Thoughts after reading the stickies again.


Well-Known Member
And I'll just copy/paste what I'm reading from staff.


"It has come to my attention that other users are mistreating each other, we are a cannabis family and this will not be tolerated any longer, rollitup has always strived to be a tight knit family however with our growing popularity we are getting larger. Progress cannot be stopped only embraced however we have always gone by the "No Rules" and "Freedom Of speech policy" however this is true to an extent blatant disregard for moderators and other users will not be tolerated and will deserve you an infraction or a ban depending on the severity."

And yet you will do nothing about your own kind when they decide to break the rules. How convenient. I've had my remote terminals across the nation logging into the IRC chat and watching remotely. I watched a user who had voice and who was doing nothing wrong get banned the moment an operator came into the room. A PERSON WITH VOICE. I won't say who, check your logs. The op came in and it took no less than 15 seconds for the ban and kick. The only people I see being punished are the ones being mistreated in the first place. This is a real a real let-down. It also shows this site is going downhill in quality, and fast.

"Personal Attacks Will Not Be Tolerated"

Widow Maker said it rather nicely: "Why would anyone want to help someone thats insulting them or someone else? This site is about helping not running people off and making them scared to post."

And for the record - I *HAVE* contacted staff concerning all issues. Only Growtech ever bothered to respond, and that was thankfully to tell me helpfully which two staff members I should contact. I've never received respnse nor acknowledgement of my issues, so until I do, all I can do is post about the problems I encounter with the site after I contact the staff.


Well-Known Member
Just loads of racist words being slung about towards people, pretty much that "Zero tolerance" rule that should be enforced in IRC isn't. I love walking in, lurking, and seeing so much hate. NOT. and it's quite a few people, from OPs to regular users. I'm not listing names, I'm tired of playing the 'snitch' so you can read the logs to find out who's spewing the garbage.

I've seen better chat room moderation in a video wanking room, seriously.


Well-Known Member
heres a few examples from one person during a half hour in the chat earlier today.

[08:26] <Delusional> Jesus christ........... its a collection of fucking retards.......
[08:34] <Delusional> yeah, and ive been sitting here smoking watching people leave because it RETARD HOUR here in live chat.
[08:35] <Delusional> If you're too stupid to browse forums that contain all the answers you require you honestly should have been stillborn
[08:36] <Delusional> I dont come here to answer questions for lazy fucking dipshits who cannot grasp what a fucking search button is. I come here to converse with pals.
[08:39] <Delusional> I dont cater to those too stupid to do something so simple.
[08:40] <Delusional> and you choose to bitch and whine because you want to ignore what it says when it comes into the room
[08:50] <Delusional> difference between me and you is I am bright enough to use the forums. you are not.
[08:53] <Delusional> anyone else too stupid to use a search feature?
[08:56] <Delusional> people were straight up leaving becausep addy was hosting DOWNS SYNDROME hour
[08:58] <Delusional> bigfat....... um. hate to be the bearer of bad news. nobody knows you. nobody was talkign to you. nobody cares. take your silly ass questions and talk to paddy in pm.
[09:00] <Delusional> paddy likes to toss that zero tolerance policy out there when someone bitches about noob hour in the room. funny part is he was sitting here hosting noob hour long before anyone was bitching about it.
[09:01] <Delusional> .............. not too bright are you?
[09:01] <Delusional> you're in here hosting a fucking retard festival, people were LEAVING because of it.
[09:03] <Delusional> who the fuck is this scrub?
[09:05] <Delusional> No, the annoying people to the REGULARS in this room are the morons too stupid to search google.

i am a regular in the chat and ive been using it since i first joined these forums.
this is the kind of appalling behaviour that has been going on everyday for weeks and in my opinion definitely needs to have something done about it.


Well-Known Member
[5:02pm] &#8226; Rx|Brutus farts on ugz

i dont appreciate that and feel like it shows a direct lack of respect towards me.

[5:30pm] Southtxheadtrip: your face offends people

i would consider this a personal attack.

[5:36pm] Southtxheadtrip: fucking kids i swear, cant wait til summer is over, then yal fucks get to have a cerfew and everything... til then, eat cock bitches..and imout.