Thoughts on White Widow


Well-Known Member
Getting some White Widow clones to start vegging tomorrow. What do you guys think of it from a growing perspective? What are its likes and dislikes as a strain as far as temps/humidity? Also, what kind of yield is everyone getting on average (all things the same)?


Well-Known Member
Thoughts on white widow? Damn good plant. Grows pretty easy if its the standard White Widow cause most the standards lead towards that powerfull indica! Black Widow however is a bit harder to grow due to a array of phenos. As the black you are looking for more sativa.
White widow is a very nice and way to grow plant recommended for beginners and experienced growers cause of the quality and average yield or little above average..

I have a friend right now growing black widow from seed an 2 look more Jory and bushy while the other female is more sativa like in structure.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
My thoughts are.....all over the place! That is just a name and the best argument for some sort of uniform naming and/or regulation of the names being used. every body has a white widow, everybody's is different. I got a low yeild very sativa plant and a very short very indica looking plant- both white widows and I've seen at least 5 other white widows that are totally unrelated in look, growth and high. I like both the ones I have though.


Well-Known Member
Let me get some more background on these clones if i can and get back to this thread as you all raise some good points.


White Widow is one of my favorite strains. It grows fairly easily and has a nice stone. It is especially good for pain.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Just put up some pics of my white widow run, it's a cut I have had for 3 years or so from Nirvana (kilt my indica pheno-everyone has that one). The one I kept is heavily leaning toward the sativa side and yeilds sort of low but with work 3-4 oz in soil with a 3 week veg is standard now. she eats like a pig and purples at the end of flower. kicks like a mule but kicks UP not down. clean your whole house shit for sure. pics in the first grow journal link.


Well-Known Member
I ran the WW from Dinafem for a few years. It was a massive yeilder, with devastating potency. It was intensly narcotic, with a soaring, building high that seemed like it could just keep going on forever. It has fantastic pain relief, and provided a full night of sleep for someone who is has cripling back pain which keeps me up for entire nights soemtimes.

The colas were big, fat, and solid like a rock. It loved to be topped, but will need to be supported in the last weeks. It was a tough strain that dealt with high heat well, and an outbreak of white flies that I handled quickly.

The bag appeal was great. The bright green color, and frost of trich's looked and smelled awsome.

Its definatly couch lock though. Neither my patients I grow for, nor I, were able to get a whole lot done during the day if we smoked it before dark.

They did ask me to move on to another strain though, as it was just too strong for them to smoke and have a productive day. It sure was great for sleeping though. Fo' sho!


Well-Known Member
Grew 4 outdoors last summer in some super soil. 3 of them were around 6 ft. and 3-4 zips. I had one get over 7ft and yielded a litte over 6 zips. The stuff was killer and will grow it again. Very easy to maintain. Hungry bitches though!


Active Member
What is the flavor/taste of white widow or what is it similar too as of taste? Does it taste better hydro or soil?