Three seeds walk into a bar....


Well-Known Member
Blah blah blah, something about a re-seeding hairline.

In my very short time as a grower I've already managed to mix up my batches of seeds twice now, so I now have no freaking clue what to expect once they're sowed.

How do you guys avoid this besides not being a complete dumbass?
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Active Member
Blah blah blah, something about a re-seeding hairline.

In my very short time as a grower I've already managed to mix up my batch of seeds twice now, so I now have no freaking clue what to expect once they're sowed.

How do you guys avoid this besides not being a complete dumbass?
Well in a legal state now I use small mason jars in individual jewelry ziplock packets unzipped. I Vacuume seal the mayson jar then store cold.
Old days they usually wound up together with shake. Every seed for cultivation a count to be sure you took a plea deal, it inevitably all got mixed when the plants got yanked.

Hey a science experiment just proven, legal state reduces effects of cannabis paranoia, lol Pot doesn't cause paranoia arrest does,, lol well now the IRS. Lol Anyrate now we can organize and store our seed properly. Anyone remember the 35mm containers? Lol


Well-Known Member
Well in a legal state now I use small mason jars in individual jewelry ziplock packets unzipped. I Vacuume seal the mayson jar then store cold.
Old days they usually wound up together with shake. Every seed for cultivation a count to be sure you took a plea deal, it inevitably all got mixed when the plants got yanked.

Hey a science experiment just proven, legal state reduces effects of cannabis paranoia, lol Pot doesn't cause paranoia arrest does,, lol well now the IRS. Lol Anyrate now we can organize and store our seed properly. Anyone remember the 35mm containers? Lol
They were in individual plastic vials inside their own labeled packages. Took them out for whatever reason and my feline friend decided to jump in my arms causing me to drop em'.


Well-Known Member
They were in individual plastic vials inside their own labeled packages. Took them out for whatever reason and my feline friend decided to jump in my arms causing me to drop em'.
Ahh that sucks. I bought some vials, and I label them with a sharpie and put water right in the vial with the seed(s). To keep them warm, I sit them on my driver in the small tent.

If going with 1 strain & several seeds they go via paper towel method. 365F1D7C-9428-4657-B4F7-F8C5B4EDBCC6.jpeg488E21F1-13F0-47EC-9C45-34057520F7DA.jpeg679019D7-00DE-40E1-9AC7-6205EA8DB608.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Easy .. get a big ass magnifying glass and a microtip pen like those guys that write your name in a piece of tice ….


Or order some plastic cig tubes / mini zip bags / medicine bottle …. Blah blah blah.



Well-Known Member
A squirrel walks into a bar and asks for seeds.

The bartender hands him a plate of seeds and he tucks in. Once the squirrel is done eating he immediately begins masturbating vigorously.

"Hey!" the bartender shouts. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"I'm a squirrel," the squirrel says. "Look it up."

The bartender looks up 'squirrel' in an encyclopedia, and sure enough, it says:
Squirrel: a small rodent that typically lives in wooded areas. Eats seeds and nuts.


Well-Known Member
A squirrel walks into a bar and asks for seeds.

The bartender hands him a plate of seeds and he tucks in. Once the squirrel is done eating he immediately begins masturbating vigorously.

"Hey!" the bartender shouts. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"I'm a squirrel," the squirrel says. "Look it up."

The bartender looks up 'squirrel' in an encyclopedia, and sure enough, it says:
Squirrel: a small rodent that typically lives in wooded areas. Eats seeds and nuts.
That’s a sus ass squirrel lol


Well-Known Member
Looked something like this. Crit+ & widow will just have to be ran along side each other. PXL_20220906_091540205~2.jpg

Great ideas. Larger vials that I can label individually should work perfectly.