

I have used tobacco juice twice now and the thrips seem to still be thriving. I dont want my buds to get infested to. Was wondering if there's any other organic ways to spray to control them. Im 33 days into flowering:hump:.


not organic but a drop of washing up liquid in a little water on the surface of the soil works wonders, i had loads of these pesky blighters after the neighbour mowed her nettle patch - one dose with washing up liquid and they were gone. I think they breathe through their bodies and WUL coats them so they cant.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
thurps are veracious avid unless in flower then your screwed spinosad i think works and is organic but also has restriction during flowerinng

avid and spinosad arnt flowering safe so i guess i cant help but next time try these if you still have problems


Well-Known Member
Only thing that will get rid of them is a thing called spinosad. Moterey garden spray has spinosad in it works great for all other bugs also. I just found thrips in my grow and did lots of research. Spinsad is the only way to go! After 2 sprays I haven't seen any thrips.