Thundercat's Groooooooow

Its cold as fuck out right now..cold enough to freeze the balls off of a brass monkey.Negative 15.actual temp not even wind chill.
I sure hope its not the creeping cruds you got on your plants..i hate bugs..especially mites.
Its cold as fuck out right now..cold enough to freeze the balls off of a brass monkey.Negative 15.actual temp not even wind chill.
I sure hope its not the creeping cruds you got on your plants..i hate bugs..especially mites.

down with the mites!

i live i south Louisiana and it is 26 and will be 21 for the low cold as hell to me. I lived in Germany and Kosovo and want no part of the cold any more. I do fill for you
I feel strongly that it is not thrip poop, or an other bug product. I chopped that plant last night and gave the rest of the girls another good look over. I would think if it was some sort of pest there would be some other signs. I have seen no creepy crawlies on the plants or in the pots. I would also really think my inert media and use of steralizing agents would make it hard for them to hide in the pots. I'll look them over again real good this afternoon when the lights come on. From the size of a few of the spots I would be inclined to think if it was bugs they would have to be huge. There were also only a few droplets. Now you guys have me worried though. I looked the plants over pretty well, but I wasn't "looking" for bugs specifically so maybe I missed something.

Edit: I am feeling a bit better I just remembered, that when I was snipping the buds off the stems to trim them, the stems were slightly oozing this same liquid which I felt reafirmed my beliefs on it. Another thought was that if this was "bug juice" then those bugs must be filled with sugar, cus when I heated this liquid it reacted just like a simple syrup solution.

I know the temps have been swinging more then they should with the lights out with it being so cold. I turned my heater up yesterday so hopfully the lights out temp won't drop as much. Then it was in the teens the lights out temp was only dropping about 7-10 degrees. I'm afraid since its been below -10 the last 2 days temps have been swinging more. I'm actually gonna go down now and check the temp and see how it looks. But what I was thinking is perhaps the "sap" had "flowed" because of the temp swings. I know in maple and evergreen trees that the temperatures strongly impact the sap flow through the plants. The sap simply being the sugar rich life juice of the tree....that being said this might be some really nice sweet bud if its got so much spare sugar it can ooze it out :). But seriously it was some of the nicest looking critical jack yet. It had turned a bit purple (prolly from low temps), and the CJ stink was just pouring off it. I'll see if the wife uploaded the pics she took. Yep here ya go. A couple pics of the Critical jack from last night which has the sap on it, and the sap its self.



heres that sap. I wish it was some nice qwiso that looked like this instead :).
I couldnt believe that it would be bugs in your setup either really. I just saw that post on here somewhere. I have never seen that kind of oil/sap on a mj plant before. Are you using any carbo loaders/sugars? :-)

Man it would be sweet if plants would just turn themselves into honey oil.. LOL!
Thanks Max!

Man someguy I wish it was oil. Thats why I did the heat test, I was getting ready to try dabbing it, and I was REALLY glad I didn't when I saw how it reacted, and it smelled like burnt sugar. I'm not using any kind of bud boosters, or carb load type products. This is the first round of plants that has been completely run on the floranova nutes though. I'll say about these nutes, some plants seem to be yielding a little less(maybe because of humidty like max said the other day) but the flavors and smells seem very intense, trich production seems great, and they are all turning out nice and dense.
I did miss that thread thanks, and those pictures are exactly what this looked like. I'm gonna do another more thorough inspection in a few hours here and make sure I don't find any bugs. As I was typing this post I was checking that other thread and the OP posted some interesting info that reaffirms my belief that it infact is a natural excretion from the plant itself caused by moisture differentials between the roots and the rest of the plant. Soo it likely is impacted by my other humidity issues in the room. My basement is very low humidity right now, so the plant is prolly having issues with proper respiration. I'll stick a dish of water infront of the heater on the floor and see what happens over the next few days/weeks.

  • I was getting ready to try dabbing it, and I was REALLY glad I didn't when I saw how it reacted, and it smelled like burnt sugar. I'

    • images


lol put a drop of water and a few grains of sugar on a spoon and mix then hit with a torch and you'll see what I mean :).
hehe what don't want to feel like a crack head heating a spoon with a torch ?

Hows your day going in the deep south Beech? Its cold as hell here still, and I'm not in any hurry to shovel this 12+ inchs of snow.
Air will hold moisture at higher temps.The warmer the air is the more moisture it will hold.75 F will hold around 50% moisture.Without much problem once put into the air.
Humidifiers are easy to come by this time of year and not to expensive at lowes or mennards.
My problem is too much humidity.Ive got it under control but it would be easier and cheaper to add humidity rather than remove it.
My humidifier pulls around 12 amps runs on its own circuit and never shuts off.
Spraying your girls with a pump up hudson garden sprayer would help add could do a foiler feeding program if you wanted.I used to do it when id get bottles of juice .test samples from the hydro use it for fioler feeding..what the hell its free.
Another way to get humidity up is enclose the grow area into a tighter space so the moisture of the plants keep humidity in the area you have contained.
Better yet.If you could contain the space.inject co2.When lights go off evacuate the space with low RH air..this would rock your buds..and your would be sweet.
I use a product called orca film.Ive told allot of people about it on RIU.If you have seen pictures of my hoods and grow.Or Dlopez's grow who set it up you will see the proof.
If you are not using it you are missing the boat on increased production and quality.
You dont have to use it to get good buds..Orca will just make your buds bigger with more bud sites and weight.
How many people complain about their dope growing too big and heavy?
Heres a idea i just had strike me.You could get cheap foam insulation boards cover it in orca and contain the grow with movable walls.Put the orca under the plants if the plant bases do not cover the floor.This would help contain the area and the humidity within it.You will not believe how much light it will add to your grow also.
Its easy for me to spend other peoples money.But this stuff is actually pretty cheap and pays for itself straight away.
I like to think of it as a investment.
I've got 90% of my room wrapped with white poly film I don't remember what brand it was but I'm assuming its similar to the ORCA. It makes for a nice reflective wall surface, and I covered the ceiling also to clean it all up. I really need to remember to get the humidty moniter like I've said before, I just always end up forgetting it when I'm at the store. My daughter doesn't like shopping.

Its funny you mentioned the movable walls(like your drop down panels :) ) I have a 3x4 ft panel of white foam I have leaned on the side of the tray that is away from the wall to act as a false wall. After seeing your drop down ones I've been planning on doing something similar so I can move it out of the way.
Panels are nice to be able to move them around,the ones we have are more of a curtain.It works well to get around the plants.
Orca is a product like none other.No mylar is like it no panda film is like it.Not even high quality german dimple alum is as good as it is.Seriously the hoods im making out of it are out preforming the alum hoods.Over all its not that expensive either.