Those who edibles do nothing to


Well-Known Member
Are ya out there? Nice to meet ya! I never met anyone alike. Simply don’t produce 11oh.

How do you get by? What technologies have you heard of that are upcoming for those users? Tried extended release, nothing.

If you have no tips, I have one for you, sublingual. Too weak? Because it absorbs slower than smoking, hitting weaker. Sucks. Works though. Did not know rso was sublingual. Thats the best it can get sadly.

Try letting it seep over course of time with low tollerance, multi doses. have fun lol.
Just going to throw out more details, like, they say edibles empty stomach are stronger. Like wake and bake science, but for us, it is the opposite. Full stomach to distract liver. Fatty foods.

Bummed out because this is a significant expirience weed will never do for me anytime soon. Those stories you hear, are real. It is potent. It shouldn’t take 500 mg to provide something weaker than smoking.

Boils down to 11oh, you produce it. It is several times stronger. Smoking is not healthy, so it sucks. What if they synthisised it? If it is overactive liver related, probably will just pluck the molecule back to inactive. Wild thought, since most greatest things of weed came on accident.

New data shows we exist in small percent but large numbers. Leading cause is not producing 11oh. Heck, just vibing with someone with the same struggle helps, so much effort spent convincing this is real. And that is just data for everyone who uses and knows. The industry will see money in figuring more out.

Worthy of a thread, simple question, no answers after searching for years. What can be done to provide that missing beneficial expirience. I just eat it for fun sometimes, for NOTHING. Just to say haha I ate weed.
what happens when you do it analy?

Haha, that keeps coming up too. Such a annoying thing to keep coming across, that, to my knowledge is just sublingual. Splitting hairs on smoking it is dorky sure but this is a legit thing.

ill in general that smoking may not always work in the future (copd). This is thousands of people, that would probably like to see this progress too, we are at the start of it all. Might happen, new things every year.
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I knew I was gonna be trolled with this post, “how can I get high” lol. When I say legit, I mean, I never grew up with that being a popular way to reach a simple smoking buzz. 11oh, you either get f’ed up or you don’t.
when I say annoying, its like a joke, searching hard how to figure out a issue and just keeps telling me to try shoving it up there.
My only experiences with edibles were some cupcakes a former friend made, as well as a bunch of cookies and brownies I made with my own homegrown. I gave some cookies to a few family members who aren't regular weed smokers and they were hit really hard, lucky bastards. I've never felt anything from any of the edibles I've eaten. I'd probably have to try some professional-grade gummies to know for sure, but I suspected I was just somehow immune to them.
My only experiences with edibles were some cupcakes a former friend made, as well as a bunch of cookies and brownies I made with my own homegrown. I gave some cookies to a few family members who aren't regular weed smokers and they were hit really hard, lucky bastards. I've never felt anything from any of the edibles I've eaten. I'd probably have to try some professional-grade gummies to know for sure, but I suspected I was just somehow immune to them.
I felt the same way, then I started making edible using bubble hash and decarbing/infusing at the same time with a crock pot
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My only experiences with edibles were some cupcakes a former friend made, as well as a bunch of cookies and brownies I made with my own homegrown. I gave some cookies to a few family members who aren't regular weed smokers and they were hit really hard, lucky bastards. I've never felt anything from any of the edibles I've eaten. I'd probably have to try some professional-grade gummies to know for sure, but I suspected I was just somehow immune to them.

I grew up being the only one, EVERY rare time (state prohibition still) I got my hands on edibles, I was deemed a liar, nothing else. “he said youre full of crap” like a scam attempt.

Dispensary edibles at a later time growing up, first was home made, but this time it came from someone with a M card, was called a liar by both him and his plug.

Struggle is real, tellin ya.
At some point, I'm sure I'll break down and splurge on some dispensary edibles just to see if they have any impact. I always kinda looked at my friends as the ones who were possibly full of shit, since they seemed to be getting nice and ripped off of something that didn't hit me at all. I thought maybe it had something to do with my size, maybe I just needed a bunch more than everyone else. At some point in the not too distant future, I'm thinking I may want to stop smoking completely, so alternative options would be nice.
At some point, I'm sure I'll break down and splurge on some dispensary edibles just to see if they have any impact. I always kinda looked at my friends as the ones who were possibly full of shit, since they seemed to be getting nice and ripped off of something that didn't hit me at all. I thought maybe it had something to do with my size, maybe I just needed a bunch more than everyone else. At some point in the not too distant future, I'm thinking I may want to stop smoking completely, so alternative options would be nice.

Could be wrong but based on your phrasing, I may know a few things you have yet to find out, I pigged out on dispensary edibles for a few years now, you sound like the one of the few, spread out that have this issue. It won’t work, being sleepy doesn’t mean high.

A tingly buzz for 15-20 mins is not the 11ohthc high. likely, your liver is highly active, beyond average and might even possess a unique wild type gene, known to shred through a lot of types of drugs, even faster. Breaks the molicule instead of converting it to 11oh. thc.

Rso will knock anyone out their gord but not us.

My research says it is highly related to that conversion process. Most likely, any “buzz” was just some sublingual intake. Only takes 5 mins.
What is 11oh?

Its the magic that makes that happen “20mg blitzed” that thousands of people never and still cannot ever have until the industry demands it. Glad the start of legal research finally started.

It is 5-9 times stronger than thc which is why sublingual is weak, goes right to your receptors like smoking, but even slower, hence the low popularity of it.