This thread is in your honor gogrow (fuckyou)

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illegal substances?

Isnt there a sub-forum dedicated to hallucinogenics? I see people post about coke/meth/crack/pills every day....

posting about is fine.... its when you try to buy/sell/trade/give said illegal items to others that you cross the line and force one of us to take action for the good of the entire site


Well-Known Member
ooh ooh, I got an idea.. how about you put your big girl panties on and get tha fuck over it?? Life is full of fuckin rules, what makes anyone think the internet is any fuckin different? I've never been to a porn forum, but i'll bet even they have fuckin rules... so again, put ya fuckin big girl panties on and get over it dude...

like titus said.. "why don't you get off your cross, and use the wood to build a bridge and get over it"


Well-Known Member
but you can freely give away information about drugs.. and thats legal.. aslong as you're not ya know.. putting peices together to solve a puzzle.. if you're pickin up what i'm layin down...


Well-Known Member
I like how people who have been here for a month or 2 can decide what is "wrong with the forum". Interesting shit...


New Member
Tha argument all started because, i had to get a new job and had to quit smoking for a good while and i have a plant (durga mata and bubblegum seeds) that i jsut couldnt bare to kill, so i asked if anyone wanted it whos from huntsville on this site, i would have jsut left it somewere and they could have got it, so i post a thread asking and "gogrow" deletes a part of the thread where i said i have seeds to if anyone wants em and he says tha reason for, is because cant talk about giving/trading/selling things on here, so im like what!? and i write him and ask him why did he delete the part about tha seeds and not the plant part and he says "oops, must have skipped that part" and he says hes gonna delete the whole thread now, im like WTF?, so i talk to him through PM'S, arguing about it, and i asked him does he feel targeted, because i've noticed some moderators, on this sight, will delete someone on here if they feel there power is threatened in anyway.....

but fuck it im done with arguing, and i may jsut build me a bridge, and no, im not 15/16, im 20, today. And i have had several accounts on this sight, since 2007.

anyways, someone should close this thread.


Well-Known Member
Tha argument all started because, i had to get a new job and had to quit smoking for a good while and i have a plant (durga mata and bubblegum seeds) that i jsut couldnt bare to kill, so i asked if anyone wanted it whos from huntsville on this site, i would have jsut left it somewere and they could have got it, so i post a thread asking and "gogrow" deletes a part of the thread where i said i have seeds to if anyone wants em and he says tha reason for, is because cant talk about giving/trading/selling things on here, so im like what!? and i write him and ask him why did he delete the part about tha seeds and not the plant part and he says "oops, must have skipped that part" and he says hes gonna delete the whole thread now, im like WTF?, so i talk to him through PM'S, arguing about it, and i asked him does he feel targeted, because i've noticed some moderators, on this sight, will delete someone on here if they feel there power is threatened in anyway.....

but fuck it im done with arguing, and i may jsut build me a bridge, and no, im not 15/16, im 20, today. And i have had several accounts on this sight, since 2007.

anyways, someone should close this thread.
I think that is a reason to ban you dude, I guess we will find out once a mod sees this


New Member
no, because i didnt do nothing wrong, ive had two other accounts on this sight and i lost the passwords, but this one i wrote it down, but thanks for tha input anyways, beautiful plants you have there.


Well-Known Member
Dude its realy simple, its illegal for RIU to host posts like that... so it would jeapardise everthing else on this site...


no, because i didnt do nothing wrong, ive had two other accounts on this sight and i lost the passwords, but this one i wrote it down, but thanks for tha input anyways, beautiful plants you have there.

multiple accounts, illegal transactions.... both are grounds for banning:twisted:... are you really that thick???:confused::dunce:


New Member
I'm pretty sure those guys and girls that got their threads closed are gonna DIE or at least be hideously scarred for life!!!!!! Gogrow you are a poo-poo head for keeping the site from being prosecuted~ i'm going back to sleep to wet my bed in protest!!!!!

there...since those guys are too stupid to recognize sarcasm, i should be safe. Good job gogrow :hump:


Well-Known Member
Ite I've known I've been gone on and off for a while but this thread started over a week ago and it's still up?

2nd why hasn't anyone reported this thread/troll(s). (BTW sorry if you have)... This thread shouldn't have lasted 2hours much less over a week. This troll needs to be exterminated.
Always thoguht you were a troll but this takes the cake kid... Multi-accounts? Get the fuck outta here you att-hoe
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