Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
Lol, you think HTG would pay to use that picture for advertisement? I didn't realize you could read the lighter till I posted the pics.


Well-Known Member
Well like I said this morning, the SAs where done today. I forgot to pick that big one before work, so it opened wide, and split on the top. They all got pretty big though, and I picked them a little bit ago. I cut the caps off 2 of them for spore prints, and the rest are drying!!

My plants looked awesome when I got home today! I trimmed a bunch of immature fan leaves, and a couple lower shoots I wasn't happy with. They are really taking shape. I even topped several more of the long branches to even out the canopy.
that tray is huge :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot guys, I appreciate the compliments.

Wow, so i just had this whole update written, it took me like 15 minutes. Then my computer screwed up. So I'll give you guys the brief update.

5 o'clock I've been harvesting mushrooms since yesterday, and Will be untill tonight, they finish at differant times usually.

I think I should get about 30g dry off the KS, and about 13-15 off the SA. I didn't take a wet weight, just a guess. Other then having to recase the SA with a VERY LIGHT layer of topsoil/perlite cus I ran out of verm, everything is going well. I'll get more verm today so I can recase the KS the right way. So I'll take some pics of the plants either tonight or tomorrow, so you guys can see the progress. Latta TC


Well-Known Member
Well all the mushies are drying! I'm still going with my original guess of 30g from the KS, and about 13g from the SA. The SA tray is already pinning again, and I just recased the KS this morning, so I should have more pins in a day or 2.

As far as the plants go, nothing major to report, I didn't water them this morning, I may either tonight, or tomorrow. They still seem moist, and the plants are growing good, so I figured I'd leave them alone. When I do water I'm gonna ramp up the nutes just a bit from 1/4 to about 1/3 strength. There are a couple that all along have looked like they needed a bit more N. I've been foliar feeding them, and I think its been helping. Any way I'll take pics when I water either way. Peace guys! TC


Well-Known Member
Well its been a couple days, been kinda busy. I guess everyone else has been too?

The mushrooms have been dried, and I was of on the KS, ended up with 35g from them, and 14g from the SA, so not to bad. Both trays are already fruiting again. The SA are on the 3rd flush, and its gonna be the biggest flush from them yet more keep popping up. The KS just started popping up last night, and they should give a nice full flush again. The potting soil casing on the SA seems to have worked great, no contams yet, and they don't seem to be having a problem fruiting.

My plants are looking great, I watered them yesterday, pics will be up tonight. I watered with 1/3 strength grow big, and big bloom, ph'd to 6.3. They each got about 1/2 gallon. The smaller ones got a bit less, and the bigger got a bit more. I've tied down a few more branchs, and these plants are bushing out nicely. A few are stretching a bit more then I'd like, but not bad, and thats why I decided to flower early. Hell they are sativas, thats what they do is stretch, lol. So they have 1 more week till 12/12, and I think they are gonna be right on track.


Well-Known Member
Along with pictures I'm also gonna take a bunch of clones tonight. Of the ones I took before, 3 of the 6 look like they will make it. One is showing roots out the bottom, and the others are looking good. This batch should go better since they will actually be under 18/6 light, not 12/12 like I screwed up the first time.


Well-Known Member
Well guys I think its been about a week since my last picture update on my plants. I've been talking about it all this week, but no bodies been around so I guess it doesn't matter that I didn't post them, lol. So here they are either way. I'll take some better pictures next week when I make a few changes and switch them to 12/12, but you should be able to see the difference since last week easily enough. The mango, and Kush are both still pretty small, and when I take them out of the tent to veg for another 2 weeks, I think I might put the light up kinda high, and see if I can get them to stretch a bit. They are dense, lots of growth in a small area, just small. All the rest of the plants are looking great, the WW is turning out beautiful. Any way, I've been updateing all week, so there isn't much new to say really. I still gotta take those cones, but I want to get a tray with a dome, so I can take a whole bunch of cones, instead of the peat pellets I've been using. Well hope you guys enjoy, lol if any body even sees them.

Latta guys TC


Well-Known Member
Hey Lurk, thanks for swinging by to check things out. Its K.C. Brains Mango. I've grown some K.C. 36 before with good results, so for the $12, I got a 10 pack of the mango to try out. I do have alot of sativas going on. Most of my seeds came from a friend, so I took what was offered to me. Thats why when I ordered the Kush, and Mango, I decided to go with 2 strains that were indica dom. They deffinitly havn't bushed out like the sativas, so in the future I think I would be inclined to let them veg naturally, and not top them like I did. The WW seems to be responding well to being topped though. I think the pheno I have is gonna be pretty decent, it was planted the same day as the kush and mango, but has out performed both right from the beginning. All in all I'm pretty happy with them.

Thanks for the props on the shrooms too. They have been a blast, I'll have more ready in about 2-3 days I'm guessing. I'll post some pics when they are done like usual. I'm actually about to eat about 3-3.5g of the SA, it should be a fun afternoon.

Latta TC

And if any body else is stops by, the pics on the previous page (77)


Well-Known Member
Ah... yea I looked into the kc brains stuff but I figured if the seeds were that cheap there was a reason. In my experiences its almost always been that you get what you pay for.

After my plant went male I decided to go with fem seeds on this next grow.

I'm waiting on dutch passion blueberry, paradise whiteberry, and bb blue cheese fem seeds.

I was really looking into growing nirvana papaya, and thats why I asked. If I do a big grow in the future I'm definitely going to do some papaya/mango.


Well-Known Member
Lots of people assume that about seeds, and some have had poor experiances with K.C. but I've only had good results. I planted 10 seeds of the 36 I grew before, 9 germed, and 6 were female. This time I planted 5, all germed, but I was out of town for a weekend, and 3 died. I don't know the sex on the 2 that are left, but we'll find out. My Kush was a feminized seed from the legands collection, I think the WW is feminized, and the power skunk seeds I have were stored with banana peels which is supposed to encourage females. Thats the last variable in this grow I think, SEX. I'm gonna take several cones from each plant very soon, so that once they are sexed I can figure out which plants I'm keeping. I want to keep a mother of each strain so that I can really have a choice once they are done, and I see how each pheno finishs.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, I've been loving the kush ever since I saw it. I do wish it would get a bit bigger, but its growing good, I just gotta have patience.


Well-Known Member
Oh ya the nodes are less then a half inch apart. Its gonna be a solid nug for sure. I'm gonna give it and the mango 3 more weeks, which should make a pretty good difference.

Well its getting hard to type, and follow the threads cus of the shrooms, so I'll check in with you guys in a couple hours!!!


Well-Known Member
man, i'm kinda missing something... everytime i see ur pics i don't quite understand them. to each his own, but what excactly are you doing to keep them that 'low'? are you pinching the tops or topping repeatedly or what? looks like they will sog well though...


Well-Known Member
Sup thunder? yeah man. it's the labrynth. I been watching your thread for awhile now, just dont know enough about shrooms to say anything lol I do enjoy them though. Looks like you got this in the bag . Look at all those caps !!!!! FAPP!! good shit+REP