Im flushing next week, Ive been patient enough now!
i still think i wanna expand my flower room so i can easly run the lights in a str8 series...and have plenty of room ...hmm. and i wanna add some patients..me and my gurl are both caregivers now..and will have 2 patients and may add more..my plant numbers might be up around 24-30...
btw..theres a limited amount of caregivers here..so if i can take on more and more patients ill make this a full time thing...
hellif i only had patiants that wanted me as there grower shit i'd rent a house just for strictly growing, nice cloneing room, big veg room and the mother of all flower rooms. LOLur right i wanna be as economical as possible...but i want the room for expansion if that pops off.. i dont wanna be trapped in a footprint when the time comes..so if i can only budget the full put up of the two rooms being framed along with a main back wall .. i dont like the flimsy garage doors u can kick thro... And the purchase of the 1000w mh.. id be good for now..i still gotta run a dedicated 8 '' exhaust and intake for both rooms..
so i think the minute i pull my crop down im gonna build the 2 larger rooms..hang my existing 2k lights in the flower room..get the mh hooked up..and like u say itll be suffient till the day comes where i go out and by 2 or 3 more 1000watters..
btw..theres a limited amount of caregivers here..so if i can take on more and more patients ill make this a full time thing..oh as far as the cloner goes..i have a DYI bubbler i built but its small and only accomidates 6..im gonna buy the 30 site ezcloner..way compact design..
thanks for the input Gambler..
Yeah well I say best of luck to anyone that tries to come near my plants coz they will need it lol.
hmm im guessin for me the 15th or the19th ...
im going to feed 2day for the last time then its flush city.ya.i updated pics earlier in my new 5th grow journal. i can't wait now.
Im flushing next week, Ive been patient enough now!
Ya it sweet I'm only gonna work for 8 patients at most. Will be half way there by end of summer. So much better than running a 20 kw show. The bain of all business is growing slow enough to keep true to your cash flow. This is the worst business to have employees in.
it should. im onlygetting half so ill see. ya 60 days my vegers should be ready when my last 2 plant are done, and i'dsay thats about 50 day left for them.amen to that....itll at least get you by for a few weeks right? your on a 60 days cycle right?
ya well it been one hell of a day tel. just got the lights back on just now.went out at 4 2day.i was setting there watching the boobtoob and warm power outage, 10 min latter the wife calls me and says she just got fucking t- boned. thank god wife and other car just fine walk aways,but wife did go to Th ER for her knee. looked like one of my buds. LOL oh i mean a football. fucking cars totaled. this oldman planing bumper pool with a tele pole, and my wifes left rear quarter panle.if he would not of hither he would have went right over the edge, about 60 strait drope off. one lucky man. could have been very seriose if not fatle. god was out full force 2day bro, thats for sure. anway done with the ramblen what did i miss anything. i see your up for something BIG. thats the way you do it money for nothing and your chicks for free.
thanks bro,ya i wasafuck messtell i got to the accedent and see that thing got blowen out of purportion thik most things in the world. but man tell then wooo weeeDamn sorry bout the car and the old ladies knee..that kind of day really suks...i hate drama.