Those who edibles do nothing to

If you use Buds Infuse with Oil alone first, Strain then add the Lecithin and reprocess 220 F for 20 minutes. THis gets more of the oil off the weed.
Wax and other high end concentrates need no straining.
Here is my primary thread on making the Capsules. Part way through a batch right now.

  1. #8167 BrassNwood, Apr 25, 2023 at 5:54 PM
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2023 at 6:16 PM

I am limited without capsules or maybe I have them or can buy them now. With weed or wax, I guess I can just look up what to do with it? Like add to brownies or cookies? I am reading through the thread right now but I am looking for the most simple place to start so I don’t mess it up.

is it ok to use powder lecitin? You just measure the volume of the final hash decarb and put 20% of that volume in lecitin?

My oven runs hot and might do that thing where it gets too hot it the center or so and ruins it. Perhaps if there was a way to ingest after the mixing part like put into capsules I would probably do that over baking them again.

Thinking if this works first try, will buy a butter machine just for this. Not trying to waste too much, I am tough to get stoned via edible.
I am limited without capsules or maybe I have them or can buy them now. With weed or wax, I guess I can just look up what to do with it? Like add to brownies or cookies? I am reading through the thread right now but I am looking for the most simple place to start so I don’t mess it up.

is it ok to use powder lecitin? You just measure the volume of the final hash decarb and put 20% of that volume in lecitin?

My oven runs hot and might do that thing where it gets too hot it the center or so and ruins it. Perhaps if there was a way to ingest after the mixing part like put into capsules I would probably do that over baking them again.

Thinking if this works first try, will buy a butter machine just for this. Not trying to waste too much, I am tough to get stoned via edible.

Powder is fine..
10 to 20% of the Oil volume
1 tablespoon Oil = 1/2 teaspoon Lecithin.
15ml of Oil to 2.5 ml of Lecithin.
You don't have to be that exact. The Liquid Lecithin I use is like molasses and I just eyeball a drizzle so long.

Decarb 1 gram buds 240 F for 40 minutes uncovered
Grind to dust
Mix dust with Oil and Lecithin making paste.
Heat paste 220 F for 20 minutes
Chill and quarter it. 25mg per chunk.
Take 1
Wait 2 hours
If not stoned
Take 2 more
Wait 2 more hours
If not
Eat the rest.
You should feel something out of 100mg of Lecithin enhanced Oil.
Get one (or 2 if your distrusting) of the little stand alone oven thermometers from the gadget section of the supermarket. They are only $5.00 and good insurance.
The Toaster Oven I use is off 80 F low. Set it at 320 and you actually have 240 F inside. I didn't believe it so I bought a 2nd gauge then used a third from the wife before I finally admitted the gauges were right and the stupid Oven was really that far off.
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Powder is fine..
10 to 20% of the Oil volume
1 tablespoon Oil = 1/2 teaspoon Lecithin.
15ml of Oil to 2.5 ml of Lecithin.
You don't have to be that exact. The Liquid Lecithin I use is like molasses and I just eyeball a drizzle so long.

Decarb 1 gram buds 240 F for 40 minutes uncovered
Grind to dust
Mix dust with Oil and Lecithin making paste.
Heat paste 220 F for 20 minutes
Chill and quarter it. 25mg per chunk.
Take 1
Wait 2 hours
If not stoned
Take 2 more
Wait 2 more hours
If not
Eat the rest.
You should feel something out of 100mg of Lecithin enhanced Oil.

Thanks for piecing this out, it helps a lot. Very new at this, ever since I knew edibles did not work I never tried or read into baking instructions. I tried reading as much as I can but still wonder a few things.

So the bud infused in oil first is so that you do not eat the weed but with this step by step here, you do? Is that what the capsules help with? How do you get them in there? Just heat up and pour into them? Grind it into dust?

Is this where you could mix with food and bake again with recipes that don’t burn the goods? You just probably use wax or kief for better flavor assuming.

