Thrilling Conclusion to 2012 Guerilla Grow

Tom Foolery

Active Member
The adventure began with 17 feminized seeds from a popular Dutch company; White Widow, Master Kush, Jock Horror, Swiss Cheese and an Indica strain.
group shot1.jpggroup shot2.jpgnug3.jpg

What I don't have are pics of the grow because my a--hole partner was too freaked out with the GPS geotags embedded in the photos (even though I explained this was not the case), so I wasn't able to capture the ladies alive and thriving. What I do have are some nice looking labels for the mason jars. Each strain definitely has it's own uniqueness, and it would be difficult to pick one as the best of the group, but I think the White Widow kicks butt most thoroughly...that is, it's probably the strongest, with Master Kush taking first place for pure smoking enjoyment for flavor. They were all frosty as hell. All plants were harvested the same weekend at the end of September, were dried and have been curing in the jars since. I wonder if anyone else would be interested in having their own private labels for their vintage harvests?




Well-Known Member
So how was it were you in Cali or another state did all 17 live did you guys both hand water, and how maney times a month or week? What was the final dry weight, also congrats I've been thinking of trying one lately just too scared to put in all that work for no reason


Well-Known Member
As far as the geotags go you can remove all the info manually. Just find a program that removes exif data. Should be pretty solid after that. Not to mention most phones and cameras have options to completely remove tagging. I find it would be best to just remove all the exif data period though just for extra safety :-P

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
Or just don't take any pics of your illegal activity. Why does our generation have to document everything we do? Anywho, not shitting on this thread. Did all 17 live? I'm attempting my first outdoor and need to know how many I may lose. Very experienced indoors but never made the voyage outside yet.


Well-Known Member
Or just don't take any pics of your illegal activity. Why does our generation have to document everything we do? Anywho, not shitting on this thread. Did all 17 live? I'm attempting my first outdoor and need to know how many I may lose. Very experienced indoors but never made the voyage outside yet.
Are you doing guerilla outdoor back yard outdoor I only lost one ha

Tom Foolery

Active Member
Are you doing guerilla outdoor back yard outdoor I only lost one ha
Lost two to insects, possibly termites. Almost lost one of the big ones, (swiss cheese) due to rodents or something similar- they were gnawing through the main stalks of 8+ ft. tall group of plants. After trying to protect them with steel wool and peppermint oil, we found one of the trees on the ground and decided it was a good time to harvest all of them right then and there.

Tom Foolery

Active Member
Lost 2. Rodents had started on some of the other plants, and when I checked them, I found a full 8 ft. tree lying on the ground and decided that harvest time was here.
Also last I checked, people document events with images, words, video, etc., as a way to share their experiences. Not that I thought you were shitting on this thread. I felt although I did not have yet another close up photo of a tiny green sprout or a shot of a ginormous mature white widow- I thought perhaps there was a way to share experiences with or without photos.

Tom Foolery

Active Member
The midwest- yeah, we hand carried a decent amount of water this summer. My partner and I could only meet once a week without raising anyone's suspicion, so the heaviest watering was done only 1 day a week by two people. Supplemental waterings throughout the rest of the week were also necessary. It was a pain and sometimes very inconvenient but it was certainly not for no reason. The harvest this year was truly world fucking class shit. I'd put it up there with the best I've ever tasted. Ever.

Tom Foolery

Active Member
I almost plan on losing half- that's right, half of what I put outdoors as strong healthy plants from an indoor grow cab. Between deer, aphids, slugs, rodents, insects... then factor in potential bad weather, well I've never actually lost half, but if I accept it as a possibility, then if I end up with more than that, it is just icing on the cake. A more realistic loss figure is probably more like 25% but I like to err on the high side.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's crazy about the gophers I was all scared about planting in the ground because of them this year I'll lay down some cage or just go in huge smart pots, that's bad ass though you guys stuck with it I'm for sure going to try a little something you inspired me maney just like 5 at Plot a 5 at plot b ha and have the ones in the back yard to focus on. Are you guys going to try and do it again this year coming up even bigger and better or what