Thundercat's Groooooooow

Thanks qwizo, I had started looking for it, then got side tracked and forgot about it :). Hope you guys are having a fun night!! Me and the wife are about to some a Sinmint blunt, and watch some walking dead. We just started watching it last night. We like to wait till shows are a season or 3 deep to start watching them.
Sounds like a good night!

I think I'm gonna get to the glass shop tomorrow, should be fun. I still have to post the pics of the hearts from last week. I'll catch you guys in the A.M.
Bro.. I may have to hit you up in pm.. I got my syringes in today. Just waiting on my system is all now, well plus some other spores I have coming. The 24k Gold is the spores that came in today. I just need to ask you a few basic questions about the medium, and or if you let your cakes touch the medium, or place foil between the two :??:
In the future if I were able to find a WBS that perhaps didn't have any sunflower seeds, Might that be a good thing to try. I saw some today that was mostly millet seeds, thought it might be a possability. That is a 10 psi, I remembered you said 90 minutes. I didn't get an air pump for my incubator, where its at is under some stairs, and I couldn't have the noise. But I got a heater, with an adjustment on it to turn it up or down. Was that a digital thermometer in your incubator? Work well?
You can pm me anytime you want dank.

As far as the your set up. I didn't use actual cakes, I did what was called a "casing". It was a lasagna pan filled with colonized substrate, and then topped with vermiculite as a casing layer. These pans sat ontop of the wet perlite in the bottom of the fruiting chamber.

In your setup, I believe you will want to set the cakes onto some foil squares or something to keep them from sitting directly on top of the perlite.
OK. Bare with me. So if they did grow into your medium, would that be bad :??: Also, what do you think the best medium is to have maximum yield, and or what would you suggest :??: I have been seeing and reading some using this as there substrate/medium :??: If so (it can be used), would I place this into my jars, then sterilize :??: After that I inculcate the jars with me spores, then let sit in the dark for a period of :??: most say a week. Not sure. Then off to the fruiting chamber :??: do I have any part of this shit right :??: lol Sorry about so many questions bro. I just dont want to fuck up & or kill anyone nor myself.
They will grow into the perlite otherwise. :0)
The perlite under the cakes or trays or whatever route you take is just there to help keep moisture up I believe. If the mushrooms started growing down into it, they wouldn't be able to fully develop correctly. You want them to grow upwards into your chamber for best results. The rye berries are a pretty common substrate, I used Wild bird seed as it was cheap and easily available. Popcorn also seems to work really well and is pretty cheap and available too.

Which ever medium gets prepared, put into jars, preasure cooked, then allowed to cool. The jars get inoculated with spores, and then have to sit and colonize. Sometimes colonizing takes a week, sometimes longer, it depends on a few variables. I colonized my jars in an incubator I made from 2 rubber maid totes and a fish tank heater. The bottom tote had a couple inchs of water with the heater keeping it warm, then the top tote was set inside with the lid on and the water keeps the top totes warm. So after the jars are colonized you can either fruit the cakes if you did that method, or you take the colonized jars and spawn them to a bulk substrate(manure,straw, something like that) allow that to colonize and then fruit them.
Hope that answers a few questions at least.
Hey guys been busy/lazy if that makes any sense. Busy with some stuff, lazy about posting updates though I'm sure you're all used to that from me.

I made another pendant the other day that turned out ok, and I tried making a one hitter. I failed at that though. The second one was almost a success but my wife showed up to get me so I had to scrap it. I learned more, and for more comfortable on the torch so that was still a win in my book. As much as I'm enjoying learning at this shop, and hanging out with these guys and meeting new people. I really need to get a torch and put some real time into this I think.
Oh I am very much so! Its very exciting and relaxing at the same time. I'm sure there will be some extremely frustrating points when I mess up stuff and times when things break but I'm not far enough along to be upset yet. Right now I am feelin like every bit of time I get on the torch is a step in the right direction!
Hey guys been busy/lazy if that makes any sense. Busy with some stuff, lazy about posting updates though I'm sure you're all used to that from me.

I made another pendant the other day that turned out ok, and I tried making a one hitter. I failed at that though. The second one was almost a success but my wife showed up to get me so I had to scrap it. I learned more, and for more comfortable on the torch so that was still a win in my book. As much as I'm enjoying learning at this shop, and hanging out with these guys and meeting new people. I really need to get a torch and put some real time into this I think.

Whats the saying...... Pics, or it didnt Happen? Yeah, that it! You gotta know that we want to see EVERYTHING you BLOW! Even though that last sentence sounded questionable... You KNOW what I mean? Hehehe

Hehe, I'll make the wife take pics of the pendants. The pipes I attempted yesterday are in the scrap pile already. I might be going back over tomorrow though, we'll see if I get on the torch or not gonna depend on timing.

Oh ya just found out yesterday that a HUGE name in the glass world is willing to teach a class at the shop next month. Its gonna be a 3 day class and is only $600 which is really cheap, sometimes these big name classes are 3-500 a day. I want to go so bad! There is no way I can afford to spend the money right now, but I'm trying to figure out a way to get an invite. It would be a great opportunity to learn from this guy.
Ok heres a few pics of one of the heart pendants, and of the round one I made last week. I went over today, and spent a couple hours on the torch. I was able to make a really neat "implosion" pendant. I will prolly be picking it up in a few days and I'll get a pic sooner of that I'm really excited about how it turned out.

The colorful heart

The center of this is a sparkly green with clear dots in it, then surrounded with black.


I'm really loving this, its incredibly relaxing, and fantastic therapy.