Tie Die Buds? Does Food Coloring Really Work?


Well-Known Member
read the whole thread...only one persone says theyve done it without an awefull taste and he's not sharing his method.
I read the whole thread that doesn't stop me from doing my own experiments and have my own opinion and not relying in others experiences


New Member
the problem you run into using pineapple juice and orange juice is that they are WAY acidic, and you coukd screw your stuff up. the food coloring idea does work. if you have plants going, pick yourself an insignificant lower branch. put some water in a vase, and die the shit out of the water with food coloring. put the branch in the food colored water, and within a few moments, the leaves will start to take on whatever color your water is. i myself didnt believe it until i tried it. i mixed red and blue to make purple, stuck a younge branch in the water and winin a couple of mnutes the leaves tips started turning purple.....pretty neat.