This problem is beating me need urgent help guys


Well-Known Member
get bigger pots, lose the peat moss, for next round. Baby these till finish, or risk re potting. Your roots will stop growing in another week or so anyway.


Active Member
get bigger pots, lose the peat moss, for next round. Baby these till finish, or risk re potting.
Yeah the peat moss is shit i would of done better in coco and next round is defanitly coco. I will have to buy more canna terra professional on tuesday which is 3 days away ahh and its expensive shit lol. What do you think i should be doing now? Feeding more feeding less just giving water??


Active Member
The nutes i have are
Terra flores
Bio canna vega and flores
Hydrococo a+b dutchfest
Heavy weight


Well-Known Member
light feed every time you water. Don't let it dry but don't keep saturated. I wish I could be more specific but without seeing your plant responses to your routine, I'd be pissing into the wind trying to give a definitive plan of action for you. Use the terra Flores and calmag at half strength, find an iron supplement and a kelp for stress. If all else fails brother take cuttings but root them in coco. Pull your lights up whilst your girls are stressed.
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Active Member
light feed every time you water. Don't let it dry but don't keep saturated. I wish I could be more specific but without seeing your plant responses to your routine, I'd be pissing into the wind trying to give a definitive plan of action for you.
Alright no worries man yeah it hard to say lol. So just 1/4 or half strength nutes just keep it to the flowrring nutes and cal mag yeah?


Active Member
light feed every time you water. Don't let it dry but don't keep saturated. I wish I could be more specific but without seeing your plant responses to your routine, I'd be pissing into the wind trying to give a definitive plan of action for you. Use the terra Flores and calmag at half strength, find an iron supplement and a kelp for stress. If all else fails brother take cuttings but root them in coco. Pull your lights up whilst your girls are stressed.
Hey man watered with 1/4 strength nutes today whats for next? Just plain water??


Well-Known Member
Hey man watered with 1/4 strength nutes today whats for next? Just plain water??
keep going with the 1/4. Wait to see if she responds positively. Leave them to dry slightly and in that time you should see change. Have you pulled your light up slightly? Over the next couple weeks start clearing out the damaged leaves. In all probability your problem started with over watering, leading to you over nuting in an attempt to fix. The over nuting caused lock out and all of this in pots too small for new roots to branch un hindered. What you are attempting to do now is to get your plants feeding again by being gentle with your nute strength and waiting untill they want feeding (lighter pots). If you are consistent your plants will respond. Only then will you consider raising your nute strengths. If you have a ppm meter you can measure your run off. The medium impurities will negate an accurate ppm reading but you can at least gauge wether your root zone nutrient levels are raising or lowering (lowering shows they are using nutes).


Active Member
keep going with the 1/4. Wait to see if she responds positively. Leave them to dry slightly and in that time you should see change. Have you pulled your light up slightly? Over the next couple weeks start clearing out the damaged leaves. In all probability your problem started with over watering, leading to you over nuting in an attempt to fix. The over nuting caused lock out and all of this in pots too small for new roots to branch un hindered. What you are attempting to do now is to get your plants feeding again by being gentle with your nute strength and waiting untill they want feeding (lighter pots). If you are consistent your plants will respond. Only then will you consider raising your nute strengths. If you have a ppm meter you can measure your run off. The medium impurities will negate an accurate ppm reading but you can at least gauge wether your root zone nutrient levels are raising or lowering (lowering shows they are using nutes).
Hey mate yeah thats what i thought has happened to. I watered both with 1/4 strength nutes today i now have bottom leaves drying up and falling off and they are not yellow at all. i dont have a ppm metre only a oh metre and a good one at that il try and buy a ppm metre soon :) il have to save up as i dont want a crappy one. Whats for next water 1/4 again?


Active Member
keep going with the 1/4. Wait to see if she responds positively. Leave them to dry slightly and in that time you should see change. Have you pulled your light up slightly? Over the next couple weeks start clearing out the damaged leaves. In all probability your problem started with over watering, leading to you over nuting in an attempt to fix. The over nuting caused lock out and all of this in pots too small for new roots to branch un hindered. What you are attempting to do now is to get your plants feeding again by being gentle with your nute strength and waiting untill they want feeding (lighter pots). If you are consistent your plants will respond. Only then will you consider raising your nute strengths. If you have a ppm meter you can measure your run off. The medium impurities will negate an accurate ppm reading but you can at least gauge wether your root zone nutrient levels are raising or lowering (lowering shows they are using nutes).
Hey man just boight a pom metre online. When it comes i have no odea how to use it ool so some info on that would be great and how to jse it in soiless mediums :)


Well-Known Member
yea looks like they need sum cal mag and lay of the nutes alil bit/more may have a nitro thing going on there also


Well-Known Member
azzah, it looks like you've been over ferting even though you've given low doses. it looks like you first photos show too much fert and the more you try to control this, the worse it gets. why don't you just water when the grow medium, whatever it is, goes dry and see how things go. it looks like you've been getting it wrong for a while so I really don't have much help for you, but I'm not sure that 1/4 strength ferts every time you water is the best thing. maybe if you just do nothing but water when the medium is dry and see if the plants will use up ferts that are already there. if you're using all the fert you've listed to a greater or less extent, that's a mistake. it's too much.


Active Member
Lol no i havent been usuing each nutrient its just everything i have got in my cupboard. I will start just plain water. It sucks that i get told to just fert then just water i dont know how about u 2 more expirences growers come on a agreement on what i should do as i am confused lol. My next grow will be coco. So this is really just a first get to know it grow. The yellowing has stopped on the other plant giving it 1/4 stregnth nutes


Well-Known Member
Lol no i havent been usuing each nutrient its just everything i have got in my cupboard. I will start just plain water. It sucks that i get told to just fert then just water i dont know how about u 2 more expirences growers come on a agreement on what i should do as i am confused lol. My next grow will be coco. So this is really just a first get to know it grow. The yellowing has stopped on the other plant giving it 1/4 stregnth nutes
I stand by my advice mate. You should be Waiting to see response from your plants. From this you will know.


Well-Known Member
keep going with the 1/4. Wait to see if she responds positively. Leave them to dry slightly and in that time you should see change. Have you pulled your light up slightly? Over the next couple weeks start clearing out the damaged leaves. In all probability your problem started with over watering, leading to you over nuting in an attempt to fix. The over nuting caused lock out and all of this in pots too small for new roots to branch un hindered. What you are attempting to do now is to get your plants feeding again by being gentle with your nute strength and waiting untill they want feeding (lighter pots). If you are consistent your plants will respond. Only then will you consider raising your nute strengths. If you have a ppm meter you can measure your run off. The medium impurities will negate an accurate ppm reading but you can at least gauge wether your root zone nutrient levels are raising or lowering (lowering shows they are using nutes).


Active Member
I stand by my advice mate. You should be Waiting to see response from your plants. From this you will know.
Ive been taking your advice lol which is why im saying you 2 who are saying different things come to a conclusion for me. Work together haha. Thanks for your help tho guys i appreciate it


Well-Known Member
Ive been taking your advice lol which is why im saying you 2 who are saying different things come to a conclusion for me. Work together haha. Thanks for your help tho guys i appreciate it
none of us are fortune tellers.


Well-Known Member
usually when the leaf tips turn yellow, then brown, this mean over fert. if that's what you're seeing then go very easy on those ferts if you give more. personally, I wouldn't give any fert, just water and see what happens. let the soil dry out between waterings. remember getting the buds you want is going to take time.