Thursday Night Chop Down!


Well-Known Member
i say u just cut it down now =]
okay now it's time!!

or do it on video
I will try my best

video would be great dunkel
I'll try but if it looks like shit i won't... quality is key!

looks like you are right about the transplant!!! very rootaful!!
yea, it really filled it up!! she has more room to grow now!!!

how about it stoneyluv how bout a video
before the video here are the pics......

first one is of the entire plant, she likes to lean! the second is of her naked ready for a trim.....



Well-Known Member
and the fun begins =]
It didn't take to long to trim her up.... she is small and i never topped her... she is all natural! but sorry no video.... I'll practice my video skills this week and put one out for next week!

Yowsa! I'm tuning in...
Just in time.... here she is ..... my first lemon lime harvest..... it's not nivana genetics thats fo sure.



Well-Known Member
great pics stoney, congrats on your first lemon lime!! looks beautiful! does it smell like lemon lime?


Well-Known Member
That's the perfect shade of green I like on my bud. I'd give out rep if I didn't have to give more to other people first.
Thanks DK!! I can't wait to see what shade it is when it dries.

nice job stoney-------- a moment of silence for the fallen bud

+rep if i can
Thanks hammer.... i can almost her a faint sound of taps being played...

very very nice bud
Thanks dunkel!!! a friend gave me the seeds to grow it so i am gonna give him most of it. I'll only save a couple small buds. i have another one in 2-3 weeks so if i really like it i won't have to wait long!

love that frost dude checked in for the chop chop, but have to ask whats up with that node stretching?
Iknow i was embarrased about the stretch.... my plants don't normally have that... i think i got a little sloppy during the veg cycle. this is also the first plant i didn't top.... i'll always top every plant from now on!

does she smell lemon limey?
a little... more lime than lemon though!!

also will it taste citriseee
i hope it does a little.... not to much though, i don't want it to taste like a bug candle!

great pics stoney, congrats on your first lemon lime!! looks beautiful! does it smell like lemon lime?
Thanks homer! not one of my proudest plants but I'm sure it will still get us wrecked! it does smell a little like 7up. more of a lime smell, not to much lemon. two rips of the scissor hash got me pretty toasted right now actually.

wow man. Thats some nice lookin buds.provolone blunts to u muh brutha!haha
Thanks KMK!!! dude that's funny.... what kind of cheese do the cheese strains smell like? i like swiss!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
latley ive been a papperjack kinda guy! But my buddy sez"its lemon cheese?"idk bout the lemon,but there his smelled like funky cherry when i got it.i filled 3 mason jars with qtr. Sized nugs-now open jars it smells of bannanas?idk-its stoney tho-