Thrips are back! Need something that will completely destroy every single one of them

Buzzin like a bumble bee

Well-Known Member
Thrips ruined 6 of my plants 2 months ago. I have 10 black domina that have been vegging for 5 weeks. The thrips are back. I need something that will completely destroy every single one of them. It DOES NOT NEED TO BE ORGANIC because I am planning on vegging for another 4 weeks before I throw them into veg.

P.S. I Bleached the entire room before putting the new clones in, and they still got me. I just need to destroy them all!!!!


Well-Known Member
get something with "Spinosad" in it and treat your plants as required and then start a 4 week systemic treatment with azamax. It will eliminate the thrips and you will be starting your flower time clean