Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
I did have a great night. THanks. Can't wait to see the pics. Sounds like thing are moving right along.

At my place we have out of control water pressure. I think it actually broke my ro filter it was too high.
Your lucky on the water presure man, though I suppose I wouldn't trade my basement for your water presure.

As par my usual I didn't manage to get the pics, been a super busy couple days with Drs. appts and some family stuff. I've only been in my room for like a half hour last night to water the clones and check my ph. Everything was looking good so I'm not stressin to bad. The def if thats what it is wasn't looking much worse so maybe I already fixed it. I told the wife she has to deal with the kid tomorrow I gotta spend a few hours downstairs. The annoying part is I'm running my lights 5 pm till 5 am since its so cold here at night to keep temps more stable. So the only time I can get in there is in the evening at which point I am often rather tired unfortunately. I can't wait till it warms up a bit and I can go back to my usual noon till midnight cycle.

Thanks for swinging by greatdane, rehab is going really well I have an awesome physical therapist!

Peace guys I'll catch ya tomorrow!



Well-Known Member
Well as usual with me, I'm a few days late on the pics, but I'm not gonna say a dollar short. Today marks the completion of week 3 for my plants since they started getting sexy for me. (well all but that one WW its at 1week) The flowering girls are blowing up, and looking at the last pics I posted really showed me how much. So with out further ado:

First off we have a group pic from last time, and once form this time.

Next we have a couple of the Bubba kushs from different angles.

frosting on the edges

Here's a few of the diesel

and last but not least of the flowering girls is the strawberry

and one more group shot from another angle

I changed my res yesterday and its filled will nothing but ph'd water, and a little epsom salts. I told you guys I noticed some discoloration and light brown spotting. These are the pics of it, sorry about the hps you know how it is. The first is the brown spotting on the diesel, the second two are the discoloration on the strawberry.

I'm not sure exactly whats up with those, I was thinking it looked like mg with the spotting. The rest of the plant(s) are all nice and dark green so I didn't think it was N unless they are locked out which is why I'm giving them a flush. Any ideas guys?


Well-Known Member
I figured I'd post them seperate cus that was so huge, here are a few of the vegging girls as well.
The Cindys, I think I'm gonna take one of the twin shoots off and clone it once its big enough, and just leave the single stem. The other one that "topped" itself, I am gonna let get big enough I can take both tops off as clones, then let the rest bush out as a mom.

critical jack almost big enough to clone

Widow mom last time and this time

and everything else

I actually took another 25 clones yesterday half off of the WW mom, and the rest off of the other WWs and strawberries. I found that of the 5 strawberries 2 were males, which I have gotten rid of already. I do still have the clones I took from them, I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with those yet. I'm running basically the normal 3 part GH recipe cut down just a tad so I've been about 800 ppm and other the the issues I've mentioned the plants seem really happy. I've been adding the floralicious, and some superthrive to the mix as well, I can't really say I've noticed a difference then usual but maybe I'll notice some by the end. I am gonna go get some cal mag, and I already need another bottle of PH down. My water PH here is so high, I have to add about 1 tsp per gallon to get my water down in the right area.

OH YA!! Soooo I'm super excited I mentioned it at one point but it is now offical I will be attending the first annual HighTimes Cannabis cup in Denver for 4/20 this year!! I've wanted to go to amsterdam for many years, but its never happened I figure this is gonna be the next best thing. I've already got my tickets, and have been finalizing everything else. Is anyone else going to make it this year?


Well-Known Member
I don't know about the spots, but the rest of everything is amazing looking. Sorry I'm not help.
Lol its all good man, I've never had to deal with to many def. problems so I've never gotten good at diagnosing everything either. I read and read, but this looks like that which looks like this, if you get what I mean. Thanks though man I've been really happy with how they have progressed in the last 2 weeks, it makes me very eager for the next 5.


