Thundercat's Groooooooow

Yep standard fence posts, 1/2" pvc pipe, some fitting and some ezcloner sprayers. Its a really simple system. THis page has all the designs on it. The flower system in the design is his smaller one, but all you would have to do is make it longer everything else is the same. Honestly though the smaller ones might be perfect for you JD since you are working in a tight space. ON this page Superstoner outlines his nutrient schedule. He's been running these rails for years now, and dialing it all in really well.
I do this all the time Mo. There are about 20 more
threads that I need to stumble into.

TC's pointer to StinkBuddy was cool. I am already
thinking about repositioning the tank into the middle of the run.
Then it could fit into my 4' tent.

Well hey there Mo, nice to have you :). I've been saying it for a minute already, but I'll get some new pics up pretty soon so you guys can see where things are at.

Thats one of the neat things about a system like that JD. You can take the basic design and mod it to fit your space.
Morning everyone! Hope your all having a happy Shatterday :). Nothing real special going on over here this morning. Just having my coffee and dabs for the morning then off to the shop to put in some hours melting.

This current batch of clones is looking good, more then half have roots coming out of the cubes. They should be ready to pot up in a few days. Things grow so much better in the spring :).
Lol I never ended up leaving the house. My wife wasn't feeling good, so I hung out here to help out with my daughter. We just went for a bike ride around the neighborhood. Heres a few pics I finally uploaded of some recent glass work.

A spoon I did this week with a turtle on the end. The shell is a multi color honeycomb.

Here is a lumpy space princess pendant(from adventure time) that I made for my wife/sale

A honeycomb style pendant I made a few weeks back

I also made my first lined tubing a few weeks ago. I made the rainbow tube, and then made these sweet sherlocks from it, and a spoon that I kept for us.

And last but not least here are some skull pendants I've been doing. I've been having fun putting various hair styles/horns and such on them. The brown one has rams horns, and I did one the other day with a beard and mustache but don't have a picture.

Well there's alittle of the fun I've been having. I've got a case of pipes my wife is supposed to take pictures of before I sell it. There's a bunch in it I was really happy with.
Lol I never ended up leaving the house. My wife wasn't feeling good, so I hung out here to help out with my daughter. We just went for a bike ride around the neighborhood. Heres a few pics I finally uploaded of some recent glass work.

A spoon I did this week with a turtle on the end. The shell is a multi color honeycomb.

Here is a lumpy space princess pendant(from adventure time) that I made for my wife/sale

A honeycomb style pendant I made a few weeks back

I also made my first lined tubing a few weeks ago. I made the rainbow tube, and then made these sweet sherlocks from it, and a spoon that I kept for us.

And last but not least here are some skull pendants I've been doing. I've been having fun putting various hair styles/horns and such on them. The brown one has rams horns, and I did one the other day with a beard and mustache but don't have a picture.

Well there's alittle of the fun I've been having. I've got a case of pipes my wife is supposed to take pictures of before I sell it. There's a bunch in it I was really happy with.
Fucking right bro! Your shit is coming on great man!
for real. That's some pro looking stuff tcat. Hope the wife is feeling better. Give the little one a kiss for me. I'm flying home right to see my ladies for the first time in over 6 weeks. I'm probably about over your head right now. Look up and wave lol
Thanks guys, I think some of these have been my best yet.

Its kinda funny Jig I just heard a plane go over when I read that :). I hope you have a great visit with your girls man, give em lots of hugs for us! Sorry to hear I saw you've been having some headaches at the farm. Any luck getting things figured out yet?
ah man... Its all meant to be with the developments over in sunny Spain. We found a new place in the same town. Same price but way better set up. I love the new place and it feels so right. The old place was lush, really nice place, but it never felt right to me for a second, and you know how I am with feelings and shit. I really think its all coming into focus now. I'm super stoked to head back, although it wil be toght leaving the Mrs and babe again.

and you know what's funny, I thought Spain was all warmth and sunshine, bit it rained for 8 days strait a few weeks back. Definitely not expected.aside from that though its been bright and warm as anything. I have fucking old man sun spots / scabs on my balding head. way too young for this shit haha. I need to basically wear a hat at all times outside. I got a damn sunburn on the backs of my hands. Didn't even know that was possible.
Lol I never ended up leaving the house. My wife wasn't feeling good, so I hung out here to help out with my daughter. We just went for a bike ride around the neighborhood. Heres a few pics I finally uploaded of some recent glass work.

A spoon I did this week with a turtle on the end. The shell is a multi color honeycomb.

Here is a lumpy space princess pendant(from adventure time) that I made for my wife/sale

A honeycomb style pendant I made a few weeks back

I also made my first lined tubing a few weeks ago. I made the rainbow tube, and then made these sweet sherlocks from it, and a spoon that I kept for us.

And last but not least here are some skull pendants I've been doing. I've been having fun putting various hair styles/horns and such on them. The brown one has rams horns, and I did one the other day with a beard and mustache but don't have a picture.

Well there's alittle of the fun I've been having. I've got a case of pipes my wife is supposed to take pictures of before I sell it. There's a bunch in it I was really happy with.
Solid bro. Wow, you got some skills.

My dogs named Jake after Jake The Dog :) Shar Pei Boxer cross he's wrinkly and saggy skinned awesomeness :)
I'm really glad to hear things are actually turning out better then planned then Jig, that's awesome. I do know how you are about feelings so its cool that this new place really hit the spot.

Woot I'm glad it made it all in one piece, and that you guys like the stuff. I tossed in the extra stuff for the non smokers in the house :). Did you also find the straw tube?
I'm really glad to hear things are actually turning out better then planned then Jig, that's awesome. I do know how you are about feelings so its cool that this new place really hit the spot.

Woot I'm glad it made it all in one piece, and that you guys like the stuff. I tossed in the extra stuff for the non smokers in the house :). Did you also find the straw tube?
Yes sir and I will have one as an outdoor scog and should be fun!