Thundercat's Groooooooow

I also try and put my all in everything I do. I don't like anything done half-ass, and am pretty good at figuring out who has a clue and who doesn't, but I think you are on a whole nother level. I'm impressed, and if you want to get out of the closet, come out to CO, you and your wife can have 12 plants here. Anyways Happy New Year, and keep doing what your doing.

We've tried to get out there before. I had a job offer at one point but we couldn't find affordable housing. HoneStly the idea of plant counts and a legal grow scares the crap out of me. The idea of "the man" knowing I have a garden and where it's at, is totally contrary to how I've always lived. Then again it might be a huge weight off my shoulders.
The man doesn't know anything. Everyone in CO over 21 is allowed to grow 6 plants per person, up to 12 per residence. Now if you want to go over that, you have to get a med card from your doc with a higher prescribed plant count. I thought about doing that, but like you would rather not tell the man that I am growing, and I personally don't mind the 12 plant total. I have had a med card for almost 10 years here, but I just use it to get my stuff cheaper, and without the extra tax they add to the Rec sales. Also, if you are caught with more than 12 now, and up to like 30, I guess you pay a fine the first time. Not trying to sell you on CO, but CO people are some of the coolest, most laid back people I've known. I've lived in WA,CA,SD, and CO, and there is no way I would move out of here. Even our Cops are cool. I can't say that about the other states I've been through, or lived in. Anyways, I'm about 25 mins west of Denver, and the more you get out of the city the more affordable it is. Also, alot of people around this area have greenhouses to use the potent high altitude sun. Think about it, you would be welcomed here.
I think you are right about the attitude change in general towards Cannabis tc, which presents possibilities in the future. Even though it’s something we’re passionate about it’s tough to ignore other factors that have us wherever we are in life and land. As much as I miss and love my home state of Colorado, my family left and it’s more important to me that I’m near them. Sheesh, feeling a bit emotional over this topic lol
I think you are right about the attitude change in general towards Cannabis tc, which presents possibilities in the future. Even though it’s something we’re passionate about it’s tough to ignore other factors that have us wherever we are in life and land. As much as I miss and love my home state of Colorado, my family left and it’s more important to me that I’m near them. Sheesh, feeling a bit emotional over this topic lol

Ah man its ok to be in the feels for a minute. I kinda get it, I moved away from the rest of my family in 2005. I've got my wife and daughter which is obviously the most important thing, but its still tough not really having any relationship with any of the rest of my family. We can't afford to go visit much, and they have only came down here to see us a few times. If we did make it out west I'm not sure I'd ever see them again.
Awesome buddy thanks for more info and leads I knew you would have the low down with your love of variety !! I've hoped doc might chime in with some info :)too .

I didn't see a way to order the seeds? Not that I've got money right now anyway.
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I have seeds if you need some..

Trainwreck seeds? If you've got some that should be close to the real thing I'd be down to try a few. I bet I could send you a new glass piece in exchange.

I have never had trainwreck, so this little search is mostly for the dude I work with. He has been missing It for years.

I figured it wouldn't hurt to indulge him and try I run a new genetic at the same time .
Dr Greenthumb does have prices listed....there is a link....but, be warned....his prices are over-the-top.

Now, the photos at least looks *spot on*....I think that I will try one of them to see how close they really get.

Dr Greenthumb does have prices listed....there is a link....but, be warned....his prices are over-the-top.

Now, the photos at least looks *spot on*....I think that I will try one of them to see how close they really get.


Ok I did find the prices. My phone was just being wierd I guess the first time I looked. They definitely aren't cheap, but not as high as I was expecting from the way you were talking lol.
No, no TW. I have GTH, and I might have some time wreck (TGA).

Ah right on Mo, what's GTH? I appreciate the offer either way. I'm specifically looking for the TW. I've got a variety of other beans, but nothing with that lineage even.

I might have to order a pack of these drgreenthumb train wrecks. If the picture is getting you excited JD I figure that's gotta be a good start. The only others I've found in stock were from Medicann.
I have seeds if you need some..

Awesome Mo!

FWIW, I revisited the issue of this source....I think that I like the dude...his main complaint is that
he has little patience for bs. lol Now, there are no guarantees but I think that I will try his Headband too.

My HSO Trainwreck did pop hairs and I will post in my thread when it gets going.
GTH is Ghost Train Haze.....from Rare Dankness IIRC.

It was one of the most talked up efforts of the last few years.....involved in many nice projects.
GTH is Ghost Train Haze.....from Rare Dankness IIRC.

It was one of the most talked up efforts of the last few years.....involved in many nice projects.

Interesting ill look up the lineage, based on the name I could make some guesses and they are all dank lol.

I haven't just been off RIU the last few years I've been completely out of the weed world other then what's in my basement. Even before I faded away I had been very focused on certain stuff for a while. It's always been tough hiding underground. Ordering seeds has it's risks, getting them from people requires exposure, and clones are even tougher.

Even though I'm close to a medical state you gotta make connections to make things happen which is contrary to how I've always lived in the weed world.

I want to change that though, I just have to do it intelligently so I don't blow my world up.