Thursday Night Chop Down!


Well-Known Member
Alright I'm trippin out. Stoney man, y the fuck has this thread been dead for over 24 hrs. I aint seen Shit like this since I joined. It seems everyone is disappearing slowly round riu :(


Well-Known Member
I was about to say the same thing! It aint like stoney to not post??? Come out come out where ever you are?


Well-Known Member
I'm here guys!!!! Lost power on saturday from the storm!!! Still don't have electricity, but the cable started working today so now i have internet and a couple generators!!!!! give me a while to catch up!!! I was soooo happy i had a new lighter!!!! hahaha girls are ok... I hav them outside right now... gonna move down to the veg box in a few minutes!! I'll get with everybody in a few!!!!!!

I hope all the other storm hit people are doing ok!!!


Well-Known Member
Here goes my biggest multi quote!!! BTW... I just got power back on!!! the girls are all happy and back in their home!!!

what's the difference between that and mg
MG has a 20-20-20. I have never seen Jack's around here guess a person would have to order it.
try lowes, or a smaller garden center. i have seen it sold at many places.... but it also might just happen to be in my area.

hell yeah, i cut some tonight, check it out, almost 3 oz's wet off just sweety, hope you dont mind the pic of the bud, sweet huh? can you make it big, LoL.

heres the web site, i liked it, they have a good line up for growing anything and for both veg and flowering and a new product out called crystal green. i used it till i got my fox farm trio. Jack's Classic its sold in nurseries mostly and not places like wally world and lowes, LoL. i think those tubs are like 8 bucks each now, its the shipping part that sucks. ha, its on ebay also, heres that link, Jack's Ebay
you chopped her?!?!?!?! awesome!! i'll be by in a bit to check it out!!!! jacks is some great stuff!!! cheap to!!! I can't wait to check out your harvest... I got a lot of threads to read!!! haven't had internet or power since saturday night!!!

ya jacks is great stuff from what ive read.. make sure to handle that Cal/Mag bro! i would start maybe 1/4-1/2 strength..

Concord Dawn looks sweet bro! enjoy!
yea, i start it out at 1/4 and work up from there. the PH stays stable with it also. and yea, you need to supliment cal/mag. there isn't any in jacks.

stoney ur plants look great the frost is spectacular. i got my other bb hangin but when i went to take pics my effen battery died. had to make a run yesterday so didnt have time to put in pics. i did a almost 400 mile ride on the hog yesterday... good ride but i think the hogs ears got sore from twisten em lmao.... yea i did a wake and bake 2ce

question... jacks, do u make a tea out of it? or just sprinkle it on. im lookin at website and the bloom fert is a 1-3-2? is that what u use in flower? u dont use that right? not enough nitrogen, right? im high i hope u can understand what im askin. if not just slap me till i come 2.
Thanks hammer!!!!! damn dude, that's a long ride!!!!! I hope ya twisted that ear nice and hard!!!!!!! I love to open em up and let em rip!!! as for the jacks, it's a water soluable powder. just add to water and shake... just like MG

and no, i don't use that one. I use the 20-20-20 all purpose, this one has the nitrogen like you said. . I also have a 30-15-15 for veg.

It's 10-30-20.

Hey Stoney, how's that Tangerine Dream?
And who's wearing the Dollar Tree Hat?
I never got around to buying one, since the Dollar Tree didn't have any when I got there.

But I shaped my lady the same regardless, check her out.
the first two TD's arn't doing so good, one is almost dead and the other is now outside. I do have two others in flower that look really good, they have only been in there 2 and 3 weeks of flower. I'll get some pics up later.

I don't have anything in the DT hat right now... i have an AK in veg that is really ready for one though. I was looking at her tonight and a little bondage would help her out!!!

Hey there stoney how ya doing man. Wonderful looking plants and top notch pics too! I believe this is the maiden run of Dons QQ isn't it. He has one going that is starting to look real sweet. Long tall frosty cola.

