the main question is what is his background? What is he in prison for? Prison is meant to PUNISH you.. so this is part of his punishment unfortunately and since his stupid fucking ass got caught doing whatever it was he did his whole family is suffering as well.. It's very sad on all fronts..


Well-Known Member
He is in prison for "drug charges". This is the kind of stuff that makes me have bad days...always being reminded of the damn fools that this world is choc full of :-(. If there is a hell, I hope they all burn in it.


Well-Known Member
that's just depressing.... I don't understand how anyone can be so cruel. the docters should try giving her some cannabis oil, I bet that would help the tumors. instead of running from the cure. then she might live long enough to see her father when he's out anyway.


Well-Known Member
Yankton Federal Prison Camp

1100 Douglas Ave
Yankton, SD 57078
(605) 665-3262

I urge all of you to make a call (if its safe for you to do so) and show your support for this guy (Jason Yaeger I assume), he's in there on meth charges, which I look down on very much so... but this is his dying daughter and no drug charge should keep a man from seeing his daughter in a situation like this. I also found out, it's a minimum security prison... meaning people are allowed to do this sort of thing without so much concern, it's just plain cold-heartedness that these people are showing toward this family.


Well-Known Member
Yup,it sucks but such is the reality of prison life,once you break those gates your no longer a human being with rights & emotions, you become a number with a yearly dollar value attached to your head,a number that any con will never forget for the rest of his life.

Shit like that only reinforces my deep rooted life long hatred of the justice system.


Well-Known Member
Yup,it sucks but such is the reality of prison life,once you break those gates your no longer a human being with rights & emotions, you become a number with a yearly dollar value attached to your head,a number that any con will never forget for the rest of his life.

Shit like that only reinforces my deep rooted life long hatred of the justice system.
EXACTLY, our justice system is screwed.

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
wow........I think I'm bout to cry.......damn. america's suposed to be the land of the free and the home of the brave.........personally I think it's just a place for fools to gather. I know life is fucked up, shit happens, people murder, people massacre, people torture, but any sane person would try to grant someones dying wish. especially a little girls.


Well-Known Member
A nice update on this one a few years after... her father was allowed to see her and spent many days with her because of all the media and phone calls that poured in to the correctional facility.