Well-Known Member
I know some peeps on the 600 thread are going to the cup. Giggles, Dr. Amber Trichome, Hotsause, Whodat (?), Cannabiscult, and more possibly.

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
I would have to say it looks to me like a calcium deficiency.. Could be wrong. But thats what it looks like.

glad your on the road to recovery TC. Didn't even realize that the first post was from a journal long long long long ago.. damn near different galaxy.
lol, might need to make a new thread. I do see the point in not losing the info from your other grows. And I bet it's timeless seeing the first pics of your daughter.

Glad your back

Here's a link from a diff forum. Complete guide to sick plants. good to keep around. bookmark it.

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
By the way if it is Strawberry cough your gona like it.. my girlfriend loves it. Thats what she would normally buy from Harborside if they have it.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what kind of strawberry it is, kinda a mystery they were gifted seeds that the guy couldn't remember the name of lol. Calcium def I can deal with, my current treatment plan will cover that I believe. I was just down checking my levels and topping off with water. They drank 3 gallons off water since last night, and the ppm went up in the res so I believe that means the flush is doing its job, and they like it. I'm gonna continue the flush through tomorrow, and then change the res out and get back on a regular schedule I will be adding some calmag I believe to try to compensate a bit. I ended up running some calmag lsat go around too, but I thought I'd try it without this time since I was changing the nutes a little. Apparently it didn't matter. I was also wondering last night if my res might be getting cold, and that is messing with nutrient uptake? I've honestly never checked my res temps because in the summer it stays cool enough, and in the winter well I've never even thought to mess with it. I might have to take the temp, and through a fish tank heater in there to warm it up a bit.

Thats a good link thanks A&C, I agree like I said that it could be cal, reading down through that page made me also question if the manganese could be a/the problem.


Well-Known Member
Uhhh, if the cannabis cup is in Denver this year and tickets are still available, I'll be grabbin em' up in a day or two. Unfortunately, someone will have to babysit my ladies for a couple days, but I think it's worth it. Fuck yessssss. You've made my day.


Well-Known Member
Dude. I'm so fucking excited. I will be there, mon. I just wish I could've gotten a VIP pass :(. I need to look into what the differences in VIP, Judges, and regular passes are before I buy one, but we should smoke a MASSIVE blizzunt if we're there on the same days :hug::clap::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be at the event both saturday and sunday the 20th and 21st I think it is. The award ceremony is sunday night. I wanted to get the VIP tickets as well but we ordered our tickets a few days to late. As far as I know there isn't any difference with the other tickets. The VIP gave you access to the concert, and I think a special VIP area is all that I know of. Either way it should be a blast, I'm not sure what its all gonna be like. Considering that it still isn't legal to sell it, I'm really hoping I don't have an issue hooking up once we get out there. I don't figure it will be I've always been able to hook up in places where it is completely illegal so I'm guessing I'll be ok.


Well-Known Member
So I forgot to mention it, but when I was taking those clones the other night I found that 2 of the strawberry plants I've been growing from seedling were showing male preflowers in my veg room. So I shopped those 2 of the 5 I had, and will toss the clones I have too. Not really a big deal I had 5 plants started hoping I could keep one, so I still have more to chose from. That being said, the strawberry I have in flower now which is looking and smelling amazing, just showed a few nanners on it. I've plucked them off and I'm gonna leave it a few more weeks to mature more before I chop it. I'll keep watching for more nanners, and try to control it. The plant is so sticky I would be very surprised if it dropped pollen, if it got on anything else. I've got a bunch of clones off that plant since I knew it was female so I'll run those and perhaps they won't hermie. Its possible it had to do with whatever the nute issue was with that plant perhaps I stressed it to much. Either way even if it has a couple seeds, I am certain its gonna be killer smoke from the looks of it at only 3 weeks. The diesel also had a few nanners, but I knew that was a problem with that plant thats why I havn't been running it. This one that is in was my very last clone of it I figured what the hell.

