This my first plant


Active Member
I started on 8/23/08 and its 8/25/08 and this is how they look... i got them under a 60 watt.. i used organic soil and water that is mixed with Sodium chloride, edetate disodium citrate and hydrochloric acid to balance the ph... am i on the right track?
anything i need to add?
should i get a worm casting?



stays relevant.
I would up the lighting. Wait to feed them until they indicate that they need it. Otherwise, those will make very nice transplants. Good work and welcome to rollitup!


Well-Known Member
I started on 8/23/08 and its 8/25/08 and this is how they look... i got them under a 60 watt.. i used organic soil and water that is mixed with Sodium chloride, edetate disodium citrate and hydrochloric acid to balance the ph... am i on the right track?
anything i need to add?
should i get a worm casting?
Put them in separate pots stop adding salt to the water. Ever heard of salting the earth? The romans did it to their worst enemies and they could not grow crops on their land for years. Salt water kills plants. What is the ph of your water before you add all that crap?:wall:


Active Member
should i just flush it with water.... i dont even drink the tap water it taste funny i didnt want to give it to the plants like that... i was just mixing some things... this is the first time i ever did this... i need all the help i can get


Active Member
he started to fall over .. do you tink i should take him out.. im going to get pots tomorrow
do you know which is better schultz or miracle grow


Well-Known Member
From what I've seen on here, MG sucks so I would go with Schultz. Your plants will stretch like that when they are not getting enough light. Ideally, you should give them 3,000 lumens per sq. ft. of grow space. Move your lights as close to them as you can without burning them. If you can spend $20 you can order some really good nutes online, like the Fox Farm line. Check them out, they are worth the investment. As far as that hurt plant goes, I would leave it until it's completely dead. You never know when these plants will bounce back. Give it a chance.


Active Member
man do what everybody is telling you, also what kind of light is this 60 watt light?... if ur strapped for cash then go buy some compact florecents, separate pots, a little fan so you can get the lights really close. dont feed until you have done what I said. Peace and good luck