OK so I just started some new seedlings(every 30 days) and I'm beginning to worry because I'm finding tiny orange bugs that look like thrips. I've never had any pests as I am in soil and indoors on the 7th floor of a building, but the plants are developing really strange issues I've never seen before. I don't have pics of the bugs but if anyone can help I would appreciate it.

PS these are the two seedlings I worry about, especially the smaller one as all the rusty spots have only shown up since yesterday.


Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
Captain jacks dead but mine at home depot. Killed all thrips in 2 sprays, buy the concentrated bottle. Its a lot cheaper.


Well-Known Member
And remember OP it doesn't matter where your garden is your neighbor on the eighth floor or the neighbor next to you could be growing always take preventative measures for bugs ....just because your way up high in a building makes no difference most bugs fly and climb pretty damn good ......I like neem and azamax just remember to add a little drop of dish soap if you go the neem route and spray at lights out ....good luck


Well-Known Member
Dosent look like thrip damage, silvery white lines/scratches everywhere is what thrip damage is normally. On plants that size you could eliminate the thrips manually anyway.
Dosent look like thrip damage, silvery white lines/scratches everywhere is what thrip damage is normally. On plants that size you could eliminate the thrips manually anyway.
That's what I thought, I've just been smashing them. Its just the only thing I can think of because the rest of the plants are super healthy just this one is dying. It showed such vigor sprouting and then it just started dying.


Well-Known Member
That's what I thought, I've just been smashing them. Its just the only thing I can think of because the rest of the plants are super healthy just this one is dying. It showed such vigor sprouting and then it just started dying.
Accurate identification of what you have is crucial first.