This is why I gave up alcohol (hard drug) for pot


Well-Known Member

This kid is 1 year younger than me and I would bet my savings that he is not going to make it. I started drinking in high school but maybe had 2 cases of beer total before I graduated. After that I got my own place and a friend of mine who "liberated" cases of beer from his job needed a place to store it. He was "liberating" 4 and 5 cases a night and so we managed to fill an entire linen closet and my fridge with cases of beer. Since supply was my biggest problem in the past I was living it up. Getting very buzzed if not drunk every night, week day or weekend, didn't matter. That went on for 2 years till I got married at which point I slowed down till my 21st birthday. After I could pick up booze on the way home from work it made it a lot easier. At my low point I was doing a 12 pack every single night. Shortly after I had some bloodwork done for something unrelated my doctor noticed my liver function was through the roof. From then on I switched to pot and have not looked back since. Something about waking up refreshed and not killing myself really did it for me.

The UK is seeing a lot more of extremely heavy youth drinking I think more because of the lower drinking age but also the cultural acceptance. Hell living in the south I am seen as "less of a man" if I don't have a beer in my hand at the BBQ, I can remember chatting with male relatives and them talking about the "fag" that just walked in with a soda.


Well-Known Member

This kid is 1 year younger than me and I would bet my savings that he is not going to make it. I started drinking in high school but maybe had 2 cases of beer total before I graduated. After that I got my own place and a friend of mine who "liberated" cases of beer from his job needed a place to store it. He was "liberating" 4 and 5 cases a night and so we managed to fill an entire linen closet and my fridge with cases of beer. Since supply was my biggest problem in the past I was living it up. Getting very buzzed if not drunk every night, week day or weekend, didn't matter. That went on for 2 years till I got married at which point I slowed down till my 21st birthday. After I could pick up booze on the way home from work it made it a lot easier. At my low point I was doing a 12 pack every single night. Shortly after I had some bloodwork done for something unrelated my doctor noticed my liver function was through the roof. From then on I switched to pot and have not looked back since. Something about waking up refreshed and not killing myself really did it for me.

The UK is seeing a lot more of extremely heavy youth drinking I think more because of the lower drinking age but also the cultural acceptance. Hell living in the south I am seen as "less of a man" if I don't have a beer in my hand at the BBQ, I can remember chatting with male relatives and them talking about the "fag" that just walked in with a soda.
Thats really sad. I never want to live in the UK if I am considered gay for drinking sodas. Beer is disgusting and so is rum. I cant take a sip of any dark liquor. Also your moving way to fast with your life in my opinion lol some people grow up to quick. :peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
fuck that dark liquor is the only way to go with liquor... and beer

clear shit is for girls.

im not a drinker though POT FTW!


Well-Known Member
Man im with you on this one. My girlfriend and I both dont drink. When my family has get togethers, they get together to drink. Now my mom doesnt drink often (when we go out to eat), but at family gatherings its a different story. Anyways we always get asked why were not drinking, are you not going to have a drink, etc. Its annoying, we simply just dont like the feeling of being drunk. Were both daily smokers (family knows we smoke, but not this much) and were looked down upon for it. Unfair?


Well-Known Member
I do drink, but theres no way I could actually get hammered more than once or twice a week, and thats only at college. I simply dont like drinking that much, id waaaaaay rather have a bongload. This news article makes it seem like the guy is not at fault for his actions, when in reality he made the choice to kill himself.


Well-Known Member
that shits crazy, they are hard core drinkers at family functions yet smoking the herb that isnt nearly as harmful or dangerous as alcohol is still looked down upon...i feel ya man that blows

tea tree

Well-Known Member
listen to this. I was a hardcore drinker for 10-15 years and at the age of 30 they told me I had two years left to live with terminal liver disease. I also developed a nerve condition where I am in constant pain which is why I returned to my highschool favorite marijuana. Now I am three years sober, full of metal tubes, and taking opiates and weed all day to recover from a decade binge of vodka. I thought I was having fun, man, I was a dumbass. Funny part I now love being sober, I exercise like mad, and that is when they told me I was dying. Dont cry, I will get that transplant, I am prime candidate. If I had just stuck to pot, lol, or whatever. But liquor might be quicker than anything but it does not hold up to sobriety and the fact that your body cant take that. It can take exercise and pot. Stop drinking, lol. Someone who knows. It is a waste of fun, just a stupid thing when real life seems to easy and we think we are immortal. :) We are not immortal.


Active Member
I'd rather be burnt out than hungover any day of the week. You're absolutely right, alcohol is a very hard drug.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I hate being at a party and people offer you drinks and when you say "no thanks" or "I don't drink" they always ask "Why not?". Its like you're supposed drink. But at the same time, all hell could break loose if your were to suggest smoking a bowl.


Well-Known Member
I hate being at a party and people offer you drinks and when you say "no thanks" or "I don't drink" they always ask "Why not?". Its like you're supposed drink. But at the same time, all hell could break loose if your were to suggest smoking a bowl.
I know man! I cant believe how closed minded some people are. You bring up marijuana and people claim its bad! Luckily I can school them little bit on the wonderful plant. You cant blame them, they just know what they learned in school. How can a plant that grows, is chopped, dried, and than smoked be harmful? Every other popular drug undergoes some sort of alteration. We need to educate people on the real benefits of marijuana and not propaganda.


Well-Known Member
drink white rum,itll make you stumble down....a couple beers a day doesnt hurt ya know but a twelve a nite is lower quality destruction,,,,smoke the herb its a higher quality ....herb is the healing of the nation....


Well-Known Member
i was an extremely heavy drinker from 15 to about 18. nightly monday thru monday getting shit faced.

then i stopped for a while cuz i didnt have money for it but then i realized how shitty you really felt. when you get into that mode you dont realize how hurt and destroyed your body really is.

now im a daily smoker. and i get drunk maybe 2 times every week and a half or so. and i like it so much better. but my best friend is a drinker not a smoker at all and he used to always look down on me for smoking. and he would never understand when i would try to explain to him alcohol is a drug too and is way worse for you than weed.

hes more accepting now.