This sucks!


Active Member
Man, my connect was picked up by the fuzz yesterday...don't really know anybody else around here that smokes (or anyone that is reliable), and of course he got picked up when I ran out! Haha.

Anybody else ever experience something like this? What'd you do?


Well-Known Member
we once organised a protest of about 10 screaming hot chicks and a few dudes at the police station, then delivered the poor inmate a big bar of chocolate and made sure he ate it in front of us.

forget the weed. what about your poor friend you narcisist
where is your guts to fight the ganja revolution?

at least spray-stencil some ganja leaves on the 'fuzz' mobile



Well-Known Member
Well blow me down!

Just haven't heard the, man, heat, pigs, dipshitz, f-heads, referred to as the "fuzz" since I don't know when, well I do now . . . earlier today.


Well-Known Member
its not a big deal, theres new names every day..

im sure the people back in the stone age were like "What the fuck? stoner? this is BULLSHIT man!"