Thoughts and advice!!


Active Member
I water when the soil dries out ..and nutes every third you think I should mix in fewer intervals? What sights of water problems are you seeing
That sounds like a good watering schedule, I was just noticing a lot of the leaves were yellowing at the tips and curling down a little. Also some of the lower leaves seem to be yellowed so I was thinking nutes burn or maybe a phosphorous deficiency.


Active Member
That sounds like a good watering schedule, I was just noticing a lot of the leaves were yellowing at the tips and curling down a little. Also some of the lower leaves seem to be yellowed so I was thinking nutes burn or maybe a phosphorous deficiency.[/QUOTE. What is my best solution for phosphorus deficiency...and do you think as I was advised by someone else of the possibility of the go box nutes being to strong? I think I'll start by lowering my feed just a little and see what happens..but a solution for phosphorus deficiency would be awesome ty for your comment..


Well-Known Member
I would up pot it before flipping. That is a nice plant. Pretty big. Put it in a bigger pot and give it another week to 10 days and flip. You wont regret giving it some more leg room. The bigger the roots, the bigger the fruits.


Well-Known Member
I hope you have high ceilings :) Looks good.. Plenty of light.. Lollipop the bottom half and tie all your shoots horizontal... Flip right now. You should get .5-.7 grams per watt I'd guess.. Get a good scope so you harvest at the right time.


Well-Known Member
I hope you have high ceilings :) Looks good.. Plenty of light.. Lollipop the bottom half and tie all your shoots horizontal... Flip right now. You should get .5-.7 grams per watt I'd guess.. Get a good scope so you harvest at the right time.
you think he'll get 500 grams off that plant?


Well-Known Member
you think he'll get 500 grams off that plant?
Possible but needs a bigger pot.
I hope you have high ceilings :) Looks good.. Plenty of light.. Lollipop the bottom half and tie all your shoots horizontal... Flip right now. You should get .5-.7 grams per watt I'd guess.. Get a good scope so you harvest at the right time.
You think that pot will make it to the end?


Well-Known Member
That sounds like a good watering schedule, I was just noticing a lot of the leaves were yellowing at the tips and curling down a little. Also some of the lower leaves seem to be yellowed so I was thinking nutes burn or maybe a phosphorous deficiency.
I noticed that to. I was leaning towards it getting root bound.
Hi, this is my first grow any advise or thoughts as to how my plants look or what I can expect would be greatly appreciated..well I have three black waters under 1000 w mh/hps. In seven gallon buckets with soil...go box nutes.. everything solid ph and temp .been in veg for two and a half months there about 28 inches tall by 16 inches wide I topped once and fim several times. I don't have any real questions just more would like to know if I'm doing it right , if they look good and what they could yield...I know it's a basic thread but would be great to verify if I'm doing it right and they look decent or get better through corrective criticism..View attachment 3847613
What size pot is that and how long has it been in it? What medium is that?

Looks like it could use a little cal/mag. Looks to need a little magnesium and the calcium will help with N uptake.

I missed if you said it, what nutrients are you using? What strength are you mixing at? I read every third water.
You could mix the nutes weaker and use it every or every other water and water until good run off.


Active Member
I noticed that to. I was leaning towards it getting root bound.

What size pot is that and how long has it been in it? What medium is that?

Looks like it could use a little cal/mag. Looks to need a little magnesium and the calcium will help with N uptake.

I missed if you said it, what nutrients are you using? What strength are you mixing at? I read every third water.
You could mix the nutes weaker and use it every or every other water and water until good run off.
I gradually stepped up size of pots been in a 7 gallon for a month..been in veg almost two months there a few inches over two ft and about 16 in wide..I did a lot of fim and topped so there's quite a few cola. I've been using go box nutes and soil.


Active Member
I would up pot it before flipping. That is a nice plant. Pretty big. Put it in a bigger pot and give it another week to 10 days and flip. You wont regret giving it some more leg room. The bigger the roots, the bigger the fruits.
It's been in flower for four days could I still up pot safely?


Well-Known Member
I think you will be fine in the 7 gallon pots as log as they are full of soil!

Don't overthink or over love your plants! Remember they are really just weeds and will grow anywhere and almost anyhow!

And beyond that...These are Blackwater strain, an Indica! Indicas are very hardy!

You are doing good now...Let em flower!

Good night

Cheers and Merry Christmas!


Well-Known Member
I gradually stepped up size of pots been in a 7 gallon for a month..been in veg almost two months there a few inches over two ft and about 16 in wide..I did a lot of fim and topped so there's quite a few cola. I've been using go box nutes and soil.
What was the size before this one? Did it have a solid root ball then?

I use 5 gallon 15 inch wide pots for smaller growing autos and photos.

Its not hard to check. Right before it needs water again and the root ball its dry just squeeze and work the sides of the pot a little. grab the stalk and lift. If it comes out in one chunk it needs replanting.

7 gallons really isn't that big.

These will give you an idea of how it is done.

Notice the yellowing in those big plants? Sometimes it is a sign they need transplanting.


Well-Known Member
I've never grown a tree so I'm not sure.... Best to listen to people with experience in that area. As the saying goes "The bigger the roots the bigger the fruits....

Why not chop it in half, put it in a huge pot and train it horizontally then flip in 3 weeks or so.


Active Member
What was the size before this one? Did it have a solid root ball then?

I use 5 gallon 15 inch wide pots for smaller growing autos and photos.

Its not hard to check. Right before it needs water again and the root ball its dry just squeeze and work the sides of the pot a little. grab the stalk and lift. If it comes out in one chunk it needs replanting.

7 gallons really isn't that big.

These will give you an idea of how it is done.

Notice the yellowing in those big plants? Sometimes it is a sign they need transplanting.
That will work great for the pine tree out front of my house lmfao


Active Member
I've never grown a tree so I'm not sure.... Best to listen to people with experience in that area. As the saying goes "The bigger the roots the bigger the fruits....

Why not chop it in half, put it in a huge pot and train it horizontally then flip in 3 weeks or so.
Thr sarcasm is real on this thread lmfao