THIS is why I grow my own organic meds...


Well-Known Member
i found it interesting there is no qualifications for a testing lab, which leads one to the question exactly what methods are they using to test if they are receiving such drastically different numbers. I just picture you sending the nugs to a guy he smokes it throws a dart at the wall it hits a number he rights it down with a graph that goes with it.. you pay him and everyone is happy.


Well-Known Member
In my "day job", I work closely with (legitimate) analytical labs. When we send a soil, air, or water sample in for analysis, we receive our results in a 20+ page report. One page gives the sample results, while the other 19 or so document the calibration and quality control tests and procedures the labs go through to ensure that their results are accurate and repeatable.

I wonder what would happen if you asked a medical MJ lab for their QC documentation? I might just give one a call..


Well-Known Member
In my "day job", I work closely with (legitimate) analytical labs. When we send a soil, air, or water sample in for analysis, we receive our results in a 20+ page report. One page gives the sample results, while the other 19 or so document the calibration and quality control tests and procedures the labs go through to ensure that their results are accurate and repeatable.

I wonder what would happen if you asked a medical MJ lab for their QC documentation? I might just give one a call..
I met a "lab technician" from a local lab here in Michigan, and OMG! He looked like he just wrapped up a 2 week meth bender. I wouldn't trust him to check my oil in my car let alone get shit straight with a marijuana lab test


Well-Known Member
Sad but true. A whole LOT goes into assuring that GC/MS lab equipment is running properly. One step is to test matrix spike samples. Basically, this would mean spiking a bud sample with a known quantity of THC and checking that the lab instruments register the proper increase in concentration. As far as I know, labs DO NOT have access to pure THC for matrix spike analysis. Do they run "blank" samples with no THC to ensure they aren't reporting artificially high cpncentrations? Do they test a blank after each batch of samples to ensure that their cleaning procedures were sufficient (do they even have standard operating procedures for cleaning their equipment?). Where are these results?

Until ALL of this and more has been addressed by an MJ lab, their results are 100% bogus and cannot be trusted.


Well-Known Member
That's why everyone should grow their own shit. You grow it, you know what was used for fertilizers for insect control and such. I always use organic soil and nutes along with organic pesticides. Killing with medicine is bad business.


Well-Known Member
I used to work as waste water chemist in Oregon. The company designed the systems where astronauts can drink their own pee in space. We were a private lab, but doing some government contract work. However as far as I know, anyone who advertises as a working "lab" in state has to go thru the state DEQ. They certify everything: scales, chemicals, certain machines, glassware.

Yet, the bastards just allowed 200 different types of chemicals to be grandfathered in for our dispensary law, after they proclaimed all mmj had to be tested. People are in uproar, with no way to address the solution until next session. Thus they, the state, is trying to avoid the shitstorm, that their shit overlords are shit promising. Shit-astic!


Well-Known Member
Good looking spice thats crazy but tru I see people post on this site they grow dank amd wont even smoke rhere own shit and thats bad news there.