TileMasters 1000w 9 plants*mixed strains from clone*medigrow

Finally got caught up from the start...

That 2k ur burning in the 7' by 7' right now sounds pretty optimal... with good reflection from the walls. but i can see wanting to be able to walk around... you might want to keep that same footprint in the larger room though.

The 1k mh ur looking at will deffinitely suffice for keeping a 2k flower room full of clones.

It sounds like you might be limited as far as plant numbers go... so this 3k setup might be quite sufficient for fast turnover of whatever you are legally allowed to grow. Keep on keep'in on, brotha.
i still think i wanna expand my flower room so i can easly run the lights in a str8 series...and have plenty of room ...hmm. and i wanna add some patients..me and my gurl are both caregivers now..and will have 2 patients and may add more..my plant numbers might be up around 24-30. but ya for sure i think the 1000w mh is def wut i will do for my veg room, and maybe a florescent for my clones and ill recess a spot for the floros and cloner..i want a custom bench for all my nutes..maybe that can sit over my water res trash barrels in the hallway of the garage...once the 2 rooms are boxed out..i am going to act quick after the chop next month to get this up and running as quick as possible..or ill be upside down..thinking of 2x4 framing walls..sheetrocking the inside..but jsut puting up black and white poly on the inside of the bare framing..well just thoughts..thanks for reading thro the journal..it blew up quick so i know its a long read..L8ter gambler..
i still think i wanna expand my flower room so i can easly run the lights in a str8 series...and have plenty of room ...hmm. and i wanna add some patients..me and my gurl are both caregivers now..and will have 2 patients and may add more..my plant numbers might be up around 24-30...

Woops... hold on, all bets are off :shock: this is why i figure we better consolidate on one thread... we got the same conversation going in 2 different places :D

"okay lighting wise i have a switchable mh /hps 400...a hps 600 and a 1000hps..also have like 16 26 watter cfl on hand..but i kinda wanna jsut buy a 1000w mh...and also 3 more 1000whps..ditch the 600 ..parts never hurt...

i agree w/ u on shelving thing..the less back breaking i can design this the better..i like the floro idea cause of $$savings..but id probably just need a 2footer for my ezcloner ill be buyn ..then out of the cloner they can sit under the floro and then go st8 under the big dog mh..

as far as the flower room i wuz thinking ive got the existing 1000watter..i think i need to upgrade the hood from the extrasun to the next 1 up with the 6 in flanges..buy 3 more of these..and run 2 series of 2 1000watter in the bud room..2 acitve air 6 in hydrofarm exhaust fan...(already have the 1)..to pull and air cool the hoods..wut u think.. maybe ill go much bigger w. the veg room to give the 5x5 to the 1000watter, and still have room for the shelving and cloner...right?"

if you wanna get bigger... i'd say you got the right idea. :D

i just 'upgraded' to a 1k MH for the center of the clone room... i'll have my girls under that after about 5 weeks... and flip them into the new moms at around 9 weeks of age. But before the 1k MH i use alotta flourescent fixtures... to grow alotta plants. U might be needing more than this cloner ur talking about... how many plants does that do?

if ur gonna stick to 24-30 plants though... i don't know that i'd want to burn 4k hps over them... two would be sufficient for a fast turnover garden... i don't know man, just hate to see you spend more than you have to.
ur right i wanna be as economical as possible...but i want the room for expansion if that pops off.. i dont wanna be trapped in a footprint when the time comes..so if i can only budget the full put up of the two rooms being framed along with a main back wall .. i dont like the flimsy garage doors u can kick thro... And the purchase of the 1000w mh.. id be good for now..i still gotta run a dedicated 8 '' exhaust and intake for both rooms..

so i think the minute i pull my crop down im gonna build the 2 larger rooms..hang my existing 2k lights in the flower room..get the mh hooked up..and like u say itll be suffient till the day comes where i go out and by 2 or 3 more 1000watters..

btw..theres a limited amount of caregivers here..so if i can take on more and more patients ill make this a full time thing..oh as far as the cloner goes..i have a DYI bubbler i built but its small and only accomidates 6..im gonna buy the 30 site ezcloner..way compact design..

thanks for the input Gambler..
btw..theres a limited amount of caregivers here..so if i can take on more and more patients ill make this a full time thing...

wouldn't that be a nice full-time job. my area doesn't really allow for that vocation.

sounds like a plan man. 'course it never hurts to have a back-up... once you get that mh1000 hooked up, a backup hps would be nice to have around. the only danger there is that you'll start using your back-up regularily... and then need another backup :D
ur right i wanna be as economical as possible...but i want the room for expansion if that pops off.. i dont wanna be trapped in a footprint when the time comes..so if i can only budget the full put up of the two rooms being framed along with a main back wall .. i dont like the flimsy garage doors u can kick thro... And the purchase of the 1000w mh.. id be good for now..i still gotta run a dedicated 8 '' exhaust and intake for both rooms..

so i think the minute i pull my crop down im gonna build the 2 larger rooms..hang my existing 2k lights in the flower room..get the mh hooked up..and like u say itll be suffient till the day comes where i go out and by 2 or 3 more 1000watters..

