This picture is creating a FIRESTORM!!

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  • 4.) I do not like it! 2 stars

    Votes: 6 6.0%
  • 5.) I Hate it! 1 star

    Votes: 13 13.0%

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New Member
this picture describes obama and his political agenda perfectly. you wonder why the white house and all these libs are so upset about it, because its true!! people took such harder hits at bush, but you never saw W. go on tv after and take direct shots at americans who opposed him like we're seeing with obama and his administration now. america needs to wake up!
That's because liberals have no sense of humor. Liberalism is a mental illness.



Well-Known Member
And the best humor has some truth in it. This is VERY GOOD humor...:lol:
I still don't understand how it can be offensive. Who cares if Obama is a socialist, so that's no matter. His personal ideology has no bearing when you take into account the congress and lobbyists. And furthermore, socialism is not a bad thing - just another alternative.

As for the white/black thing - nonsense.

The Joker reference confuses me. In the movie (which I didn't watch), didn't the Joker stand for absolute chaos and acting on evil intentions? Didn't he murder, kill, maim, etc...? I'm normally not a dense person, but I don't get it in this case.


New Member
Obama would disagree abut the Socialist label. He knows darn well that would mean a one term Presidency, and rightly so.


Well-Known Member
And furthermore, socialism is not a bad thing - just another alternative.

Yup, Facism, Socialism, Communism...they aren't bad things, as long as they aren't implemented inside the United States. Just as a reminder we have a certain document that SPECIFICALLY restrains the Federal government from taking that kind of control.

It's only by completely disregarding said document and creating a "shell" government that operates around those restrictions that such an affront to our way of life is possible. Case in point, 48 Czars (strong arming private citizens behind the scenes)...activist judges (you know like the ones who throw out legally binding contracts), blind mass media parroting your agenda with ZERO accountability...Man, I long for the days of the Bush administration and their bully tactics... they weren't one tenth the thugs we're dealing with now.

The Joker reference confuses me. In the movie (which I didn't watch), didn't the Joker stand for absolute chaos and acting on evil intentions? Didn't he murder, kill, maim, etc...? I'm normally not a dense person, but I don't get it in this case.

I'm pretty sure it relates to the fact he ran on the platform (at least publicly), he was a moderate, when in fact he is a radical lefty. The whole disguise/mask analogy comes into play


Well-Known Member
I have it as my screensaver at work just to needle my conservative coworkers. Theyre always comparing Obama to Castro and Chavez.
I also had plenty of pictures making fun of G.W. when he was prez so now its Obama's turn.


Well-Known Member
Kick it up a notch,with strings on his shoulders,or how bout a bigger picture of him and all the puppets around him,and all the puppeteer's behind them....


Well-Known Member
I'm with you guys...there's nothing wrong with the pic. Already though there have been cries of racism....(???). A black man in white face. That sure is a stretch and MLK must be spinning in his grave right about now.
First off, this was also done with Bush's portrait before and nobody said a damn thing about it, and secondly, this has nothing to do with racism or the idea of "white face". It is a reference to the "Joker" from The Dark Night. It's referring to his sick and twisted mind and how his (Obama's) ideas of gargantuan government is psychotic and doesn't take into account the feelings of individuals.

Gee people, watch a movie sometime.


Well-Known Member
First off, this was also done with Bush's portrait before and nobody said a damn thing about it, and secondly, this has nothing to do with racism or the idea of "white face". It is a reference to the "Joker" from The Dark Night. It's referring to his sick and twisted mind and how his (Obama's) ideas of gargantuan government is psychotic and doesn't take into account the feelings of individuals.

Gee people, watch a movie sometime.
Yeah because that's all Americans need right now - more mindless movie watching. Keep em entertained. Keep em busy. Keep em distracted.

In Fahrenheit 451, the parlor televisions were the number one mind control device used by the government.


Well-Known Member
Yeah because that's all Americans need right now - more mindless movie watching. Keep em entertained. Keep em busy. Keep em distracted.

In Fahrenheit 451, the parlor televisions were the number one mind control device used by the government.
I rented it, its way more than just an action flick, it has a lot to say politically as well. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I generally never watch television or see movies, but some friends had rave reviews so I watched.

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
Yeah because that's all Americans need right now - more mindless movie watching. Keep em entertained. Keep em busy. Keep em distracted.

In Fahrenheit 451, the parlor televisions were the number one mind control device used by the government.
I agree

People need to read and research. Go deep with your search. All things have a connection somehow. Like a puzzle, you just need all the pieces to see the whole picture. People, places, objects, architecture, art, religion.


New Member
Yes indeed. The foundation of knowledge needed to parse the truth. Some can pour a thicker pad than others. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Yes indeed. The foundation of knowledge needed to parse the truth. Some can pour a thicker pad than others. :wink:
Way to go Cracker! Now everyone has this pic as their avatar and I actually have to read their name rather than looking at the pretty pics alone. Damn you. Forcing me to read...


New Member
Hahah, I ddin't do anything!! If I recall I think Johnny O had the first one, or maybe FF... it is spreading isn't it?

Maybe we should have Joker day!! Everyone who is a regular use the avatar for the same day. It would be pretty visual...