Thrips still around after treating plants with supposed thrips killer pesticide

Buzzin like a bumble bee

Well-Known Member
Thrips have already destroyed 8 of my flowering plants. Now they are in the vegging room. I usually only see 2 or 3 thrips when I search for them, but I need something that will completly destroy every last one of them. I used "GoGnats" which is supposed to kill them. I used it as a foliar spray and in the soil. I am not flowering these plants for another 4 weeks so whatever you guys recommend DOES NOT need to be organic. Please recommend me somethin that will KILL THEM ALL!!!!!!

Floyd 420

i've used Azamax...a foliar spray...on my cajun peppers before when i noticed a large i sprayed em good a couple times and now ive got one healthy pepper plant...thrip free!!! good luck!


Well-Known Member
rule # 1 for pest problems - PAY ATTENTION
please - when you find the first insect you gotta realize there is a problem that needs to be addressed immediately. You didn't see the only 1 or 2 you have. You better consider it an infestation and stop it NOW !!!! Treat with any product containing Spinosad and do it completly per the directions. Then start a systemic application of Azamax once weekly for the next 4 weeks. When you go into flower you will be pest free. You may want to blow a Dr Doom bomb a few days before the Spinosad application or in the flower room a few days before you move your plants.