Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
Lol, the cops were just there to keep the peace. There were about 15 of them, but they just chilled, and posed for pictures with stoners(and bong man).

Thanks for stopping by spoonfuck, I should have the bud grow up and running after the first of the year, I'm trying to get some plumbing done at my house first. The mushrooms, are obviously up and going.

So guys, I think I am gonna see some pins tomorrow. There was a couple spots tonight that looked like the verm was being pushed upwards, so I think maybe there is pins underneath. I guess we'll see then!


Well-Known Member
Lookin good TC, I havnt been home since the last time I wrote..I will bi goin back tomorrow. Im sure the tray is full of spores, oh well. My bro needed some company...him and his ole lady just split up so I have been hangin out gettin Pics to come tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Its all good bro, thanks for stoppin by to say hi! I appreciate it. Give your bro my best! Ya you had fruit when you left didn't you. How long can you leave them on a tray or cake for before they start to rot? ie. in the case of going out of town?

I imagine things are gonna start to come along. Is 99% humidity TOO high? I've been fanning them once or twice a day, and misting once, and not any where there is myc coming through. I've been seeing growth, but not alot. Like I said it looks like they might poke there heads tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
THanks for getting me the link to that Kush, looks fucking great!

Well guys you will get some pin porn tomorrow!! They are definitely making progress, and I can just start to see some pins. FInally!


Well-Known Member
Well the day is here, I have my first pins on my KS tray!! Its funny I thought the Burmas were gonna break through first. 2 of them look kinda wierd, I'll get some pics up either here in a bit or tonight. Hopefully by tonight the burmas will be coming up too!


Well-Known Member
Well guys heres the pics. They are still tiny, but you should be able to see them ok. I hit up the macro! In the one pic, you can see the 2 larger ones, one of which looks kinda deformed. Hopefuilly they'll look cooler tomorrow if so I'll take more pics.

I think part of the slowness was that I had forgotten to fan them for like the first 4 days last week. I've been seeing much better growth since. What do you think of putting a small cpu fan blowing out of the FC to pull fresh air in through the polly fill.


Well-Known Member
Just curious, my RH has been staying at 99 not fluctuating at all. My temp has been staying between 71-74. Maybe they were just taking there time.


Well-Known Member
Ah ha, merry christmas!! Its has been for me, got to sleep in, about to go eat some good food, and I just checked my mushrooms!! Wait till you guys see these pictures!! These KS are about to Blow UP!! I won't have them up until I getback form food, but I was excited! As I'm sure you can tell from all the exclamation points I just used.


Well-Known Member
Well guys, the food was good and I have the pictures as promised. These pictures are from this morning. If the batteries on my camera weren't dead I would take more tonight cause the KS are really taking off. But I'll get batteries tomorrow because I'm sure they'll be even crazier tomorrow, they have changed so much just since this morning.

There ya go. More to come tomorrow.