Thug pug genetics anyone?

The Lost Puta is just a pheno of Putabreath, not 2.0. So Urinal Cake used the original.
Junior is not CPBreath. Cleaned this up so it's readable.

These are his males:
Studly - Mendobreath f2
Junior - Pugsbreath f2 (aka Mendobreath f4)
Lurch - Mendo Montage f3
Mr Stinky - Cherry Valley
Steve Stiffler - Sophisticated Lady

~edited~ Dave - landrace sativa, not CP Breath.
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All the Breath strains was made with a MendoBreath Male he called “Studley Sprewright” and the newer releases he used a male he found in Cherry pie Breath called Jr. Hope that helps

Studly = Mendobreath F2 (Father of 'breath' crosses)
Junior = Mendobreath F4 (Proginy of Studly, fewer OGKB phenos, father of Breath 2.0 crosses)
Mr.Stinky = Cherry Valley Male (Death Valley X Cherry Breath).
Lurch = Mendo Montage F3 Male.
Stiffler = Sophisticated Lady Male

Both of those was made with that Jr Male.
Urinal cake = wedding cake x studley x Jr
Stinky putang = putang x Jr

Urinal Cake = PutaBreath (LostPuta Pheno) x Mr.Stinky
Stinky Putang = Putang x Mr.Stinky

Pffff beat me to it :sleep:
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Urinal cake is the pheno of puta breath he lost which is WC x Studley. Took the lost pheno and let Jr hit it to make Urinal cake. Sophie’s breath made unicorn poop and a few others.

You are sooooo wrong it hurts. You're saying Urinal Cake 'is the pheno of putabreath' - which means you're saying it's putabreath.
Then you're saying he hit to jr to make it.

You're contradicting yourself in a single message and you're still wrong. Junior isn't in any of this.
Use your brain - Puta + Stinky = urinal cake....if you aren't willing to trust the information given.
The Lost Puta is just a pheno of Putabreath, not 2.0. So Urinal Cake used the original.
Junior is not CPBreath. Cleaned this up so it's readable.

These are his males:
Studly - Mendobreath f2
Junior - Pugsbreath f2 (aka Mendobreath f4)
Mr Stinky - Cherry Valley
Steve Stiffler - Sophisticated Lady

Dave - Cherry Pie Breath I think.
These are the right ones. Dave is an old sativa strain tho I think. Either way junior isnt cherry pie breath and Urinal Cake is Putabreath x Stinky

Heres a dave field:


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These are the right ones. Dave is an old sativa strain tho I think. Either way junior isnt cherry pie breath and Urinal Cake is Putabreath x Stinky

Heres a dave field:

I think you're right on Dave now come to think of it I remember him talking about landraces during that post. I do recall him saying he had a Cherry Pie Breath male but maybe that was in reference to the creation of Mr Stinky (Death Valley x Cherry Pie Breath).

p.s. silencio Mr Stinky is Cherry Valley, not Cherry Hills.
Cherry Hills was (Cherry Pie x (GDP x Appalachia))
Who charged 250-300? Did anyone drop other than OES and Phenohut?

I think he's referring to the previous drop... with KKB/Wed Poop.
Anyone know how much OES was charging for the new drop? I'm not too heart broken about missing it just curious since OES seems to find any reason to gouge prices.
They had bubble and honey bells for 100, and stank and Billy for 250. honey bells was a good price since it went up to like 220 on GLO before.
No OES was charging $250 for Billy and Stankasarus. I didn’t see the prices on the other 2 but I’m assuming $300

Ah, gotcha. Well those are old stock from the previous drop, neither are from this drop.
When you said 'the rest were 250-300' I thought u meant other banks, not other packs on OES. My bad there.

No OES was charging $250 for Billy and Stankasarus. I didn’t see the prices on the other 2 but I’m assuming $300
Nah snagged a pack of Urinal Cake for $100, but $15 for shipping. Wish my funds would’ve allowed for two, but honestly was just happy i was able to at least snag one. Especially since i missed out on the Wedding Poop, but if anyone’s willing to part with a pack of WP i possibly might be willing to part with a pack of UP:wink:.
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Soon as i seen him make a post about the Garlic Breath coming back, i went to go see if there was still some in stock, and they were completely wiped out on OES. Deeplyrooted still has some, but there $160 a pop. Might snag a pack if they’re still in stock next Friday. Which still isn’t bad, considering the fact that the GB puts out some insane geno’s. Haven’t seen Terpy announce his drop yet, so if anyone’s interested in his gear you better have a quick trigger finger before @BigSco508 snags them all:lol:.