This thread is to vent on rippers

what killed me even more was that the girls had a good 4 weeks, they were just showing hairs :-( had to have been kids. they should have waited a little longer at least
the only thing they could of got out of the plants was hash and i bet they just threw them away........crying........ what a waste

but dam i don't need to travel nearly as xtensively as you T - that is some covert ops stuff



Well-Known Member
I believe every outdoor grower has experienced this at least once. Sadly, it is inevitable sooner or later.

I know I have been raided by plant-nappers on my own property.

It's a damn shame shady cocksuckers can't properly respect someone's hard work.


Well-Known Member
fuck that, i set hella traps. its my property and my legal grow therefore fuck anyone who trys to go on my property. if someone comes wihtin ten feet of my plants, 4 bottles will shatter and one will fall from the roof directly on there head. make sure you use fishing wire and make sure to take the traps down in the early morning. i only use the trip wires for night time security...


Active Member
how much of your problem were caused by pas badt karma & deeds?
I have no idea. I don't pay any attention to that shit and I wasn't refering to karma & deeds. I was just saying exactly what I said, lol.

"Maybe you can learn something from it.." Hell, I try to learn something every day from any and every circumstance, good or bad. I took it for granted that other people should do the same.


Well-Known Member
if it was so remote it seems odd that someone would stumble on it.. maybe u should look at you partner(s) and see if they r living more comfortably now.. sorry to hear though


Active Member
If the whole plants were taken it sounds more like the cops. How were they taken, cut or pulled? Which do the cops do, cut or pull? Kids are dumb and would probably think fan leaves are good to smoke but doubt they would steal a lot of big plants, would be too tough to carry.


Active Member
theres a crap load of people from every city that just go out and look for peoples grows
You know, I have seriously wondered about that. Today, I was on my way home from work and due to traffic took a back road that runs through undeveloped commercial property near my house. I have often thought about how great of area this would be for a grow and had even decided to scout it this weekend. As I was driving through here comes this guy bebopping out of the woods....jeans, t-shirt, ballcap, and a handfull of what looked to be wadded up wal-mart or target bags. He ain't no hiker. It's a mile- long straightaway, so I watched as he let me go by and then walked across the street to a medical office parking lot where I'm assuming he was parked. Now, If I'm Joe blow then I wouldn't be thinking anything much, but being a grower who has already considered this area (2,000+ acres with plenty of great low vegetation and cover, a creek, etc) the first thing that I'm thinking is that he's got a patch back there somewhere, lol.
I'm still going to scout it. God knows I might find that somebody beat me to the primo spot, hahaha.


Well-Known Member
heres 2 stories with happy endings both... brother has a bunch out and he got raided early too but they only got a piece 20-40 plants.He was not about to loose it all so he went camping for the last 2 weeks to let them finish up(i wish I could have done that) so while he was out there 2 21 ish yearold punks show up and ripped down a couple arm loads BUT.. they did not get too far he didnt kick their teeth down there throghts but he did say to them that he has his gun just over there and if he sees them again they will be fertilizer for next years crop LMAO..they left greatfull to be alive and I dont think they will be back EVER again

2... I live in a condo setting ,little town house with little back yards and one of my nabours had 2 7 footers in his back yard 2 nights ago some kid hoped his fence to do the dirty but woke him up in the process... he was down stairs and out his back yard with a .22 cal rifel before the kid had the plant LMAO that poor kid shit his paints once he figured he was not alone in the yard and was gone in a flash unfourtunatly my nabour had to pull them early after that but atleast the good guys one and the theives did not get away with someone elses hard work



Well-Known Member
heres 2 stories with happy endings both... brother has a bunch out and he got raided early too but they only got a piece 20-40 plants.He was not about to loose it all so he went camping for the last 2 weeks to let them finish up(i wish I could have done that) so while he was out there 2 21 ish yearold punks show up and ripped down a couple arm loads BUT.. they did not get too far he didnt kick their teeth down there throghts but he did say to them that he has his gun just over there and if he sees them again they will be fertilizer for next years crop LMAO..they left greatfull to be alive and I dont think they will be back EVER again

2... I live in a condo setting ,little town house with little back yards and one of my nabours had 2 7 footers in his back yard 2 nights ago some kid hoped his fence to do the dirty but woke him up in the process... he was down stairs and out his back yard with a .22 cal rifel before the kid had the plant LMAO that poor kid shit his paints once he figured he was not alone in the yard and was gone in a flash unfourtunatly my nabour had to pull them early after that but atleast the good guys one and the theives did not get away with someone elses hard work

That's awesome.

Great idea for a thread. Sometimes the Good Guy Wins, or Weed Poachers Beware.


Active Member
Man, you gotta put a camera out there, the kind hunters use to track deer. Get a pic so you can ID the assholes.


Well-Known Member
lol I've been looking at thoes but the problem is
1 they have a flash
2 the only time you need them is when all the leaves are falling it would be really hard to hide it would end up as just one more thing stollen

BUT.... heres my 1 million dollar idea
its called..... ya ready for this one.............

it needs to be about the size of a watch battery once your plants start to bud you place the tracking divice into the main top cola (thats the first part thats gonna get stollen) then as the plant contuinues to bud it will form around the divice and lock it in.then if someone ripps you off all you need to do is simpily flip on your GPS and go knock on their door and "POLITELY" ask for you weed back
there is some small ones on the market now but not quite small enough for this application BUT if everybdy starts calling "CATSi" (company name) we might just be able to get them to disign it just right.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man TTT thats seriously harsh but you really need to move indoors. its just as risky as outdoors really?!!? except your a lot less likely to get robbed. just my opinion
I had 16 plants stolen from a spot, found them (or what was left of them) on my birthday. Karma is a bitch, and the people who stole 'em (I know them) are not happy folks. Take the good with the bad, it's part of the job...

Big P

Well-Known Member
yo TTT maybe that guy was right what if it was an inside job

maybe your partner fucked you or maybe he told somone about the grow or did u tell anyone about them?

everyone is a suspect