Well-Known Member
good to hear man!
SOME DAMN, Good looking veggers @ the moment.its cool getting to see what others come up with, with the resent increase in home breeding.
its cool getting to see what others come up with, with the resent increase in home breeding.
If i send you a broken one hitter you think you can fix it for me? It is a shroom and i loved it till i bent over oneday and it fell out of my shert pocket. It broke clean sould be easy to fuse back.I've been spending alot more time working on glass the last couple weeks. I worked out a good weekly rate at the shop now that I have my own torch, and its been allowing me to work as much as I can get down there basically. I've got some tubing coming on order this week I hope, and I"m gonna start practicing making spoons for real. Its really been a blast!
Son of bitch should make Glass for what it cost..Thats the torch I got, but mine has a different base on it. It wasn't cheap but I got a good deal on a used one,and I'm really hoping it will pay for it self sooner then later. It sure melts glass nice though, I also just picked up a foot pedal that allows me to control the out set of jets but foot rather then having to use my hands to turn it on and off. Its awesome!
HOnestly Dr. repairs can kinda be a bitch from what I've heard. I havn't tried one yet, but from what I've done I can imagine getting it right would be really tough. I am hoping that I'll have some stuff soon that will be worth sending to a few of my friends though. I need to get more glass.