This isn't over.

Resurrecting an old thread just to say,

This isn't over.

We have a few more years of gridlock, division and threats to our constitutional democracy. Then, the dams will break and we'll get shit done.

People who say what we are going through unprecedented division and deadlock were poorly served by our educational system. Same thing happened four other times in our history. Same pattern that we are in the middle of now. Stagnation, division, gridlock, conflict, resolution and then rapid and meaningful change.

History Teaches that Constitutional Reforms Come in Waves. We May Be Approaching One Now.
In U.S. history, previous periods of gridlock and partisanship eventually gave way to bursts of constitutional amendments.

We’ve studied the history of the amendments to the U.S. Constitution and found that most of them come in waves after long periods of constitutional inaction. What’s more, those short bursts of activity typically have followed periods of deep division and gridlock like ours. In fact, history suggests that periods of extreme political polarization, when the normal channels of legal change are blocked off due to partisan gridlock and regional divides, can usher in periods of constitutional reform to get the political system functioning again.

What this suggests is that a new round of constitutional revisions might be possible in the not-too-distant future.

Demographic shift toward multicultural democracy has been underway in the US and the old white power structures in this country are losing power. The first half of this decade is when we move through conflict. Resolution, when it happens will be swift. Republican radicalism wrote the agenda for the next wave of constitutional reform. Gun regulations, protecting women's rights, protecting voting rights, reforming the tax system to become more equitable, universal access to good healthcare, reforming the justice system and most of all, reforming political campaign contributions.

It's going to happen. Give it a few years. Old white nationalists are dying off. Demographic shift to multicultural society and plural democracy is inevitable.
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Resurrecting an old thread just to say,

This isn't over.

We have a few more years of deadlock, division and threats to our constitutional democracy. Then, the dams will break and we'll get shit done.

People who say what we are going through unprecedented division and deadlock were poorly served by our edcational system. Same thing happened four other times in our history. Same pattern that we are in the middle of now. Stagnation, division, deadlock, conflict, resolution and then rapid and meaningful change.

History Teaches that Constitutional Reforms Come in Waves. We May Be Approaching One Now.
In U.S. history, previous periods of gridlock and partisanship eventually gave way to bursts of constitutional amendments.

We’ve studied the history of the amendments to the U.S. Constitution and found that most of them come in waves after long periods of constitutional inaction. What’s more, those short bursts of activity typically have followed periods of deep division and gridlock like ours. In fact, history suggests that periods of extreme political polarization, when the normal channels of legal change are blocked off due to partisan gridlock and regional divides, can usher in periods of constitutional reform to get the political system functioning again.

What this suggests is that a new round of constitutional revisions might be possible in the not-too-distant future.

Demographic shift toward multicultural democracy has been underway in the US and the old white power structures in this country are losing power. The first half of this decade is when we move through conflict. Resolution, when it happens will be swift. Republican radicalism wrote the agenda for the next wave of constitutional reform. Gun regulations, protecting women's rights, protecting voting rights, reforming the tax system to become more equitable, universal access to good healthcare, reforming the justice system and most of all, reforming political campaign contributions.

It's going to happen. Give it a few years. Old white nationalists are dying off. Demographic shift to multicultural society and plural democracy is inevitable.
If the republicans win you will have the biggest constitutional reform of all, it's utter destruction.
If the republicans win you will have the biggest constitutional reform of all, it's utter destruction.
Yes we are in conflict right now and right wing radicals represent a clear and present threat to our democracy and society.

I highly recommend a podcast called Revolutions that traces the string of revolutions in Europe and the Americas beginning with the English Revolution and now wrapping up the series on the Russian Revolution, spanning about 300 years. Several times during this arc of revolution, the counter-revolutionary forces that sought status quo prevailed and their harsh crackdowns on revolutionary movements seemed complete. But the setbacks to progress away from autocracy were temporary. Economic, demographic, technical and social change eventually forced out the old autocratic agrarian systems of government. It sucked if a person was on the short end of counterrevolutionary moments. The prisons on Devil's Island were filled with those people in the 1870's due to a crackdown by conservative French liberals. That government was later overthrown.

