This Plant Must Have Mutated....Can Anybody HELP!!!


Active Member
Hi guys,

I need some advice, input or just anything you've got to offer....I cloned a plant 2 weeks into flowering and it's been a month now since it rooted, but this F****ng plant it's turning out to be really weird! :-(

I had posted another thread about a week or two ago and I was told that this happens when out clone from a flowering plant and that once it went to vegetative state it would go back to normal, but that hasn't been the case....check it out!!!

Any input would be greatly appreciated....has this ever happend to anybody?

Take a look at this pics....

Also guys, can anybodu tell me what's going on with this 2 plants...Haze Auto and Bubblelicious Auto....they got lots of brwon spots and the leaves are curling, I only have been giving them distille water for the last 2 weeks since that's when the seeds nutrients yet!!!



Well-Known Member
dude wtf lol it looked exactly like a basil plant. anyways i had a cutting that also looked mutated give it some time im pretty ure its going to bounce back


Active Member
Yeah bro, that's exactly wtf I said in my first thread...lmao, that shit does look like dam basil don't it....lmao even harder!!!

But that's what I heard, just give it time and they'll bounce back....well, let's see what happens...I'll keep posting.

And yes my friend those are autos (Haze Auto & Bubblelicious Auto) on hydro (Aerogarden).

this is a link to my first thread if u wanna look....