Thursday Night Chop Down!

That sounds awesome man!!!! good to hear from ya.... I'll stop over and check your thread out tonight!!!

yep yep... that's the one i use!!

with all the strains out there, it is next to impossible to remember them all.... this site is great for looking at any DNA!!

They look better!!! I moved the light up a bit and there hasn't been any more issues... The two leaves did curl up a bit that second day, so i cut them off... I normally never cut a leaf off, but it did put more light on the buds below!!

and yes, I'm east coast... they call it north east, but I am on the south part of what they call north east.

Thanks for postin that link while i was out!!! which ones are ya planning to start next?

Last night I was cleaning my favorite pipe and broke it!!!! first time i ever broke one from cleaning.... soooo I had to go get another one today, and of coarse i bought way more than i wanted to.... so here is my new glassware:


Very nice pieces !!! Nothing like that out my way! MMMMMMmmmm virgin glass...... gotta love gettin those chunks of ash on the first couple of bowls !!!

Keep em growin strong bro !
I have about 5 or 6 shops ( i think one moved) within 30 minutes of me... I guess I'm spoiled that way. I don't go often, in fact this is the first time I was at this place.. a friend gave me a 20% off card and they honored it on everything i bought!! even the papers! They had a HUGE selection at this place... the newest thing is copper wrapped bongs... these things are the coolest things I ever saw... extremely expensive though!!! I afraid to look up how much mine costs online... I probably paid average retail prices.

And yes, I hate getting chunks in my mouth, and I hate wasting weed even more so I have a solution!!! I have been doing this for years...... just put a pebble in it!!! go outside( i know it's fuckin hot!!) grab a bunch of tiny pebbles and sift through them to find one that fits your pipe well and hit it as hard as you want!!! here is a pic...

and on a side note this bong is awesome!!! I think I'm in love!!! I'm kinda old school and never had a bong with "diffuser" tubes.... so smooth!!!!! a pic of those to for the other old guys that never seen this...


I LOVE the pebble idea!!! That is awesome, and I never need a screen again!

I do/did have 2 100 watt CMH bulbs, 1 was 3000k and the other was 4000k. When I had both in the leaves started to bleach. Well I had the 4000k for sometime before the 3000k and it never did that, but once I introduced the 3000k for long periods I noticed the bleaching. My current CMH light is only like 9 -17 inches (due to angles) above my CUP TOPS, and is 8000 or 9000 lumens, so its bright!!! With both CMH in the CUP TOPS were 9 inches everywhere! I think 2 4000k bulbs may work, or a higher ceiling with like 20-30 inches clearance.

Less power, and better quality!! To bad I cant find a cheap low watt LED to add then I would have all bases covered!! I cant run the kessil that G.O.D has because it needs like 12 or 18 inches clearance from top of plants!
yep, never buy or smoke through metal again!! broken glass also works great!!! i just happen to have gravel in front of my garage so it is easy... it takes seconds to find the right one.

i wasn't aware that they were different spectrums. I'll see if i can't find something in LED that might work well for ya...
nice choice stoney man, i bought a new stem with a diffuser and an ashcatcher perc thingy, for my cheapo bong but i've been hankering for a nice all in one perc one similar to that. ( i too use a stone!!!!)
Love the new glass Stoney! Badassss.

Thanks man, I am so happy I bought this bong!! so much smoother than any of my others!!!

nice choice stoney man, i bought a new stem with a diffuser and an ashcatcher perc thingy, for my cheapo bong but i've been hankering for a nice all in one perc one similar to that. ( i too use a stone!!!!)

Those ash catchers seem perfect to take and old favorite bong and make it hit smoother!!! I may get one soon. it would fit on all three of my bongs to!!

I am happy both of your beans cracked!! I never had one show a tap root in 23 hours, maybe this could be a sign of a fast grower...
Dude you've never heard of glass screens?
They fit almost any bowl perfect, and they're handmade by local glassblowers.
I'm sure there has to be some shape of glass screen at the shop.
Usually around $2-$3.
Very nice glass stoney! And never thought of the pebble idea, gotta try that some time.

