Threatened For Giving My Opinion

After thinking about it a bit the thing that really pisses me off about it is the issue of priorities.
The first post I made there was about the increase in shootings of police officers. The only point I was trying to make was that desperate people do desperate things. I hate it when cops are shot.
What about little kids or convenience store clerks. Robbers and molesters need to be punished.
Maybe some 18 year old black kid, broke, robs the Arab store down the steet. Gets caught. 20 Years. With so many people looking at life in prison for so many offenses there are bound to be lots of armed desperate assholes running around. How many with an open container are looking to go back for a long time if violated.
In a war which no one is winning someone needs to de escalate a bit. People need to be punished but why is the incarceration rate in the US the highest in the world. Most citizens of the US
would be in prison if they had been caught doing what ever the felony it was they did. Too many laws, too many guns on both sides. Too many prisons are hellholes.
Why was this thread also deleted?
Did the officer feel it a more important thing that I have some disagreement with fourth amendment issues, than a discussion about another very important issue. The post he deleted was much more respectful of police and sympathetic to them and the difficult job someone has to do. Why not make their job a bit easier. Fewer things classified as crimes or severe crimes and the officers will have more resources to go after the dangerous criminals. I think he is afraid I might persuade some of his friends.