uh i probaly get away with it because when i call someone a idoit its true. or anything else for that matter, i wouldnt be sayin it unless i knew it too be true LOL so get over it
Drz and I are buddys but we aint some secret people from BCseeds trying to convince people that what they say is real..
if you dont believe what they say about their weed and think its over priced, Great. obviously you dont got the money to spend too even find out if its true or not, Drz happen to have the money and he has found out first hand that its what they say it is.. if thats not enough then its called your in denial and just dont want to believe that some strain can get you high for 8 hours, and for the dude who said its common for a weed to make you high for 8 hours... What are you new to smoking or something?? maybe if its your first time smoking it and you smoke a fat chong too your dome yeah you will be high for 8 hours or so but when you have been smoking it for awhile and got a tolerence thats unheard of.. unless of coarse you have a super strain which is worth its weight in gold because its much more potent and longer lasting then tradintional strains Hence the price but aparently people dont get that if you want the best you gotta pay for it.
and yeah its possible for a weed to give even a expirenced smoker a really long lasting high its all in the genetics, and if BCseed people had to go all over the world to get diffirent types of genetics then yeah its gonna cost some money, but like i said before, its good that not alot of people believe it, because eh they dont got a unlimited supply of seeds, more for the people who know whats up

it doesn't matter how many times someone says OMFG 1000 dollars for SEEDS?!?! are u fucked? WTF? OMG! your such an idoit such a dumbass such a stupid ass, most of the fucken name callin has been towards Drz cuz he likes to try new and exotic strains, so how about everyone shuts the fuck up about the seeds already and just concentrate on how fucking beautiful his plants are!
Nice work Drz! you all should be happy he is trying out the strain and posting pics so he can show people how the plant does but all people have to say is aboutr how much the seeds cost like wtf are you all mental or something, dont you kinda think Drz got the point like 49 fuckin pages ago? holy shit.