This sh*t has been bugging me all day


Well-Known Member
I've been trying to figure this out for a couple hours now. What movie is it in, where the guy is talking about how his girlfriend has an enlarged clit...that's all I can remember about the movie haha. If I try to google it I get a bunch of porn. +rep to whoever knows.


Well-Known Member
in martin lawerence's stand up RunTelDat he says something like, "clit was so big it looked like a thumb."

is that what you were thinkin of?

Sr. Verde

fuck fuck mother mother fuck!! ....fuck shit fuck!!....sing da rest of it fo me !!

Straight up dude, that is my Droids Ringtone!

Fuck... Fuck

Fuck fuck fuck fuck, mother mother fuck, mother mother fuck fuck, mother fuck, mother fuck, noise noise noise... 1... 2... noise noise noise...

schmokin weed scmokin weed, doin coke. drinkin beers beers beers... rollin fatties, smoking blunts... who smokes the blunts? we smoke the blunts...

fifteen bucks little man, put that shit, in my hand!


Well-Known Member
Wow...Ok well the movie was Clerks 2. He was talkin to his friend about "first it starts off with an enlarged clit, then its an undersized penis" LOL