This would work for cannabis right?

I found this instructable and was wondering if this would work
well for a SOG with Super Skunk strain.

I can currently fit about 50 6" black pots in my flower room, but want to switch
To hydro eventually. Three of these suckers would fit in my room, and are space effecient, because
I would fit 36 plant sites (almost as many as now with soil), except it would be hydro so bigger faster

Does this look promising?


Well-Known Member
I found this instructable and was wondering if this would work
well for a SOG with Super Skunk strain.

I can currently fit about 50 6" black pots in my flower room, but want to switch
To hydro eventually. Three of these suckers would fit in my room, and are space effecient, because
I would fit 36 plant sites (almost as many as now with soil), except it would be hydro so bigger faster

Does this look promising?
Hell yes! By the way I like that you are looking to build instead of buy.
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Awesome! I cant wait. And yes thats half the fun for me. Being able to build the tech. yourself, to me, means being able to really understand it as well. And hell who can afford the commercially made hydro equipment anyway? Haha

Blue brother

Well-Known Member
Might I suggest reading up on drain to waste hydroponics? Slightly easier switch from soil. If not then yeah go for it.

Flood and drain systems are a piece of piss to build also and there's only 2 hoses per system no matter how many plants are in it.

Also switching from soil to rockwool or coco or fytocell is good because there is similar watering needs. As opposed to the near constant watering of hydroton.

Just some ideas bro, hope this helps.


Well-Known Member

that is the same thing he is thinking of doing .......except it is all done
the roots grow around and in the pebble the water is just stored under the grow area and the drip ring brings it up to keep passing over the roots
(the drip ring works on a air pump ...the ring has a shaft that goes all the way to the bottom ...the tube fills with water the air pump pushes air to the bottom making the water raise come out the drip ring takes a sec for air pressure to build up tube refills new bubble pushes it up )

or u can combine the drip ring and a DWC bucket ........i like to do that when i mess with hydro the roots seem to get thicker and more of them
Thanks a lot guys. Ill def be considering these things when i make the move. In the long run ill probably try em all amd see what i like (drip, dwc, and ebb) the best. Ill probably have my first log up here in a couple a months.
Actually one more Q if somebodies got an answere. If i go with ebb and flow table, this can be done with expanded cocoa coir from home depot right? In net pots, maybe flooded like 2-3 times a day? Ive also heard of lava rocks used in an ebb and flow also. Ive gotta drive 120 miles to get to the nearest hydro shop, so rockwool would be hard to get, and hydroton does seem like quite a jump.