This Rock Has A Face!


Active Member
This has nothing to do with anything, but I had to share. I was hiking earlier this week, and looked down and this rock was smiling at me! No I hadn't taken any psychotropics, but I might of smoked a little. But check it out-- it even has teeth!



Active Member
Yeah my dogs have this odd obsession with it now-- they'll sit and just watch it like they're waiting for it to do something. Makes me wonder if there is more to this rock face than I'm aware of!


Well-Known Member
nice rock.
i mean. it's a rock an all, but it's a good thing you werent on shrooms or acid. you might have fell down laughing and stayed there for a minute.
i know if i was on psychedellics and saw that goofy ass face smiling up at me, the laughter would be injurious.
nice rock.


Active Member
I'll be damned if that isn't the best-looking rock I have ever seen, and that's coming from a former rock collector. I had pussy rocks, dick rocks, tittie rocks, frog rocks, and even a couple rock-shaped rocks. Never a face rock though.