I went to the hydro store yesterday cus I need some ph down, and I wanted to get some calmag instead of messing with epsom salts. Well I had to buy a gallon of ph down thats all they had, and I got a bottle of clerex too to finish this flush with, and use in the future too. When I was looking at the calmag, I glanced at the bottle of sweet from botanicare, and read the ingrediants. It basically has the same amount of cal, and mag as the calmag did, bit it also has a bit of iron and potash as well, so I decided to get that instead of the calmag, and run it the rest of this harvest. I'm gonna change the rez out today and refill with my regular GH schedule plus the sweet and the floralicious I've been using. The plants have been really happy with only about 800 ppm so far so I'm gonna set my rez back in that range and see what they do. In the past I've ran my res up to about the 1400 ppm mark with no issues but all the plants have been so happy at the lower level I didn't want to chance burning them, or locking them out. I've always kinda felt like less is more this is the lowest I think I've ever ran my res for this long of a period, but again I have a hard time arguing with how they look.


Well-Known Member
those spots look like a calcium def to me, but besides that it looks absurdly tasty, you going to have a pretty fat harvest
THanks for checking it out man. I'm pretty pleased with how they are looking. Today is 4 weeks completed for them so most of them have another 4 to go. I usually get between 20-30 grams a plant, so I'm figuring on some where around 20oz from the 25 plants, should be a good harvest.

I actually cut that diesel down today. I have bought weed for the first time in a few years the last couple weeks, and I'm already fed up with paying for crap. It had shown a few nanners so I'm not heart broken about it, and it has decent buds and tons of resin on it so I know I won't get weight but I'll have enough smoke till the rest of the harvest at least. I think in the next week I'm gonna be getting a 4x4 tray which will allow me to run between 40 plants under my light instead of being pretty maxed at 25.

All the girls are looking great after refilling the res and hitting them with fresh nutes. I haven't noticed the strawberry leaves getting any worse so hopefully I fixed the issue. The girls in veg are looking great a few of the clones are already really taking off with growth which is why I want to get the new tray soon. I fed all of the seedlings and clones with a 500ppm veg solution the Cindys were looking a bit yellow today to I figured it was time to feed them. None of the new clones have roots yet but its still early on them and they all look good not wilted or anything so thats good. I think thats about it hope you guys are having a great weekend!

Peace TC


Well-Known Member
Yep I've kept this journal since back in 08. Its got a good size soil grow I did back in 09 early on, its got my adventures growing shrooms around pages 20-40, and several years of hydro grows. I like to think there is some good info here. I've had some great contributers over the years and have always tried to put alot of research into the stuff I do.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys hows everyone on this fine sunday afternoon?

Lol you guys must not read all my posts cus I mention it all the time. Either way glad to have you, the more the merrier and I hope to have some great stuff to show you all in the next few months. I'm really getting stoked about doing a few upgrades, and running these new strains.

Its gonna be very interesting to see how they do with my style of growing. Its been great getting to watch you guys all growing the C99 each with some different techniques and styles. All of you guys are doing great with some sort of bushy growing with it, I'm gonna be running it as single colas so its gonna be very different. From how well it has bushed out for you guys I don't really know what to expect it may not like my style. I suppose only time will tell.

I think talked about getting a tent, well I was looking at some 4x4s and some 2x4s. I was thinking 4x4 so I could use it easily to flower in the future if I wanted to. I was considering 2x4 with the idea of using a T5 fixture in it just as a mother tent to cut costs down over another HID light. As soon as I can buy a house I want to build a finished room which will also include another 1k light I think, so keeping electric down on mothers wouldn't be a bad idea. Well anyway I'm mostly just brainstorming right now, I've been spending the morning looking at rea lestate in CO and were I am. I can say for a fact I would feel much about living where I do if I wasn't wasting money on rent and had my own place I could do what I want with. We'll see what happens cus things never seem to go as planned.

Peace TC