Thursday Night Chop Down!

I wanna be blessed with the bean fairy again. And its the blueberry. I jus can't believe it bro, there's nothin like free beans from some dank! U don't kno how jealous I am stoney!

I am very happy about this!!!! this is the breed i went to amsterdam and bought in person!!!! her breed will live on and on!!!!

Congrats Stoney on those seeds!!! And congrats to me on the 2020 post. Haha jk, your thread is blowing up man. Out of control. And good tips on the picture techniques. Of course, I'll throw in that if you have a little loupe or magnifying glass lying around, put it right up to the lens and you'll be able to get that much closer to the bud and still keep it in focus. The old MVHV lol.

aw that's right i said i was gonna take a pic using the MVHV or is it now DVHV?.... micro changed his handle to desktop grower on RM3's site. hahah anyway i need to take a pic using it.... since i won't have a chop down tonigh i'll post some pics!!

Looks freaking awesome man!! Wish I had some BB beans to throw in some soil!! So what is your total plant/seedling count now? Keep it up bro!!

some where around 35!!!! holy shit i didn't know i had that many!!!!! i need to cut back!!! gonna be hard since i just got another 10 or more strains today in the mail!!!


looks brilliant mate. keep it up. your pics are getting very nice. well done.

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Thanks man!!!!! did ya happen to get any pics uploaded of your stuff?

well stoney im so happy i could fart,i had moisture in my spectra 290 and i called mike also asked him wuts up with the new zspectras after the sale and he said he would send me a 2012 model and i could use this 1 till it got here and then send this 1 baack glh rocks cant wait for my 2012 spectra 290 happy happy oh and i rode the double nutes in a row out for 24 hrs so far and they r sweet still ty

ah man what a deal!!!!!!! I wonder how i can get moisture in mine!!! haha J/K! let me know how much better it is when you get it?
It's a hermie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! guess I'm about to polinate my entire cabinet soon, does anyone know how long I have till pollen collecting time? or is it to late?


i jsut keep mine in lil baggies.. the lil bags that ppl use to make dimes/etc. =) works fine for me. jars would probly work better tho
damn bro I hope it don't pollinate all ur plants, unless u want it to of course. Not sure if its too late to collect pollen. I guess at least if it does pollinate ur others it'll be badass fem seeds (hopefully no herms). TDxBB sounds SWEEEET
Daaaa Daaaaa Daaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!

The dreaded Hermi !!!!!!!! Good luck bro !

I updated my journal tonight ... if ya get a sec stop on by.
so the refrigerator is good eh, ok how long can i store them.

from what i have read they will stay viable for 3-4 years like that.

damn bro I hope it don't pollinate all ur plants, unless u want it to of course. Not sure if its too late to collect pollen. I guess at least if it does pollinate ur others it'll be badass fem seeds (hopefully no herms). TDxBB sounds SWEEEET

hell yea, blueberry dream!!! hehehe

Daaaa Daaaaa Daaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!

The dreaded Hermi !!!!!!!! Good luck bro !

I updated my journal tonight ... if ya get a sec stop on by.

your PC grow if off the hook bro!!!!!!! major props for buds that big!!

love it!! LoL. sucks about the hermie bro, hell of a picture though.

Thanks CD!!! I'm gonna move her to a secluded area i think.... I'm not totally sure what i'm gonna do yet.
Stoney! Man I'd love to go through your thread and re-read what I've missed, but your thread is as like HC's....dam near impossible to re-read after you sit out a week or 2. Wanna fill me in? ;) I'm gonna do my best to get an update in today, but no promises. The gig was amazing! I'll tell you about it later √

hey mate. the dreaded hermi........not as bad as ive read to believe. i have collected pollen from a hermi and the seeds produced made strong females with no bananas......haven't tried to clone any of them yet tho. but some really fantastic bud was produced. russian roulette with the hermi gene and feminized i suppose.

hope everything is going well.

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Stoney! Man I'd love to go through your thread and re-read what I've missed, but your thread is as like HC's....dam near impossible to re-read after you sit out a week or 2. Wanna fill me in? ;) I'm gonna do my best to get an update in today, but no promises. The gig was amazing! I'll tell you about it later √

hey man!! that is great to hear that the gig went well!!! I don't think ya missed that much.. I built a new cabinet and bought a second led panel for it... there were not that many plants in the old box to migrate over, so I had to start repopulating it again so I have been putting em in flower two at a time..... now i just have to play the waiting game. My oldest Blueberry decided to turn hermie on me. I'm not upset at all, she(or it) will still harvest well over an ounce of smokable bud plus I will have a couple hundred seeds!!!! I know you really like that plant so you won't be left out in the hand out!!! I'm keeping a close eye on the he/she!!


hey mate. the dreaded hermi........not as bad as ive read to believe. i have collected pollen from a hermi and the seeds produced made strong females with no bananas......haven't tried to clone any of them yet tho. but some really fantastic bud was produced. russian roulette with the hermi gene and feminized i suppose.

hope everything is going well.

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yea man, I don't think it will be a big deal either. I have gotten them plenty of times growing bag seed outdoors for years before... never had one with good genetics though.... and this is an old tough plant. i feel her seeds will be strong genetics and not be a reoccurring problem.... i hope!

Yes, but depending on the genetics and how strong the hermie trait is, you might see a higher hermie to female ratio.

I'll know soon enough when i grow some!!! and I'll have plenty to go around so if anyone else is feeling froggy......

i have only ever had one hermie my whole growing career but i grow outside, don't know if this matters

I've also had them outdoors in the past.... same thing no difference. I have been told that the bud is more potent.... maybe it is but this old hippie can't tell the difference. I'll smoke it and enjoy it just the same as all the others!!!!
all buds have equal opportunities here at stoney's plantation!! hahaha
Sounds awesome man! You know your gonna have to send me some of those seeds right? ;) I'm not too sure I have anything you don't have anymore Lol but if I do I should get payed in about 2 weeks, I'll definitely send you what you want then √ I'll send you a list again Lol. I finally found my seeds so I know what I have √√
yeaa if u do use hermie pollen... make sure to take extra care in protecting ur plant from light leaks...any training (lst/FIM/topping/super/monster cropping etc..) or anything that would stress the plant out... like sum1 else said... sum plants are jsut prone to hermie more than others... and if u use hermie pollen on a plant that already has a higher chance to turn hermie... chances are it will turn hermie.. its deff worth collecting tho!
hey stoney. ur safe till they pop open. just keep a close watch on em. just before they pop cut them and u can open em up and put a q-tip to em then touch ur bud with it. thats what i was told from a frien of mine. hes been growin for a while. so take it as an option. hope this helps ya out.