US demographics are shifting toward more diversity in this country. Republicans might be able to throttle freedom for a while but they are in a war against a birth rate. Those old fuckers can't win.
Yes we are in conflict right now and right wing radicals represent a clear and present threat to our democracy and society.

I highly recommend a podcast called Revolutions that traces the string of revolutions in Europe and the Americas beginning with the English Revolution and now wrapping up the series on the Russian Revolution, spanning about 300 years. Several times during this arc of revolution, the counter-revolutionary forces that sought status quo prevailed and their harsh crackdowns on revolutionary movements seemed complete. But the setbacks to progress away from autocracy were temporary. Economic, demographic, technical and social change eventually forced out the old autocratic agrarian systems of government. It sucked if a person was on the short end of counterrevolutionary moments. The prisons on Devil's Island were filled with those people in the 1870's due to a crackdown by conservative French liberals. That government was later overthrown.

US demographics are shifting toward more diversity in this country. Republicans might be able to throttle freedom for a while but they are in a war against a birth rate. Those old fuckers can't win.
That only applies if the majority rules and it does not do that in America, where the rubber meets the road with voting rights and gerrymandering, or in the senate where geography and the filibuster trump democracy, or electoral college. America allows minority rule and will continue too unless reformed. If the democrats can win big enough in 2022 they can do most of the reform in 6 months. They need to pass anti domestic terrorist laws first though, before any other reforms, because all reforms will be met with terrorism.

I hope it's just trying to scare the electorate, but all the pundits are saying the republicans will win the house in 2022. If they do, the first order of business will be will be to impeach Joe Biden over nothing The second order of business will be to shut the country down until Trump is released from a NY state maximum security prison cell. Though with Donald muzzled and behind bars, the elected republicans will be inclined to leave him there to rot. The worst of the base however, is in control of the party and they might have different ideas about King Donald.

Normally I'd say that Trump's legal problems leading into the 2022 election would be enough to finish them, but actual facts no longer matter to almost half the voters in America. One can only hope that Donald will seek revenge on the GOP for insufficient loyalty, but that might be hard to do from inside a NY state max security prison cell. It will be max security too, Donald has a large terrorist following and the judge and jury will receive hundreds of death threats during and after the trial. All this will be considered by the NY department of corrections.
Yes we are in conflict right now and right wing radicals represent a clear and present threat to our democracy and society.

I highly recommend a podcast called Revolutions that traces the string of revolutions in Europe and the Americas beginning with the English Revolution and now wrapping up the series on the Russian Revolution, spanning about 300 years. Several times during this arc of revolution, the counter-revolutionary forces that sought status quo prevailed and their harsh crackdowns on revolutionary movements seemed complete. But the setbacks to progress away from autocracy were temporary. Economic, demographic, technical and social change eventually forced out the old autocratic agrarian systems of government. It sucked if a person was on the short end of counterrevolutionary moments. The prisons on Devil's Island were filled with those people in the 1870's due to a crackdown by conservative French liberals. That government was later overthrown.

US demographics are shifting toward more diversity in this country. Republicans might be able to throttle freedom for a while but they are in a war against a birth rate. Those old fuckers can't win.
No, but it might cause them to kill a LOT of people.
That only applies if the majority rules and it does not do that in America, where the rubber meets the road with voting rights and gerrymandering, or in the senate where geography and the filibuster trump democracy, or electoral college. America allows minority rule and will continue too unless reformed. If the democrats can win big enough in 2022 they can do most of the reform in 6 months. They need to pass anti domestic terrorist laws first though, before any other reforms, because all reforms will be met with terrorism.

I hope it's just trying to scare the electorate, but all the pundits are saying the republicans will win the house in 2022. If they do, the first order of business will be will be to impeach Joe Biden over nothing The second order of business will be to shut the country down until Trump is released from a NY state maximum security prison cell. Though with Donald muzzled and behind bars, the elected republicans will be inclined to leave him there to rot. The worst of the base however, is in control of the party and they might have different ideas about King Donald.

