Get the facts right here Chuckie, you claimed (and still are) most vigorously that defoliation stunts growth! I asked you to post any evidence you could find to support your theory, you found none and posted nothing. Other people posted some studies that weren't anything to do with defoliating cannabis plants.
I have posted 2 lot's of pics of different plants that show you are talking utter bollocks, and clearly showing that this is not the case. If anything the defoliated plants grew faster and bigger (red/blue pics)
I have already posted the pictures, so it did happen!!!!! So what exactly do you want to see or are claiming now???? I've already posted the pics of my evidence, what more do you want to see?
You said 'we', but I think you'll find that the other people you mention suddenly went very quiet when confronted with that evidence of actual photographs of real cannabis plants that had been defoliated. It is only you that are still trying to argue the point!
I've shown you the proof already, you just don't seem to have the capacity to take the information on board like normal people.