So with wax, how would you do that same step by step here? Just put it into a pan and bake? Last silly question, you are baking the buds whole at first just straight in the pan right, nothing else? Never saw that done before. Usually the butter and micron bag method.

I am going to do this like asap, like tonight. I just needed a crash course. I would of right away originally but to say the least, I was not able to get that high at the time.
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  1. BrassNwood, Apr 25, 2023 at 5:54 PM
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2023 at 3:26 AM

    15 grams per side. 220 Micron dry ice Kief.



    An eyeball puddle of Lecithin 1.teaspoon and 3 tablespoons of Coconut Oil.
    The Gold at the bottom of the dishes is the Lecithin.


    220 micron Kief after decarb.


    I stirred this all up and it got 20 minutes at 220 F and then tossed in the freezer. Good place to stop
Powder is fine..
10 to 20% of the Oil volume
1 tablespoon Oil = 1/2 teaspoon Lecithin.
15ml of Oil to 2.5 ml of Lecithin.
You don't have to be that exact. The Liquid Lecithin I use is like molasses and I just eyeball a drizzle so long.

Decarb 1 gram buds 240 F for 40 minutes uncovered
Grind to dust
Mix dust with Oil and Lecithin making paste.
Heat paste 220 F for 20 minutes
Chill and quarter it. 25mg per chunk.
Take 1
Wait 2 hours
If not stoned
Take 2 more
Wait 2 more hours
If not
Eat the rest.
You should feel something out of 100mg of Lecithin enhanced Oil.

I am making an attempt right now like 3gs of bud, following this.
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So far so good, I have the probe resting on top of a potatoe reading 243-250F while oven set to 235F. For sure getting a gauge for next time. Smells awesome, buds got like 20 mins to go.
So I guess that was infusing in butter step because I strained it and got some nice looking product. First time making edibles ever. So long as all went well and the 7 min bake at 240F on the probe during the infusion process did not mess anything up then, awesome!

I am pretty sure this can get someone doped out their mind as is haha and that feels cool to say. Just cooling and waitin to chunk it and eat it.


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Ok so I am already impressed, it tastes like edibles and even brings onset like sublingual intake does and only ate 1/4th. It don’t taste bad and am looking forward to turning it to food. Wonder if butter will be just as effective.

I used 3g and 2tble spoons coco and 1 tea spoon of lechitin. I feel lifted but only 10 mins in. About to eat more as typical but every few mins later I am like uh oh, here it comes lol. Already worth all of this though, so thats good.
You'll be spoiled now and find all other edibles to be substandard. :-)

I ate another 1/4th after that which is half the puck.

It was too late to even gauge strength at lower amounts like 100-200mg which are usually hit or miss, so for it to produce something first try is promising. I dabbed but after it wore off I felt a lingering buzz, then it may of kept waking me up from being active still but it is hard to say since it was so late at night.

I haven’t tried the amounts described earlier in thread yet but will make a bunch if batches weekly and try it out during the day and really see what this reciepe can do. Will be back to confirm if it broke any barriers never broken before.
I ate the other half few hours ago, it felt it this whole time. Nice medicated feeling. I dabbed but could still distict the two highs from eachother, I come down from dabbing but now back to feeling medicated like a consistent extended release. I was asleep by now last night and was at a lower dose, 185ish mg.

I cannot gauge that late at night, tiredness to me drowns out any moderate buzz. It is a buzz on its own. So I miss spoke haha, next dose is going to be way more. I think this really solved my issue. will just update what I make and how it eats haha. New section unlocked to a long time hobby. Thanks everyone for helping get this figured out!
I would edit my last comment if I still could so everyone is not alerted but I will add, for the next 3-4 hours later totaling 6-7 hours, I was still feeling the same buzz. Only rso had managed to do that and it is hit or miss, usually the less often I do rso. The buzz comes in and out too with rso but with this, it was more consistantly present.