Normally I'd say that Trump's legal problems leading into the 2022 election would be enough to finish them, but actual fact no longer matter to almost half the voters in America. One can only hope that Donald will seek revenge on the GOP for insufficient loyalty, but that might be hard to do from inside a NY state max security prison cell. It will be max security too, Donald has a large terrorist following and the judge and jury will receive hundreds of death threats during and after the trial. All this will be considered by the NY department of corrections.
I don't dispute that Republicans represent a short term threat to our democracy and constitutional democratic government. I don't know how effective their anti-voter laws will be. Maybe they've done enough to seal our fate and put themselves in power as a minority. History shows that times were not kind to people who do that. History doesn't always repeat itself. But maintaining white supremacy and white privilege in order to keep ever shrinking demographic group in power at the expense of freedom for the majority is a long term loser. They are fighting a birth rate with ideology and I don't think that is a winning strategy.

Sounds like you have gotten pessimistic about our chances of turning this around. I'm not exactly optimistic about the short term but I don't see any alternative to multiculturalism in the US in the long term. Whites had better hope that they don't succeed in killing off our constitutional republic and all the protections in civil rights the document promises, because eventually they will be displaced from power by a diverse coalition. They should leave those protections for civil rights in place for their own good.
I don't dispute that Republicans represent a short term threat to our democracy and constitutional democratic government. I don't know how effective their anti-voter laws will be. Maybe they've done enough to seal our fate and put themselves in power as a minority. History shows that times were not kind to people who do that. History doesn't always repeat itself. But maintaining white supremacy and white privilege in order to keep ever shrinking demographic group in power at the expense of freedom for the majority is a long term loser. They are fighting a birth rate with ideology and I don't think that is a winning strategy.

Sounds like you have gotten pessimistic about our chances of turning this around. I'm not exactly optimistic about the short term but I don't see any alternative to multiculturalism in the US in the long term. Whites had better hope that they don't succeed in killing off our constitutional republic and all the protections in civil rights the document promises, because eventually they will be displaced from power by a diverse coalition. They should leave those protections for civil rights in place for their own good.
I worry that we are very close to a tipping point. If they do install a Fascist, we will be in a dictatorship with a broad removal of civil rights and services. I can imagine such a regime gutting Social Security and then criminalizing poverty. Imagine the level of oppressive control needed to keep tens of millions of the economically desperate (and the wrong race, you know that will ignite beyond its current somewhat restrained condition) down. The social media will enthusiastically throw in with the regime, best of all worlds for them because money and the simple pleasure of absolute power.

January 6 came awfully close to the Reichstag fire, which is when Germany tipped hard, fast and far and required the full and grim efforts of all three great powers to root out.

I wonder what the war will be like. I imagine it would start with massive communication disruptions and takeovers. Imagine finding your investment account empty or sold short. Debit cards, fageddaboudit. Who needs nukes when you can kill an economy by making their wealth and phones go poof?
One potential benefit to having a corporatocracy could be a controlling aversion to war, because for the vast majority of corps, that's not going to be a profitable endeavor.
No, but it might cause them to kill a LOT of people.
The first reforms and laws need to be anti domestic terrorist ones, both to create a list with no fly and no guns and to make new crimes to easily ensnare these hate filled assholes. ALL reforms will be met with terrorism, if the democrats win in 2022, so domestic terrorism laws first and brace yourselves for the worst. The magnitude of the threat will be in proportion to the democrats win in 2022, if they win at all, if they do win the house and the senate, reforms will be very rapid and far reaching, so the first priority must be to address the terrorist threat with federal laws. Then voting rights and reform, then a full blown assault on the for profit domestic disinformation system and media reform including social media. Damn the torpedoes full speed ahead, fight to win and scatter the enemies of the constitution. When you fight for the constitution, there is not as much need to operate inside of it, as in normal politics, this is not politics however, it is cold civil war.