Thursday Night Chop Down!


Well-Known Member
Hell yea stoney they're lookin terrific. Its a shame u got a male but maybe all the others will be female. I like the middle also but the one next to the male I really like too. Can't wait to c em flower!
I put the one in the middle in an air-crate and put it in the flower cabinet. It's funny you said the onle on the left, cuz i was just checking it and it has hairs in veg already!!! so now i know for sure i have a female!!! I'll get some pics up then of HER. my basement is getting flooded though, so i need to take care of that first! i wish it would stop fucking raining!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Right on with the mutant. Lets see a picture! Im with HC the one in the middle is lookin to be a nice plant. Ya never know tho. You plan on breeding that male?


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention, on your trichome shots, you have a tendancy to be just a hair too close.
Don't stress over it, just think about it next time you shoot.
Or go practice it and update us:leaf:

Shame for the Male, good luck with the other three.
Honestly out of the three pictured, I would clone the far left plant, and flower it.
It just has that look of great potential.

After that, I would clone the middle and flower that as well.
The middle one is certainly the most brutal and bushy of the three, and demands a spot,
but I've found most of the good expressions in seed batches to be in the runty or weak plants that had a bad start.
It wasn't their fault.

That 4xFloK48 (FloK192?:leaf:) Is beautiful. It's symmetrical as well, keep a clone of that around for sure.
Tell us how it works, and if it's a Male, keep it.
That branching could work wonders if over-exaggerated into a strain.
Just pick something you like, but want to be the densest bush possible, and start working.

Would be a lovely outdoor plant, but would need some mold resistance and pruning.

Just thoughts, chew on them:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Right on with the mutant. Lets see a picture! Im with HC the one in the middle is lookin to be a nice plant. Ya never know tho. You plan on breeding that male?
here is a post from last night, and yep, i went with the beast on the left!

one of my Flo K 48's is a mutant. it has four branches coming out of one node!!! i have just heard about this recently, Nonhater has one of Aev's cross' with this defect. from what i understand this is a one in a whole lot of chances to get... this is one of chb's cross'. I can't wait to see how this plant grows out... here are a couple pics. the rooftop is kinda busy with all the branches at one spot.

I forgot to mention, on your trichome shots, you have a tendancy to be just a hair too close.
Don't stress over it, just think about it next time you shoot.
Or go practice it and update us:leaf:

Shame for the Male, good luck with the other three.
Honestly out of the three pictured, I would clone the far left plant, and flower it.
It just has that look of great potential.

After that, I would clone the middle and flower that as well.
The middle one is certainly the most brutal and bushy of the three, and demands a spot,
but I've found most of the good expressions in seed batches to be in the runty or weak plants that had a bad start.
It wasn't their fault.

That 4xFloK48 (FloK192?:leaf:) Is beautiful. It's symmetrical as well, keep a clone of that around for sure.
Tell us how it works, and if it's a Male, keep it.
That branching could work wonders if over-exaggerated into a strain.
Just pick something you like, but want to be the densest bush possible, and start working.

Would be a lovely outdoor plant, but would need some mold resistance and pruning.

Just thoughts, chew on them:leaf:
hahaha ok man, I'll try to take more average photos!! hehehe

yea, like i said in my last post, that one on the far left is a female, she has hairs sticking out in veg already. so i will be cloning her and as soon as i know the clippings root, I'll put her in flower.

but yea, that floja is crazy looking!! I have more of them growing, none with that mutation. if i get a male i can cross the two!!!


always brilliantly done.

93 93/93
Thanks man!!! I was just checking out your buds!! looking great!!! I'll post it up in a bit!


Well-Known Member
Damn bro I hope it quits rainin for yall. its been rainin here for 3 days but nothin on yall I bet. That's AWESOME I picked the first female. They're all gorgeous plants with great structure imo. On that mutant plant, will all the nodes be like that or will it maybe just be the 1?


Well-Known Member
Damn bro I hope it quits rainin for yall. its been rainin here for 3 days but nothin on yall I bet. That's AWESOME I picked the first female. They're all gorgeous plants with great structure imo. On that mutant plant, will all the nodes be like that or will it maybe just be the 1?
yea, this water is relentless!! I ended up rigging up a pump and timer to keep it under control for now. yep, you picked the first female... you should get a prize....mmmm

I'm not sure how that mutant will grow... my first one!! so far it has grown three nodes just like that. the very first node was a staggered like a mature plant. I am curious as to what they grow like when the plant matures.

here is a pick of the female C4 x CB...



Well-Known Member
i ahve had a few of htese mutation ins several otehr plants... polyploid. =D or tri-ploid. depending on wether theres 3 branches or 4. =) will producew a massive ass bud tho!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
yea, this water is relentless!! I ended up rigging up a pump and timer to keep it under control for now. yep, you picked the first female... you should get a prize....mmmm

I'm not sure how that mutant will grow... my first one!! so far it has grown three nodes just like that. the very first node was a staggered like a mature plant. I am curious as to what they grow like when the plant matures.

here is a pick of the female C4 x CB...

Hey that's cool stoney,,,,,so out of the three that were left, this is the one that was on the left side?


Well-Known Member
I didn't even think bout that. It'll be crazy when its mature. Hopefully the rain has stopped now and ur basement isn't flooding. I hope I'm not intruding by answering HC's ? but yea bro that's the one that was far left beside the male in the first pic. Sorry, not trying to run ur grow bro, just figured I'd answer since I was online.


