Check post #2666
Im not sure if that's the only tek
In the future if I were able to find a WBS that perhaps didn't have any sunflower seeds, Might that be a good thing to try. I saw some today that was mostly millet seeds, thought it might be a possability. That is a 10 psi, I remembered you said 90 minutes. I didn't get an air pump for my incubator, where its at is under some stairs, and I couldn't have the noise. But I got a heater, with an adjustment on it to turn it up or down. Was that a digital thermometer in your incubator? Work well?
They will grow into the perlite otherwise. :0)
Hey guys been busy/lazy if that makes any sense. Busy with some stuff, lazy about posting updates though I'm sure you're all used to that from me.
I made another pendant the other day that turned out ok, and I tried making a one hitter. I failed at that though. The second one was almost a success but my wife showed up to get me so I had to scrap it. I learned more, and for more comfortable on the torch so that was still a win in my book. As much as I'm enjoying learning at this shop, and hanging out with these guys and meeting new people. I really need to get a torch and put some real time into this I think.