btw..theres a limited amount of caregivers here..so if i can take on more and more patients ill make this a full time thing..oh as far as the cloner goes..i have a DYI bubbler i built but its small and only accomidates 6..im gonna buy the 30 site ezcloner..way compact design..

thanks for the input Gambler..
hellif i only had patiants that wanted me as there grower shit i'd rent a house just for strictly growing, nice cloneing room, big veg room and the mother of all flower rooms. LOL:hump:
ya well it been one hell of a day tel. just got the lights back on just now.went out at 4 2day.i was setting there watching the boobtoob and warm power outage, 10 min latter the wife calls me and says she just got fucking t- boned. thank god wife and other car just fine walk aways,but wife did go to Th ER for her knee. looked like one of my buds. LOL oh i mean a football. fucking cars totaled. this oldman planing bumper pool with a tele pole, and my wifes left rear quarter panle.if he would not of hither he would have went right over the edge, about 60 strait drope off. one lucky man. could have been very seriose if not fatle. god was out full force 2day bro, thats for sure. anway done with the ramblen what did i miss anything. i see your up for something BIG. thats the way you do it money for nothing and your chicks for free.
Ya it sweet I'm only gonna work for 8 patients at most. Will be half way there by end of summer. So much better than running a 20 kw show. The bain of all business is growing slow enough to keep true to your cash flow. This is the worst business to have employees in.
Yeah well I say best of luck to anyone that tries to come near my plants coz they will need it lol.

you look like an assassin.. definatly wouldnt fuck with your plants... it sucks there are douchebags out there that steal peoples shit anyways... if they knew what went into what we did i dont think they would do it... true stoners/growers have nothing but love for other stoners/growers...

hmm im guessin for me the 15th or the19th ...

im saying between the 11th and 18th.. thatll be week 9 for me... i think im going to feed all the girls one last dose of full nutes then its flushing time!! its almost done... looks like we will all be smoking our stuff here soon enough... :blsmoke:

oh, and TM, hoping the package arives here today so i can send your out... its all packaged and ready.. just need the address to send it to!

im going to feed 2day for the last time then its flush city.ya.i updated pics earlier in my new 5th grow journal. i can't wait now.

cant wait to see the end product! how much you thinking your pulling off of them??

glad to hear your wifes and everybody was ok... sorry bout her knee.. but glad it wasnt worse for sure...

Im flushing next week, Ive been patient enough now!

hope you get a fat crop too!

Ya it sweet I'm only gonna work for 8 patients at most. Will be half way there by end of summer. So much better than running a 20 kw show. The bain of all business is growing slow enough to keep true to your cash flow. This is the worst business to have employees in.

i dont mind doing this business alone anyways.. its relaxing.. my get away from reality... i always feel like im on another planet or in another world when im in my grow room.. outside world doesnt matter...
thanksbro. i going to guess between the 5 plant maybe 1/4pound if lucky. way more if i would of started them. free weed is better then no weed.
ya well it been one hell of a day tel. just got the lights back on just now.went out at 4 2day.i was setting there watching the boobtoob and warm power outage, 10 min latter the wife calls me and says she just got fucking t- boned. thank god wife and other car just fine walk aways,but wife did go to Th ER for her knee. looked like one of my buds. LOL oh i mean a football. fucking cars totaled. this oldman planing bumper pool with a tele pole, and my wifes left rear quarter panle.if he would not of hither he would have went right over the edge, about 60 strait drope off. one lucky man. could have been very seriose if not fatle. god was out full force 2day bro, thats for sure. anway done with the ramblen what did i miss anything. i see your up for something BIG. thats the way you do it money for nothing and your chicks for free.

Damn sorry bout the car and the old ladies knee..that kind of day really suks...i hate drama.
Damn sorry bout the car and the old ladies knee..that kind of day really suks...i hate drama.
thanks bro,ya i wasafuck messtell i got to the accedent and see that thing got blowen out of purportion thik most things in the world. but man tell then wooo weee:hump: i see your awake finaly..... were you a sleepy head.
hey pinner..glad u could utilize a few patients like myself. Da Gambler, thanks again for ur advice..ill make sure to get u the link wen the new journal and contruction take place..

ya im not like 0akland..or sonoma countie..were 1 patient can have like 72.. but here the more patients the fill thier info out with the state (departement of health)..and list U...U become there primary caregiver..the only 1 legally sanctioned to hook them..and charge them..and hold 6 plants for them..i know a guy locally that has over 55 patients...i dont plant on that or anything..just a handful..giving me around the 30 mark..it is and will be a full time job...and itll bring me to the point where i can spend more time with the family..provide a needed service...and have fun with it too. im a aware of the risks and accepted them..no preaching needed here..i have spent about 1/5 of my adult life in prison..so im trying to skip that too familiar scene at this point in my life.
sleepn in i wuz...old lady slept on the couch last night gave me the entire king bed..and left to work be4 i even say her..whowhoo
are you gonna be in trouble when she gets home for letting her sleep on the couch?? mine gets shitty if i dont wake her ass up and bring her to bed...