Thanks man!! I just smoked it seconds ago!!!! yummy wonder woman!!!

yeah man, its the trainwreck in her for sure. classic xmas tree, spear shape. should be some funky colours too!

I think i will drop a couple more in water, since they germ so fast!! I never had trainwreck.... Can't wait to try it!!!

Dude you've never heard of glass screens?
They fit almost any bowl perfect, and they're handmade by local glassblowers.
I'm sure there has to be some shape of glass screen at the shop.
Usually around $2-$3.

yep, I've used them in the past... I lose em, break em, and they cost to much!!! it is just as easy to pick up a bottle that someone has littered on the side of the road, put it in a rag and smash it... now you have 2000 free glass screens.

Have to say it for ya stoney, the pebble is free and plentiful, the glass screens are 2-3 bucks a pack!

I hear that brother!!!

Glass screens also have a less tendancy to scratch your bowl √

Although the rock is the next best thing ;)

yea, sharp pebbles can scratch cheap glass if your not careful. but once you smoke a bowl or two it becomes resin coated and doesn't scratch anything. broken bits of glass also work well, if you are concerned about the pebble. I like stone better because it doesn't heat up as quick as the glass.
QFT! I'd much rather smoke comfortable and smooth as well √√

hahaha I just had to google QFT.... guess that shows my age!! shit man, I just realized i owe you a PM.... I'll get on that right after dinner.... making chili and cornbread!
Then again, any properly made pipe shouldn't be able to suck greens through.
It's so easy to make a small bowl hole in a pipe, just some people worry about how they can make 100 of the exact same pipe in one week, instead of making quality.
hahaha I just had to google QFT.... guess that shows my age!! shit man, I just realized i owe you a PM.... I'll get on that right after dinner.... making chili and cornbread!
that sounds amazing! I just had some Sushi and edamame a couple of hours ago....soo good!

Band practice tonight...I might try and sneak some equipment to my computer and record a live jam and let you listen ;) No promises though.
Then again, any properly made pipe shouldn't be able to suck greens through.
It's so easy to make a small bowl hole in a pipe, just some people worry about how they can make 100 of the exact same pipe in one week, instead of making quality.

QTF my freind, QTF!!!! haha the best pipes I have are all over 10 years old.

that sounds amazing! I just had some Sushi and edamame a couple of hours ago....soo good!

Band practice tonight...I might try and sneak some equipment to my computer and record a live jam and let you listen ;) No promises though.

It's been a couple years since i ate sushi, in fact the last time I ate it, I was in Japan. that was some fresh seafood!

I hope your jam session goes well!!! It could mean good things for your future!!!!
Very nice glass stoney! Alright I feel like a dumbass, but I guess I'm a new school dude with ol school genetics lol. wtf is a duffuser for? so sad I'm 25 and don't kno lmao. For me its either the sherlock or plain ass water bong, glass of course. ah fuck, my redneck ass forgot the corn cob, she will hang with the best of em :)
Very nice glass stoney! Alright I feel like a dumbass, but I guess I'm a new school dude with ol school genetics lol. wtf is a duffuser for? so sad I'm 25 and don't kno lmao. For me its either the sherlock or plain ass water bong, glass of course. ah fuck, my redneck ass forgot the corn cob, she will hang with the best of em :)

damn, you use a corn cob pipe to? SWEET!!!!

a diffuser is a separate water filled chamber that is just above the normal slide in water. this chamber is made up of eight (some have more or less) small tubes submerged in water with a sealed air tub connecting them all and resting just above the lower chamber. so when you hit it, the smoke travels down the slide, through the water, into the center air tube. then down through the eight tubes at the same time and then the smoke comes up through the mouth piece. so it is kind of like it going through nine bubbles of bongs.... super smooth!!!! other companies have all kinds of varieties and designs of this. here is a video of me hittin my new toy... sorry my hand was in the way... but you will get the idea.... if only you could taste how good this is!!!!! mmmmmmmmm
