Three Weeks Flowering under CFL's


Active Member
alright everyone thanks for the input thus far. next topic i need help wit is drying/curing. Does anyone have a threat or a good explanation on how to do this the most effectively.


Well-Known Member
i juss got done wit mines whut i did was get a clothes hanger and some fishing wire and tape and tie and hang them from the hanger in my closet in tha dark till they get a lil crispy on tha outside. so bout 4-5 days depending on how big the colas are when you hang them then i cut them down and cut the nugs off of the main stem and place in a big ass mason jar. then i lay out a couple of white sheets of paper then once every 8-12 hrs take em out tha jar and lay them out on tha sheets of paper for bout 12-15 mins them throw em back in the jar, repeat steps every day for a couple weeks and bout on the 1st week i always take a sample to see how well they have cured. if they get to dry stick a lil bit of an orange peel in there to moisten em up a lil. well hope that helped.


Well-Known Member
i'd strongly suggest getting a small magnifier for a trichome check
i'm getting close to harvest myself, been watching bud/pistil color and the trics
you just can't tell from the bud color alone how far along the plant is
with out the tric check, i'd have probably harvested at least a week early
and when you think of the time you've spent on these plants, getting them at the best possible point is what you want


Well-Known Member
thats crazy your gettin so good lookin plants with such little light i jus brought 2 plants in from a outside grow (heat was killing them it was like 106 for 2 weeks straight) and i put the under 4 23w 1750 lumen bulbs for 7000 lumens and am adding two more for a total 10,500 lumens so i guess that would be good, they seem to be happy so far thier two months old started from seed outdoor thier entire life till yesterday so well see how it goes

but anyway great plants man hope you get a badass yield bro im subscribing


Well-Known Member
luving the grow now im not so worryed with my 3 lights for 1 plant. first grow started 3 days ago germinated put in soil yesterday see how it like 120 seeds but meh ill get the hang of it first. =]


Well-Known Member
These are my two girls i have been growin in my grow box. Both are being LST and are flowering pretty nicely. any advice?
Yeah here's some advice for ya's,

Keep doing what your doing. Look great man nice grow so far. Let them do their thing and bud. Be patient.. as its very important to be as patient as possible with your grow. :)


Active Member
Yeah here's some advice for ya's,

Keep doing what your doing. Look great man nice grow so far. Let them do their thing and bud. Be patient.. as its very important to be as patient as possible with your grow. :)
lol thanks for the input, yea its hard to have weed but not smoke it, bein patient tho. gonna get a scope next time i go out just so i kno for sure.


Active Member
heyy man, yea that many lights would do fine, throwin some more in never hurt anyone. i kinda like how i started this grow wit no idea if 2 lights per plant would work. turned out it works fine if u kno how to reflect light. hope everything works out for the best man.

Peace :joint:

Herbal Healing 420

Active Member
not sure if you already said so or not but i was wondering how you got the lights setup? and what reflector your using. oh and nice grow mine is 2 1/2 weeks into flowering and just starting to bud, not even close to yours at 2 weeks but this is my first try at this... anyway great job


Active Member
not sure if you already said so or not but i was wondering how you got the lights setup? and what reflector your using. oh and nice grow mine is 2 1/2 weeks into flowering and just starting to bud, not even close to yours at 2 weeks but this is my first try at this... anyway great job
made a reflector outta some cardboard and tinfoil and tape and string lol, had 4 light sockets that i wired into a cord and just plug that into my timer wit the fans.


Well-Known Member
dude ummm DANGEROUS come on go down to home depot lowes whatever make your way to the air ducting department plenty of things thre to make a decent non flammable shield that will work better than cardboard and foil hell even a turkey roasting pan from walmart is safer dude i jus dont wanna see yor next post be well my house burned down stay safe


Good work mate. it's encouraging to see that you can get so much bud off a few cfls cos i was wondering whether or not it would be worth attempting my first grow.

after seeing this i think i will definitely give it a go!


Active Member
dude ummm DANGEROUS come on go down to home depot lowes whatever make your way to the air ducting department plenty of things thre to make a decent non flammable shield that will work better than cardboard and foil hell even a turkey roasting pan from walmart is safer dude i jus dont wanna see yor next post be well my house burned down stay safe
eh man, yea i was worried bout it personally myself so i tested runnin a cfl directly on cardboard, didnt catch fire, the lights themselves are far enough away that the cardboard doesn't even heat up, i agree that it will look better but this grow was strickly stuff i had kickin around.