Thought I would see how we deal with this issue.


Well-Known Member
You do realize that when there is a list of 40 possible side effects on a particular drug, all that means is that one person in the study had that particular side effect. And they HAVE to list it. The funny thing is when they conduct these trials, they have a placebo group as well, and the placebo group most always has the same list of side effects. If marijuana had the same type of clinical trials, I almost guarantee you would see the same list of stupid side effects.
No, it wouldn't.

And Velvet, you are on a PRO-weed site. It is almost useless to try to get people to see it from your point of view. The have indoctrinated themselves into the thinking that there are NO side effects possible since they themselves have not experienced anything. Know your audience.
And you're completely talking out of ignorance.


why is it that these thoughtful and genuinely stimulating conversation threads turn to shit?

Let's not get too hasty, there are 3 sides to every story.
Your side, the opposition, and the truth.

Sadly, the truth almost always comes late.


Well-Known Member
Well to be fair, I never stated a side, and I don't have one, because I don't know. I was just merely pointing out that people are skewed toward what they WANT to believe. And the fact that we are on a pro-weed site like this, would definitely lead to some biased opinions. Just like that guy who googled up the piece stating there were no side effects on babies. I know some popped up going the other way, stating there WERE adverse affects on babies, just as they did when I googled it. But why did he choose to only provide the one that shows his point of view? Because that is what he WANTS to believe


Well-Known Member
Look I can google too.

BUT unlike some, I always take what I read with a grain of salt.
Old study that failed to create appropriate controls. Next. Low income... read: smokers, drinkers and the like included.

Well to be fair, I never stated a side, and I don't have one, because I don't know. I was just merely pointing out that people are skewed toward what they WANT to believe. And the fact that we are on a pro-weed site like this, would definitely lead to some biased opinions. Just like that guy who googled up the piece stating there were no side effects on babies. I know some popped up going the other way, stating there WERE adverse affects on babies, just as they did when I googled it. But why did he choose to only provide the one that shows his point of view? Because that is what he WANTS to believe
You pulled up a garbage study with garbage methodology. There's been exactly one study where the subjects weren't exposed to other drugs as well by and large and it was a cultural one done long ago.

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
ill err on the side of caution and urge pregnant and nursing mothers not to consume cannabis.

until the braking point of pain, cramps etc. use cannabis as a last resort before pharma.


Well-Known Member
Why dont you look up the number of participants in your study? Or did you see it and "forget" to mention it. Again...its what you WANT to believe. Anyone who even took basic statistics could tell you that sample size she used is laughable. Dont see how she even considered it a "study". It was like 70 people btw. Like 30 of which smoked. Infinitesimal


Well-Known Member
And since you you are too slow to comprehend, I will elaborate for you. The point wasnt what I pulled off google. Its that you can find whatever you want to suit your argument on google. Just as you did


Well-Known Member
And since you you are too slow to comprehend, I will elaborate for you. The point wasnt what I pulled off google. Its that you can find whatever you want to suit your argument on google. Just as you did
Ok then. And all drugs have the same side effects.


Well-Known Member
I dont know just as much as you dont know. And the fact that you continue to spread what you do like you know it is absolute fact, just goes to show your ignorance. I dont know. But I least I say I dont know and dont purport that I do.


Well-Known Member
I dont know just as much as you dont know. And the fact that you continue to spread what you do like you know it is absolute fact, just goes to show your ignorance. I dont know. But I least I say I dont know and dont purport that I do.
So where are all the fucked up children in cultures where it's normal to consume cannabis all through life?

I didn't say anything was an absolute fact, I did say there's no evidence to suggest it's bad that is of any use. And that's the truth at this point.

More over, you were a combative fucking cunt from the word go, so kindly go fuck yourself you stupid asshole.
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Well-Known Member
Since you obviously have comprehension problems, I suggest you read the thread again. No where did I say or even IMPLY that. In fact, that wasnt even what I was talking about
Actually you heavily downplayed the listed potential side effects through clinical trials and suggested that placebos and marijuana have all the same listed side effects because some % of people will experience something random during the trial.

They would not. Events (I'm not using the term side effect because that has implications) that are not statistically significant are mentioned (because they have to be) but hardly considered to definitive side effects.


Well-Known Member
Sir, you fail miserably at comprehension. I do not have the time nor patience to correct you anymore.

Let me guess, marijuana has no effect on comprehension or memory, right? You are a shining example of why to not smoke.