Just saying hey man and have a good one, I'll talk to you.

ps hey was wonder why the AK 47 is your favorite. Never had to pleasure to sample that one. Later!
Hey HC!!!! hope all is well with you and your cave.... saw your state got hit pretty hard!!! Thanks so much for the compliments!! I'm not sure if and how many others are growing Don's breed right now... I do know he has some in flower. I think Chris has a few going in veg as well. I plan to start flowering it soon!! hope it's girl!!!

as for the AK-47. man, that stuff is so strong!!! when i first take a hit, it tastes kind of spicy, yet smooth. it has a low expansion so it doesn't kill your lungs. about 8 seconds later on the exhale it has an after taste that very fruity and has a strong flavor of it. the high is a more of a sativa high. racing yet just enough indica in it to keep ya grounded and relaxed. and it is the longest lasting buzz out of all the strains I've tried.

I'll be stopping by your thread in a bit!!!

Yep Jack's makes a 20-20-20 for veg and a 10-30-20 for flower. I've used them from start to finish and had good results. Every feeding recommends 1/4 tsp per gallon but my girls like every feeding at 1/2 tsp per gallon according to my runoffs.
I also have a 30-15-15 for the nitro freaks... like tang dream, can't get enough N!!!

Alright I'm trippin out. Stoney man, y the fuck has this thread been dead for over 24 hrs. I aint seen Shit like this since I joined. It seems everyone is disappearing slowly round riu :(
Don't worry bro, I ain't going anywhere!!! i do have user names on other sites but mostly just lurk on those... RIU has it's issues, but i still like it!! That storm just took out my communications!!! all is good now though!!!!

I was about to say the same thing! It aint like stoney to not post??? Come out come out where ever you are?
Thanks for the concern bro!!!! everything was fine... just didn't have Internet. that storm hit hard on Saturday night!!! i came home from a concert and we were getting a few inches of rain an hour. i think i got around 14" total... could have been worse. I'm on the top of a mountain so I'm fairly safe from rain!! my girls spent some time in the dark, i hope it doesn't fuck em up at all!!!!

Damn bro I'm glad to hear ur alright. I didn't think bout the storm. Good to hear everythings good
Thanks man... i was starting to have RIU withdrawl!!!!!! I got a lot of threads to catch up on!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh no, outside!?
That means last resort.
Was it the fading leaf problem you had earlier?

I hope the new TD's make it worth your while.
But that 12 week flowering time is a real bitch.

Hope that AK is a winner!


Well-Known Member
glad everything is good bro.
thank you!!! my new ufo panels will be here this week!!! I'm gonna put the two ufo's in the middle and a 180 on each side. i want that new diode i don't have yet to hit all the plants. one thing i forgot to ask mike was, if the ufo's come with the glass out? guess i'll find out in a couple days!!

Oh no, outside!?
That means last resort.
Was it the fading leaf problem you had earlier?

I hope the new TD's make it worth your while.
But that 12 week flowering time is a real bitch.

Hope that AK is a winner!
yea man, the dreaded outside.... dun,dun,dun!!! and yea it was due to the leaf problem. i still have a small problem with that. i kept going back to the PH. i even went out and bought a new tester. it was off by 1.0 though, i have 7.0 solution and it read 6.0. i calibrated it and checked my water and it was 6.5. i even bought a ppm meter to test my water and it was 68. I'll figure it out soon nough... it's not nearly as bad so i know i'm on the right track.

and yea, I'm not happy about the long flowering period. in fact I've let the strain go, and i didn't clone the last plant. if it ends up being this must have bud then I'll monster clone or reveg one. I'm looking foward to my new strains and the short flowering period they have!!!

here are some pics of the tang dreams (3) in flower. and some random led bud porn for CD.

yeah, i was wondering what was up, glad everything is good bro!!!
Thanks man!!! here are some shots i know you will love!!!



