Thursday Night Chop Down!


Well-Known Member
Subbed to your youtube channel :) I have Monday Afternoon Chop Down :) You Should Do a Video Going Over your setup in detail :)
I didn't even know i had a youtube channel... congrats on your monday afternoons!!! I don't think i'll video my setup. the pics and details explain it well enough. that other video was 72Mb long and it was only a minute long. but i'm sure i'll have more short videos to come!

That is a beautiful plant Stoney!!
Thanks smokey!! i need to go say high to her now!!!

looking forward to the next one stoney. they look awesome
Thanks dude!!! i haven't had this strain in about a month now so i'm excited to taste her again!!!!

i got 2 bubbleicious plants veggin right now. =D im very very excited to flower them. ive been wanting to grow bubblicious for a longgggggggg time now. im gonna throw 1 into flowering 2day i think.. jsut fo rteh fuck of it. i wanna get 1 started soon so i can try it out. adn ill let the other 1 veg for a few more weeks. think theyve been veggin for about 3 weeks now. i know i wont get much of a yield.. but i just wanna try sum asap. it'll be like a lil preview of whats to come when her sister goes into flowering a few weeks later. =) cant wait to see the harvest tho.. at least ill have a rough idea of what my buds may look like. =) how long did u veg this plant for?
Thats funny dude, i do the same thing! i get all excited for a new breed that i end up putting a very young plant in just to try it out!! i just did that with my diesel 2 weeks ago. The pheno of it i have grows pretty fast. it clones fast,grows fast, and it flowers fast. I like the way it grows and tastes... just wish the high was a little stronger. good luck with her, I'm sure she will give ya something good to smoke!!


Well-Known Member
lol. yeaaa i cant wait any longer. =) threw 1 in the flower room now. only about 6 inches tall.. and a few nodes high. how much do u usually yield off a small plant like that?? ive always vegged for a decent time. this will be the smallest plant ive flowered. lol. heres a couple pics of them. theyre about the same size. wat do ya think?

new bubble.jpgnew bubble 2.jpg



Well-Known Member
Nice little plants. The cool thing about sending smaller plants into flower is you might now get as many nugs, but the ones you get will be very dense.


Well-Known Member
lol. yeaaa i cant wait any longer. =) threw 1 in the flower room now. only about 6 inches tall.. and a few nodes high. how much do u usually yield off a small plant like that?? ive always vegged for a decent time. this will be the smallest plant ive flowered. lol. heres a couple pics of them. theyre about the same size. wat do ya think?
they are a little smaller than i originally thought. my bubbles usually triple in height, it is the tallest breed i grow. if that's the case for you, it might turn out to be great for ya.... just keep em from stretching and you might get some good side growth.

I've never flowered one that small before so I'm probably not the best to ask.... but for me i enjoy the entire grow to the end and yield really doesn't mean shit to me... I'm a simple guy, give me a cool buzz and some RIU and I'm happy!!!

You will have some sweet sweet bud in two months... not 3 or 4 but in two!!!! so how can that be a bad thing!

GL, I'm subbed to your thread and I'll be watching!!


Well-Known Member
YUMMM, I want to eat it!!! Your bud shots are always top notch stoney, keep up the good work homie!!! +REP well deserved :)


Well-Known Member
quality,not quantity! Thats what i keep tellin myself!!! Seeing how i know i got qaulity-
haha ya man. Usually with quality also comes quantity so thats the good thing! I just try to keep my plants happy hahahaha.

Stoney everything is looking really good man. Can't wait to see that bud trimmed to see how frosty it really is.


Well-Known Member
quality,not quantity! Thats what i keep tellin myself!!! Seeing how i know i got qaulity-
i tell myself that every Thursday!!! as i trim a plant that i know isn't giving me as much as i hoped.... then i look at my jars of buds thinking i don't even "need" this much so who cares if i only get a 1/2 or more from a plant!! as long as it keeps me blasted that's all i need!!

YUMMM, I want to eat it!!! Your bud shots are always top notch stoney, keep up the good work homie!!! +REP well deserved :)
Thanks a lot bro! that means a ton coming from you!! i hope you wow turns out great!!! and i wish you the best in the future!!! may the force be with you and may everything go your way!!!! peace brother!

haha ya man. Usually with quality also comes quantity so thats the good thing! I just try to keep my plants happy hahahaha.

Stoney everything is looking really good man. Can't wait to see that bud trimmed to see how frosty it really is.
soon enough we will all see the frost!!! there are some fan leaves that got swallowed up by the buds and they have some trics on them.... not sure if i should keep them or not.... i know they have trics on them but really, fan leaves?!?!?! not sure if i want to vape those...... a couple more hours and..... timber!!!!


Well-Known Member
I an't wait to see :)
about an hour to go!!!!! i got about 10-20 minutes of work to do then a fresh pipe, a glass of wine and then it's time to chop it up!

has any one grown sagarmatha white russian auto seeds
please some one i have a ?
sorry Lucas, I have not grown any white russian or any other auto seeds. I have grown white rhino outdoors in the past. Maybe you could check out the seed review threads. here is a link Good luck with your research.


Well-Known Member
hey stoney the countdown says 3 hrs is that right? its 9 pm mich time dont remember it being so late the last couple weeks


Well-Known Member
hey stoney the countdown says 3 hrs is that right? its 9 pm mich time dont remember it being so late the last couple weeks
I should have some free time in about an hour... say 10:00 EST. I will probablly start early.... not much work left to do yet... then i's party time!!!!


Well-Known Member
hey stoney wondering if u are smokeing any of the lemon lime u harvested last week. whats it taste like if u have


Well-Known Member
not tryin to rush ya our time change an hour ahead and it screws me up for a while
i know what ya mean!! i keep thinking my lights go out at 10... now it's 11. screw me up all the time!

:) here for the chop
just in time....

hey stoney wondering if u are smokeing any of the lemon lime u harvested last week. whats it taste like if u have
Yes, i did the other day. it was some of the smoothest stuff i ever had!!! it smell like fresh thyme when i was breaking it up(made me hungry) and when i hit it, I didn't even think it was smoke!! very nice and smooth. week buzz but long lasting. my friend will be very happy with it... now i have to put something extra in because he gave me a smart phone and asked for nothing in return. What a fucking awesome guy!!! i can't wait till he starts growing again... I'm gonna hook him up huge!

ready for the show.....
Here ya go.........

Thursday Night Chop Down!!! here are some pics of her naked. well, as much as i could anyway. guys really, i don't know what to do about the fan leaves. they are so engulfed and i don't have the heart to throw away THC so I'm gonna trim it off the best i can..... bud porn to follow shortly. it won't take me long... it's basically one bud!! enjoy.