Well I ran around town so had no time to cook but it was to get everything I need for tonight which is to make brownies and cookies with a bunch of weed and one small pan wax infused to make a death wish batch of 850mg dose brownie squares to see what happens. I will eat like 400mg weed before hand, see if I can taper up before I find my limit.

I have to test two more or 3 more doses to confirm it can get me zooted and on the floor crawling. Or else it is worth noting this was all it achieved and ask what else might work. Then I will move to cooking with cannabis section and post there. I am sure it will work, it is already better than store bought edibles and rso. Cheap too!
Making them right now and have a question on my mind that have yet to read into, why avoid butter? Is it just about toxins or?? I found the sweet spot on the oven to rest assure while things bake. I guess I will use coco this time on a hunch that it is better because I am ready to just merely repeat what I just did the first time.
14gs and 2gs. high mg brownies and just going to let the wax turn to a puck of a table spoon of coco that will be 1200mg and can easily be eaten with out complaining considering the strength it will be.


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This is going to be off the meter. Brownie badder tastes like weed. The death puck is hardening to a even consistancy. Wonder if I decarbed the wax properly, I am winging it.


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Final product. 230mg brownie pieces (9) and a 1200mg puck (minimal estimate.) Will let you know how it eats!


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Ate 2 pieces, 400-500mg. It was delicious. Whole fridge stinks like pot. Pretty sure they work but have no one willing to test them that can feel edibles. I felt the same way I last described but a little more of it but not quite there.

Next dose ought to be 750mg. Uh oh, I am climbing up the score board quick haha. Might just eat the puck and call it a day and declare I must really have a genetic hack for this and am not affected.

Good thing it is friday so I can figure this out probably this weekend. I just cannot pass a certain level of buzz, so fustrating. They did say 750 hits most people though. And I surely have been feeling SOME kind of buzz that is harder to describe than it is to just feel.

Edit: question on my mind, should I re infuse the puck for 10 mins while it is unified consistancy? When I pulled it out it was clumped up a lot like before it went in so I stirred and chilled v.s stir and continue infusing.

Wondering if that affected the infusing process. Is it worth doing again to assure it is as infused as possible?


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I am new to the edible high and edibles in general, because the store bought around me make them too weak. What I can only physically stomach would be 100mg versus 500mg. I made a huge batch of cookies and ate 500mg again.

edit: I tried it on empty stomach this time and it was stronger instead of the opposite. Update, I ate lunch and more cookies and the buzz is back. Something also about being easier to eat makes it better too. Less effort trying to eat it, I do not like the taste of coco but must use it. Still did not dab which is great, usually hard to avoid dabbing and close to the line of being stupid high as if I did.

Something about the abundance and having time to eat them and relax makes it better. I just now got to try it at early day hours and noticed a lot more buzz. For some reason I feel it right away after the first few bites for 30 mins but with lechitin enhanced baked goods have that feeling increase and extend.

I tried to eat 750mg worth but could only stomach 500mg 5 cookies but realized I have something good working for me with these at just that amount of mg. I reached less for the dab rig last time and this time I only wake baked with dabs and haven’t dabbed yet. I normally dab out right about now.

I have done 300-500mg rso many times with nothing like this in terms of effectiveness. I am pretty sure I can get higher and even tapped out from this. This session has me declaring success, I did not know home made could be cheap, potent and personalized to be worth while. I would have spent 50$ already instead of having loads more left.

This makes me able to mess around and feel a buzz that I read is subtle and gradule and even able to be too much but I have yet to have that moment though I am quickly thinking it is posible. I have read more on coco vs butter, max amount if bud ratio and the technique this is and understand better what is going on.

It is a hard buzz to achieve for some and with it burning holes in pockets, buzz kill. Let a lone not enhanced which I read is not always effective but I like it better than rso, it is working. Pretty solid medicated buzz every time I use. Non enhanced does nothing to me. This hits me like rso hits normal people.


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