Well-Known Member
glad ur doing good stoney. losing electric sucks. ima need a generator for the winter. although i havent lost elec for no more than a few minutes. better safe than sorry now to since im using a pellet stove for heat. plants are awesome. catch ya later stoney. my nedical marijuana dirt is kikin ass.


Well-Known Member
yeaaa i feel like alotta pl arent on cuz alotta ppl got affected by that storm! =/ alotta ppl in my area dont even have power still.. and have been out of power since sunday!! i have power.. but like 80% of the ppl on our st. dont have power.. sucks


Well-Known Member
Damn stoney your plants are beautiful, I hope my plants look even half as great as yours!
thanks man, some i screwed up bad though. when ya do the wrong thing, it goes downhill fast! but when ya do the right thing, it feels great!

The whole leaf is covered in frost! ahhhhhhhhhhh I want.
that makes for great hash!!!!

lovely a bit of alien bud porn stoney!
thanks so much Don!! I have a cheese quake x qrazy train ready for flowering in about a week!!

glad ur doing good stoney. losing electric sucks. ima need a generator for the winter. although i havent lost elec for no more than a few minutes. better safe than sorry now to since im using a pellet stove for heat. plants are awesome. catch ya later stoney. my nedical marijuana dirt is kikin ass.
I have two generators and I am very thankful for both of them!! plus i had 25 gallons of gas in my shed so i didn't have to do anything but start them and run some wires!!! that soil sounds like some great stuff. is it expensive?

yeaaa i feel like alotta pl arent on cuz alotta ppl got affected by that storm! =/ alotta ppl in my area dont even have power still.. and have been out of power since sunday!! i have power.. but like 80% of the ppl on our st. dont have power.. sucks
i heard that there was almost a million in my area and over 4 million nationwide without power. the stars sure looked a lot brighter!!


looks great mate

93 93/93
Thank dude!!! how is that cherry pie?


Well-Known Member
Hi, plants look great :D. In your last post w/ pics, i was just wondering how far along into flower is the plant in the first pic? Tks :D

i probably looked at your thread 1000 times :D. Doing great! Got tons of info from here :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Beautiful photoshoot, those were each and all amazing.
I can't wait to see my lady start throwing out pistils.
Late veg and early flower and my favorite growth stages.

Bro stoney, check this out.
If you get a clone today of that TD, and make sure you take good care of it, I'll start crunching numbers and come up with a plan for her long flower time.
I'll help you get through it, the smoke is going to be worth it in the end.

Actually I found the solution, just reserve a corner of your flowerbox, to always be a TD.
That way the 12 week flower time won't disturb your space limits.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
thank you!!! my new ufo panels will be here this week!!! I'm gonna put the two ufo's in the middle and a 180 on each side. i want that new diode i don't have yet to hit all the plants. one thing i forgot to ask mike was, if the ufo's come with the glass out? guess i'll find out in a couple days!!

yea man, the dreaded outside.... dun,dun,dun!!! and yea it was due to the leaf problem. i still have a small problem with that. i kept going back to the PH. i even went out and bought a new tester. it was off by 1.0 though, i have 7.0 solution and it read 6.0. i calibrated it and checked my water and it was 6.5. i even bought a ppm meter to test my water and it was 68. I'll figure it out soon nough... it's not nearly as bad so i know i'm on the right track.

and yea, I'm not happy about the long flowering period. in fact I've let the strain go, and i didn't clone the last plant. if it ends up being this must have bud then I'll monster clone or reveg one. I'm looking foward to my new strains and the short flowering period they have!!!

here are some pics of the tang dreams (3) in flower. and some random led bud porn for CD.

Thanks man!!! here are some shots i know you will love!!!

oh hell yeah bro, those are unreal, that shit looks so cool!!! great job bro!! and bump. LoL.


Well-Known Member
DSC00826.jpgDSC00828.jpgDSC00829.jpg DSC00827.jpg hey stoney the dirtmix is 36 a bag. but it has everything u need in it. i did add some flora bloom and didnt burn anything. u can add secondary nutes if ya wantDSC00825.jpg