Well-Known Member
i ahve had a few of htese mutation ins several otehr plants... polyploid. =D or tri-ploid. depending on wether theres 3 branches or 4. =) will producew a massive ass bud tho!
polyploid... that's the word!!! big buds huh? i sure hope it's a female!!! good to see ya again, glad you got your modem fixed!! i thought maybe it was the storm. It's been raining heavy here to bro!

Hey that's cool stoney,,,,,so out of the three that were left, this is the one that was on the left side?
yep, is was the girl on the left side of the three left. this was the only one that showed any signs during veg. i am going to take a few cuttings today and i will keep her in veg till they take root.

I didn't even think bout that. It'll be crazy when its mature. Hopefully the rain has stopped now and ur basement isn't flooding. I hope I'm not intruding by answering HC's ? but yea bro that's the one that was far left beside the male in the first pic. Sorry, not trying to run ur grow bro, just figured I'd answer since I was online.
good deal, thanks for answering that!! yea, all this water is just crazy!!!! I wish i could sent it to texas... they sure need it way more than we do, that's for sure!!


Active Member
I hear you on the rain man, the bottom of my street flooded the other day. Btw I raised up my panel like you suggested and the growth has been much nicer and more even since then, so thanks for that advice :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I hear you on the rain man, the bottom of my street flooded the other day. Btw I raised up my panel like you suggested and the growth has been much nicer and more even since then, so thanks for that advice :mrgreen:
that is great news!! i saw your thread today and it does look much more even. they look more purple now rather than blue and red. the water has everything damp. my humidity was at 82% in the cabinet today. I cranked my exhaust fan on high and parked my dehumidifier right next to my intake. it's bringing it down pretty quick. I gotta go take some cuttings and check some trics!


Well-Known Member
that is great news!! i saw your thread today and it does look much more even. they look more purple now rather than blue and red. the water has everything damp. my humidity was at 82% in the cabinet today. I cranked my exhaust fan on high and parked my dehumidifier right next to my intake. it's bringing it down pretty quick. I gotta go take some cuttings and check some trics!
could u take some cuttings for me? PLEASE!? Lol


Well-Known Member
could u take some cuttings for me? PLEASE!? Lol
you bet bro!!! you can pick em up anytime ya want!! but hell, i have so much in veg rght now, I'll just give ya the whole plant!! I have to many wonder woman and AK to. come get those as well!

The last time i took cuttings from my Ak i took four, two of them looked pretty tiny and i didn't think they would root. well since i can't throw any plants out, and of coarse all four of them are now growing!!


Well-Known Member
Hey what's up Stoney everything is looking great as always. Cheers on females! Question for ya. Do you fuck with hash oil at all? I think I'm about to get into it this harvest, figure on heading the butane method with purging and what not. Plan on getting a hash bell & skillet, get me some real high going on.


Well-Known Member
Hey what's up Stoney everything is looking great as always. Cheers on females! Question for ya. Do you fuck with hash oil at all? I think I'm about to get into it this harvest, figure on heading the butane method with purging and what not. Plan on getting a hash bell & skillet, get me some real high going on.
yea, i made it a few times. I made the butane type a few times. I made a DIY extractor, it worked great but the whole butane thing weirded me out... got me high as fuck though. I just smeared the bud right in it, like a biscuit in gravy!!

lately I have been making hash the moonshine method. i put some bud in a jar with a little homemade sour mash. shake it up a while over 3 or 4 days. then strain it into a scraping dish to evaporate. I've made about 2oz worth over the past few weeks!!!

if ya happen to try this moonshine method, try a small shot of the liquid before ya pour it out. tastes nasty but it put me on another planet for a couple hours!!

Don't tempt me bro! I wouldn't mind having a few more in my garden. especially those 2. Sounds like u have a ton!
I have no idea how far away you are from me, but your welcome here anytime bro!! just to be clear... not to live, just to visit... hahaha

I took TWO wonder woman out to harvest tonight!!! they are small buds but two of them makes up for it!! to replace them, I put in another wonder woman and a new strain of Don's, the cheese quake x qrazy train!! i pretty sure this one is a female to. I'm gonna take clones in a few minutes!!! tune in later for some good bud porn!!!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Yeah the QQ that Donnie has in flower right now is looking real sweet,,,,long frosty cola! Might be half way finished or maybe a little more. Figured I would post now and not after you throw up your bud pr0n lol. Hey what's the make up of the wonder woman and have you smoked it before : ?)


Well-Known Member
Yeah the QQ that Donnie has in flower right now is looking real sweet,,,,long frosty cola! Might be half way finished or maybe a little more. Figured I would post now and not after you throw up your bud pr0n lol. Hey what's the make up of the wonder woman and have you smoked it before : ?)
you're right man, Don's QQ is really nice lookin. I hope mine turns out like that!! I'll post a pic later... she's a bushy lady!!! i gotta get motivated here, and take some pics and trim these wonder woman up!!!

yea, i have smoked it plenty of times. it's one of my favorites!!! it has a real earthy taste, kind of a creeper, but the buzz ends up strong and long lasting!! the longest lasting out of all i have right now. My friend calls it tail light weed, he feels like he is lost in the tail lights when he smoke it!! hahaha he's kind of a light weight, when he comes to visit me I always turn his world upside down!!!

the make up is Ice and Skunk #2 i think, I''m not sure on that one though... i bought it with the hopes of a skunk taste, but the pheno i have is not. I still have one more seed though...

woohoo my fantasy QB aaron rodgers just threw in his 2nd TD o the night!!!! and the game just started!! points for stoneyluv!!!!