I'd like to know where gromer stands on all this. Like others said earlier, i thought it was odd seeing him comment on that sophie auction and basically justifying the high bids. Don't get me wrong, he should be proud of his work but if he's down with how greedyline does his business it speaks some to him as well. I don't have to like anyone to enjoy their work, but tha fuck is going on? The pricing is still all over the place. Lama just got some meatbreath in and is charging 150 per pack.. now greenline has em for 90 one day after auctioning off a pack for 280?? (lama charging more for meat than greedy today is as surprising as anything since I would expect greedyline to be the one gouging everyone)... so what the hell is gromer setting the price point at?
Also, saw gromer mention about a week or two ago that he'll be harvesting another batch of peanutbutterbreath in 6 weeks. I'd say i'm looking forward to it but not trying to get gouged.